• 基于OpenCV的视频图像组态 (14):音量控制


    播放软件,慢慢地有了声音控制的需求,在网上找了一下,用Core Audio APIS 音频应用开发即可。入门稍慢,不过用起来很简单。整理了一个类供调用。

    class TCbwAudioEndpointVolumeCallback;

    typedef void __fastcall (__closure * TOnVoiceNotifyEvent)(bool bMuted, int fMasterVolume);

    class TCbwVolumeControl {


        TCbwAudioEndpointVolumeCallback * EPVolEvents;

        TOnVoiceNotifyEvent FOnVoiceNotify;

        bool FValid;

        bool __fastcall HRStatus(HRESULT hr, UnicodeString info);

        void __fastcall Prework();

        void __fastcall AfterWork();

        int __fastcall GetMasterVolume();

        void __fastcall SetMasterVolume(int value);

        bool __fastcall GetMuted();

        void __fastcall SetMuted(bool value);


        __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl();

        __fastcall ~TCbwVolumeControl();

        __property bool IsValid = { read = FValid };

        __property int MasterVolume = { read = GetMasterVolume, write = SetMasterVolume };

        __property bool Muted = { read = GetMuted, write = SetMuted };

        __property TOnVoiceNotifyEvent OnVoiceNotify = { read = FOnVoiceNotify, write = FOnVoiceNotify };

        void __fastcall OnNotifyFromCallback(bool bMuted, float fMasterVolume);


    extern TCbwVolumeControl * GlobalVolumeControl;

    TCbwVolumeControl * GlobalVolumeControl = NULL;

    IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator = NULL;

    IMMDevice *pDevice = NULL;

    IAudioEndpointVolume *g_pEndptVol = NULL;

    #define SAFE_RELEASE(punk)

    if ((punk) != NULL)

    { (punk)->Release(); (punk) = NULL; }

    #define EXIT_ON_ERROR(hr)

    if (FAILED(hr)) return;

    __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::TCbwVolumeControl() {

        EPVolEvents = new TCbwAudioEndpointVolumeCallback;

        FOnVoiceNotify = NULL;

        EPVolEvents->ParentControl = this;



    __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::~TCbwVolumeControl() {


        delete EPVolEvents;


    bool __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::HRStatus(HRESULT hr, UnicodeString info) {

        if (FAILED(hr)) {

            DRGRAPH_DEBUG(THelper::FormatString(L"CALL %s FAILED!", info));

            return false;


        return true;


    void __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::Prework() {

        FValid = false;

        pEnumerator = NULL;

        pDevice = NULL;

        g_pEndptVol = NULL;

        GUID g_guidMyContext = GUID_NULL;


        if (HRStatus(CoCreateGuid(&g_guidMyContext),


            if (HRStatus(CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), NULL,

                CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator),

                (void**)&pEnumerator), L"CoCreateInstance"))

                if (HRStatus(pEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole,

                    &pDevice), L"pEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint"))

                    if (HRStatus(pDevice->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioEndpointVolume),

                        CLSCTX_ALL, NULL, (void**)&g_pEndptVol),


                        if (HRStatus(g_pEndptVol->RegisterControlChangeNotify



                            FValid = true;


    void __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::AfterWork() {

        if (pEnumerator != NULL) {


                ((IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback*) EPVolEvents),








    int __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::GetMasterVolume() {

        float pfLevel = 0;



        return pfLevel * 100 + 0.5;


    void __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::SetMasterVolume(int value) {

        float fVolume = value / 100.0;


            &GUID_NULL), L"pAudioEndpointVolume->SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar");


    void __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::OnNotifyFromCallback(bool bMuted,

        float fMasterVolume) {

        if (FOnVoiceNotify)

            FOnVoiceNotify(bMuted, fMasterVolume * 100 + 0.5);


    bool __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::GetMuted() {

        int muted = false;


        return muted;


    void __fastcall TCbwVolumeControl::SetMuted(bool value) {


            &GUID_NULL), L"pAudioEndpointVolume->SetMute");




    void __fastcall TMainForm::OnVoiceNotify(bool bMuted, int fMasterVolume) {
        Button_Mute->EditValue = bMuted;
        Button_Volume->EditValue = fMasterVolume;

    void __fastcall TMainForm::Button_MutePropertiesEditValueChanged(TObject *Sender) {
        bool muted = Button_Mute->CurEditValue;
        int volume = Button_Volume->CurEditValue;
        ShowStatus(THelper::FormatString(L"%d, %s", volume, muted ? L"Muted" : L"Sound"));
        FVolumeControl->MasterVolume = volume;
        FVolumeControl->Muted = muted;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/drgraph/p/8080383.html
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