• objdump section

    attribute有属性的含义,一般出现在代码中是用来定义“编译属性”的,当我们需要将C语言代码中的某个部分编译后链接到某个特定的段时,就需要在这个部分前面加上__attribute__((section(段名))),例如在代码中使用了__attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector")))将实现的中断向量表数组设置为.isr_vector段的位置,等待链接器链接到.isr_vector段中。


           使用反汇编命令 arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector。




    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3#  arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector int_vector.o
    int_vector.o:     file format elf32-littlearm
    architecture: arm, flags 0x00000011:
    start address 0x00000000
    private flags = 5000000: [Version5 EABI]
    Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
      3 .isr_vector   0000026c  00000000  00000000  00000050  2**2
                      CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, RELOC, DATA
    00000000 l    d  .isr_vector    00000000 .isr_vector
    00000000 g     O .isr_vector    0000026c g_pfnVectors
    RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.isr_vector]:
    OFFSET   TYPE              VALUE 
    00000004 R_ARM_ABS32       reset_handler
    00000008 R_ARM_ABS32       NmiSR
    0000000c R_ARM_ABS32       FaultISR
    00000010 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000014 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000018 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000002c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000030 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000038 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000003c R_ARM_ABS32       systick_handler
    00000040 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000044 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000048 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000004c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000050 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000054 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000058 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000005c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000060 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000064 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000068 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000006c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000070 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000074 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000078 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000007c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000080 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000084 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000088 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000008c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000090 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000094 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000098 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000009c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000a0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000a4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000a8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000ac R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000b0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000b4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000b8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000bc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000c0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000c4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000c8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000cc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000d0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000d4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000d8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000dc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000e0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000e4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000e8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000ec R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000f0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000f4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000f8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000000fc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000100 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000104 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000108 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000010c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000110 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000114 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000118 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000011c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000120 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000124 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000128 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000012c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000130 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000134 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000138 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000013c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000150 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000154 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000158 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000015c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001b0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001b4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001b8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001bc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001c0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001c4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001c8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001cc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001d0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001d4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001d8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001dc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001e0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001e4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001e8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001ec R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001f0 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001f4 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001f8 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    000001fc R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000200 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000204 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000208 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000210 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000214 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000218 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000021c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000220 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000224 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000228 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000022c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000230 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000234 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000238 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000023c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000240 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000244 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000248 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000024c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000250 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000254 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000258 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    0000025c R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000260 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000264 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    00000268 R_ARM_ABS32       IntDefaultHandler
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3# cat int_vector.c
    #include "os_stdio.h"
    void ResetISR(void);
    static void NmiSR(void);
    static void FaultISR(void);
    static void IntDefaultHandler(void);
    extern unsigned long _etext;
    extern unsigned long _data;
    extern unsigned long _edata;
    extern unsigned long _stack_bottom;
    extern unsigned long _stack_top;
    extern void reset_handler(void);
    extern void systick_handler(void);
    __attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector")))void (*g_pfnVectors[])(void) =
        0x2000c000,                             // StackPtr, set in RestetISR
        ((unsigned int)reset_handler + 1),      // The reset handler
        NmiSR,                                  // The NMI handler
        FaultISR,                               // The hard fault handler
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // The MPU fault handler
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // The bus fault handler
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // The usage fault handler
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // SVCall handler
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Debug monitor handler
        0,                                      // Reserved
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // The PendSV handler
        systick_handler,                      // The SysTick handler
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port C
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port D
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port E
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART0 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART1 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI0 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C0 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Fault
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC Sequence 3
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Watchdog timer
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 0 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 1 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 2 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Analog Comparator 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // System Control (PLL, OSC, BO)
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // FLASH Control
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port F
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port G
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port H
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART2 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI1 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 3 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C1 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // CAN2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Ethernet
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Hibernate
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // USB0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM Generator 3
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Software Transfer
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // uDMA Error
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // ADC1 Sequence 3
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2S0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // External Bus Interface 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port J
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port K
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port L
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI2 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // SSI3 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART3 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART4 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART5 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART6 Rx and Tx
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // UART7 Rx and Tx
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C2 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C3 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 4 subtimer B
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        0,                                      // Reserved
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Timer 5 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 0 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 1 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 2 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 3 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 4 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer A
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Wide Timer 5 subtimer B
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // FPU
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PECI 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // LPC 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C4 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // I2C5 Master and Slave
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port M
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port N
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Quadrature Encoder 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // Fan 0
        0,                                      // Reserved
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P (Summary or P0)
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P3
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P4
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P5
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P6
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port P7
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q (Summary or Q0)
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q3
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q4
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q5
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q6
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port Q7
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port R
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // GPIO Port S
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 0
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 1
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 2
        IntDefaultHandler,                      // PWM 1 Generator 3
        IntDefaultHandler                       // PWM 1 Fault
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3# objdump -s -j .text  rtos.elf 
    rtos.elf:     file format elf32-littlearm
    Contents of section .text:
     0000 00c00020 b90c0000 6d020000 73020000  ... ....m...s...
     0010 79020000 79020000 79020000 00000000  y...y...y.......
     0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 79020000  ............y...
     0030 79020000 00000000 79020000 c1020000  y.......y.......
     0040 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0050 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0060 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0070 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0080 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0090 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00a0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00b0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00c0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00d0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00e0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     00f0 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0100 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0110 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0120 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0130 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
     0140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
     0150 79020000 79020000 79020000 79020000  y...y...y...y...
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3#  arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector rtos.elf 
    rtos.elf:     file format elf32-littlearm
    architecture: arm, flags 0x00000112:
    start address 0x00000000
    Program Header:
        LOAD off    0x00010000 vaddr 0x00000000 paddr 0x00000000 align 2**16
             filesz 0x00000d80 memsz 0x00000d80 flags r-x
    private flags = 5000200: [Version5 EABI] [soft-float ABI]
    Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
    arm-none-eabi-objdump: section '.isr_vector' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3# ls
    cm3.c  cm3.o  cm3_s.o  cm3_s.s  include  int_vector.c  int_vector.o  main.c  main.o  Makefile  os_stdio.c  os_stdio.o  rtos.bin  rtos.dis  rtos.elf  rtos.ld
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3#  arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector cm3.o
    cm3.o:     file format elf32-littlearm
    architecture: arm, flags 0x00000011:
    start address 0x00000000
    private flags = 5000000: [Version5 EABI]
    Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
    arm-none-eabi-objdump: section '.isr_vector' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3#  arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector cm3
    cm3.c    cm3.o    cm3_s.o  cm3_s.s  
    root@ubuntu:~/arm/rtos/02_cm3#  arm-none-eabi-objdump -x -j.isr_vector cm3_s.o
    cm3_s.o:     file format elf32-littlearm
    architecture: arm, flags 0x00000011:
    start address 0x00000000
    private flags = 5000000: [Version5 EABI]
    Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
    arm-none-eabi-objdump: section '.isr_vector' mentioned in a -j option, but not found in any input file
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/15901069.html
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