• YbtOJ:NOIP2020 模拟赛B组 Day10

    YbtOJ:NOIP2020 模拟赛B组 Day10


    A. 硬币游戏







    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #define min_(_,__) (_ < __ ? _ : __)
    #define nn 100010
    using namespace std;
    void flread(double &a) {
    	a = 0;
    	char c = getchar();
    	while(c < '0' || c > '9')c = getchar();
    	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    		a = a * 10.0 + 1.0 * (c - '0'),
    		c = getchar();
    	if(c == '.') {
    		c = getchar();
    		double x = 0.1;
    		while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
    			a = a + (c - '0') * 1.0 * x;
    			x /= 10;
    			c = getchar();
    int n;
    double ans;
    double a[nn] , b[nn];
    double suma , sumb;
    int ope[nn] , ansop[nn];//这两个其实没什么用,只是为了方便我理解答案而添加的
    void dfs(int x , double cost) {
    	if(x == n + 1) {
    		double tmp = (suma < sumb ? suma : sumb) - 1.0 * cost;
    		if(ans < tmp) {
    			ans = tmp;
    			for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    				ansop[i] = ope[i];
    ope[x] = 0;
    	dfs(x + 1 , cost);//不猜 
    	suma += a[x];
    ope[x] = 1;
    	dfs(x + 1 , cost + 1);//猜小 
    	sumb += b[x];
    ope[x] = 2;
    	dfs(x + 1 , cost + 2);//猜大猜小 
    	suma -= a[x];
    ope[x] = 3;
    	dfs(x + 1 , cost + 1);//猜大 
    	sumb -= b[x];
    int main() {
    	cin >> n;
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    		flread(a[i]) ,flread(b[i]);
    	dfs(1 , 0);
    " , ans);
    //	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    //		cout << ansop[i] << '	';
    	return 0;




    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <algorithm>
    #define nn 100010
    #define fabs(_) (_ < 0 ? -_ : _)
    #define min_(_ , __) (_ < __ ? _ : __)
    using namespace std;
    bool cmp(double a , double b){return a > b;}
    void flread(double &a) {
    	a = 0;
    	char c = getchar();
    	while(c < '0' || c > '9')c = getchar();
    	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    		a = a * 10.0 + 1.0 * (c - '0'),
    		c = getchar();
    	if(c == '.') {
    		c = getchar();
    		double x = 0.1;
    		while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
    			a = a + (c - '0') * 1.0 * x;
    			x /= 10;
    			c = getchar();
    int n;
    double ans;
    double a[nn] , b[nn];
    double suma[nn] , sumb[nn];//前缀和
    double count(int x) {
    	int tmp = min_(x , n);
    //	cout << tmp << endl;
    	double delta = 0;
    	double k = 0;
    	for(int i = 0 ; i <= tmp ; i++)//枚举猜大的次数
    		if(min_(suma[i] , sumb[x - i]) > k)
    			k = min_(suma[i] , sumb[x - i]);
    	return k;
    int main() {
    	cin >> n;
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    		flread(a[i]) ,flread(b[i]);
    	sort(a + 1 , a + n + 1 , cmp);
    	sort(b + 1 , b + n + 1 , cmp);
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    		suma[i] = suma[i - 1] +  a[i] , sumb[i] = sumb[i - 1] + b[i];
    	double ans = 0;
    	for(int i = 0 ; i <= 2 * n ; i++) {//枚举下注次数
    		double tmp = count(i) - 1.0 * i;
    		if(tmp > ans)
    			ans = tmp;
    	printf("%.4f" , ans);
    	return 0;


    在方法二的基础上,我们不难想到,最后的count函数要找的就是(min {^{suma_i}_{sumb_{x-i}})的最大值,由于前缀和数组又是递增的,所以我们考虑二分找一个i,满足(suma_i<sumb_{x-i} and suma_{i+1}>=sumb_{x-i-1}),时间复杂度(O(nlog n))(只要不是老人机就能过)


    double count(int x) {//其他部分和方法二一模一样
    	int l , r = min_(x , n);
    	l = x > n ? x - n : 0;
    	int tmp = r;
    //	cout << tmp << endl;
    	while(l < r) {
    		int mid = (l + r) / 2;
    		if((l + r) & 1)
    		if(suma[mid] > sumb[x - mid])
    			r = mid - 1;
    			l = mid;
    //	cout << l << endl;
    	if(suma[l] == sumb[x - l])return suma[l];
    	double p = min_(suma[l] , sumb[x - l]);
    	double q = (l + 1 <= n && x - l + 1 >= 0) ? (min_(suma[l + 1] , sumb[x - l - 1])) : -999;
    	return p > q ? p : q;



    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    int random(int r , int l = 1) {
    	return r == l ? l : (long long)rand() * rand() % (r - l) + l;
    void frand() {
    	printf("%d.%d" , //*
    	random(3) == 1 ? random(5) : 1/*/random(1000)//*/
    	 , random(100));
    int main() {
    	unsigned seed;
    	cin >> seed;
    	seed *= time(0);
    	int n = random(1e4);
    " , n);
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++) {
    		putchar(' ');
    	return 0;

    B. 开采矿物









    [f_i=max{^{f_{i+1}}_{x_icdot w+f_{i+1}cdot (1.0 - 0.01 cdot k)} ]


    [f_i=max{^{f_{i+1}}_{-x_icdot w+f_{i+1}cdot (1.0 + 0.01 cdot c)} ]


    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #define max_(_ , __) (_ > __ ? _ : __)
    using namespace std;
    int read() {
    	int re = 0 , sig = 1;
    	char c = getchar();
    	while(c < '0' || c > '9') {
    		if(c == '-')sig = -1;
    		c = getchar();
    	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    		re = (re << 1) + (re << 3) + c - '0',
    		c = getchar();
    	return re * sig;
    int n , k , c , w;
    int x[100010];
    int ty[100010];
    double f;
    int main() {
    	freopen("exploit.in" , "r" , stdin);
    	freopen("exploit.out" , "w" , stdout);
    	n = read() , k = read() , c = read() , w = read();
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    		ty[i] = read() , x[i] = read();
    	for(int i = n ; i > 0 ; i--)
    		if(ty[i] == 1)
    			f = max_(f , x[i] * w + f * (1.0 - 0.01 * k));
    			f = max_(f , -x[i] * w + f * (1.0 + 0.01 * c));
    	printf("%.2f" , f);
    	return 0;

    C. 平衡的树






    看了下别人的代码,是直接(con+min (a,b)) 而我的比较复杂:

    		int b_ = b;
    		if(a < b)b -= a;
    		else	b = 0;
    		if(suma - con > b) b = suma - con;//suma-con:子树能够达到的最小的suma
    		res_con += con + b_ - b;





    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #define nn 200010
    #define int long long//原谅我一开始没注意,后来懒得一个个改long long
    using namespace std;
    int read() {
    	int re = 0 , sig = 1;
    	char c = getchar();
    	while(c < '0' || c > '9') {
    		if(c == '-')sig = -1;
    		c = getchar();
    	while(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    		re = (re << 1) + (re << 3) + c - '0',
    		c = getchar();
    	return re * sig;
    struct ednode{
    	int to , nxt , a , b;
    }ed[nn * 2];
    int head[nn];
    void addedge(int u , int v , int a , int b) {
    	static int top = 1;
    	ed[top].a = a , ed[top].b = b , ed[top].to = v , ed[top].nxt = head[u] , head[u] = top;
    int n;
    int ope;
    pair <int,int> dfs(int x) {
    	int res_con = 0 , res_suma = 0;
    	for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = ed[i].nxt) {
    		int to = ed[i].to , a = ed[i].a , b = ed[i].b;
    		pair <int,int> tmp = dfs(to);
    		int con = tmp.first , suma = tmp.second;
    		if(suma - con > b) {
    //			cout << x << "	" << to << endl;
    		if(suma > b) {
    			con -= suma - b;
    			ope += suma - b;
    			suma = b;
    /*		else {
    			con += b - suma;
    			if(a - (b - suma) < 0)
    				con -= b - suma - a;
    		int b_ = b;
    		if(a < b)b -= a;
    		else	b = 0;
    		if(suma - con > b) b = suma - con;
    		res_con += con + b_ - b;
    		res_suma += a + suma;
    	return make_pair(res_con , res_suma);
    signed main() {
    //	freopen("tree.in" , "r" , stdin);
    //	freopen("tree.out" , "w" , stdout);
    	n = read();
    	for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {
    		int u = read() , v = read() , a = read() , b = read();
    		addedge(u , v , a , b);
    	cout << ope;
    	return 0;


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    int random(int r , int l = 1) {
    	return r ==l ? l : (long long)rand() * rand() % (r - l) + l;
    int main() {
    	unsigned seed;
    	cin >> seed;
    	seed *= time(0);
    	int n = random(100000);
    	cout << n << endl;
    	for(int i = 2 ; i <= n ; i++) {
    		printf("%d %d %d %d
    " , random(i - 1) , i , random(100) , random(1500));
    	return 0;


    1 2 28 630
    1 3 58 57
    1 4 67 132
    1 5 15 1043
    2 6 13 313
    4 7 34 678
    1 8 70 1291
    2 9 1 721
    1 10 75 6
    1 11 38 173
    7 12 55 1304
    8 13 63 897
    11 14 80 682
    13 15 79 990
    9 16 1 740
    7 17 91 934
    3 18 14 632
    9 19 66 1482
    13 20 9 1213
    18 21 88 328
    9 22 23 855
    11 23 61 806
    8 24 82 78
    23 25 95 404
    3 26 45 381
    19 27 55 1220
    14 28 78 1014
    7 29 12 742
    2 30 56 600
    15 31 13 64
    1 32 43 1205
    17 33 48 894
    17 34 79 487
    13 35 2 182
    15 36 87 1053
    9 37 10 89
    17 38 37 978
    10 39 32 713
    9 40 94 19
    19 41 28 775
    31 42 88 1164
    11 43 22 37
    34 44 11 152
    41 45 11 1206
    41 46 1 124
    16 47 40 1059
    25 48 45 440
    12 49 94 593
    14 50 37 657
    25 51 65 1301
    21 52 73 300
    7 53 63 315
    41 54 17 1
    25 55 7 64
    23 56 65 1013
    43 57 22 201
    22 58 34 1163
    4 59 16 40
    51 60 41 331
    55 61 33 1133
    5 62 7 236
    42 63 73 798
    21 64 33 665
    52 65 13 1448
    53 66 66 836
    65 67 38 751
    44 68 10 383
    12 69 8 126
    19 70 10 385
    5 71 82 405
    50 72 1 178
    4 73 1 911
    71 74 31 904
    69 75 34 1430
    28 76 55 357
    17 77 1 1272
    9 78 73 490
    55 79 51 1273
    12 80 56 1084
    38 81 10 1084
    51 82 45 1212
    77 83 12 821
    49 84 55 583
    15 85 1 129
    53 86 90 49
    83 87 91 651
    47 88 82 1333
    12 89 7 1492
    37 90 34 436
    34 91 27 57
    1 92 91 539
    72 93 67 828
    25 94 64 447
    61 95 31 968
    13 96 59 60
    66 97 97 909
    49 98 56 637
    57 99 61 1441
    93 100 31 326
    22 101 29 559
    83 102 65 185
    83 103 73 203
    17 104 41 244
    55 105 21 947
    70 106 16 503
    51 107 80 579
    67 108 33 752
    55 109 16 346
    91 110 28 866
    15 111 54 868
    81 112 90 687
    82 113 28 1114
    99 114 34 1302
    29 115 52 372
    27 116 34 316
    35 117 43 138
    22 118 19 1440
    76 119 1 445
    115 120 49 762
    24 121 41 859
    67 122 31 764
    95 123 21 1422
    21 124 7 933
    123 125 72 1499
    25 126 40 1252
    125 127 99 855
    1 128 55 634
    109 129 32 1249
    108 130 6 739
    72 131 19 177
    113 132 52 716
    47 133 58 1128
    26 134 1 915
    102 135 75 382
    38 136 35 649
    23 137 67 650
    91 138 62 7
    98 139 46 97
    71 140 70 372
    86 141 5 1319
    71 142 50 1361
    75 143 79 86
    47 144 55 437
    115 145 1 210
    66 146 47 1447
    7 147 40 778
    23 148 52 12
    109 149 76 500
    121 150 72 461
    46 151 82 1254
    91 152 58 1145
    65 153 1 697
    35 154 10 933
    58 155 52 205
    95 156 61 1111
    45 157 26 1139
    16 158 94 118
    35 159 69 1151
    28 160 49 1217
    13 161 12 1486
    89 162 1 1089
    129 163 37 502
    73 164 96 618
    134 165 30 982
    111 166 37 1214
    130 167 41 339
    55 168 90 905
    98 169 16 1088
    106 170 27 1384
    119 171 41 440
    95 172 72 72
    153 173 82 228
    119 174 43 42
    72 175 97 1143
    110 176 4 603
    151 177 98 1497
    15 178 76 716
    110 179 10 994
    113 180 1 740
    105 181 83 386
    177 182 40 636
    125 183 7 1285
    1 184 40 449
    76 185 46 56
    177 186 67 205
    75 187 59 889
    79 188 12 535
    169 189 94 280
    1 190 59 575
    78 191 28 348
    57 192 10 901
    22 193 91 218
    139 194 88 1326
    16 195 2 1204
    142 196 91 745
    49 197 51 1188
    107 198 66 1404
    74 199 43 680
    149 200 25 1450
    9 201 24 953
    181 202 89 1024
    77 203 5 852
    39 204 33 1107
    183 205 12 154
    109 206 91 1100
    181 207 64 795
    101 208 82 671
    58 209 30 1343
    179 210 92 377
    152 211 49 1091
    113 212 88 706
    46 213 5 1470
    4 214 98 877
    167 215 23 1184
    213 216 46 1199
    16 217 18 672
    84 218 13 1280
    137 219 7 446
    176 220 89 724
    94 221 67 320
    129 222 43 1050
    128 223 19 273
    75 224 70 298
    22 225 55 263
    219 226 43 313
    209 227 34 1275
    213 228 91 1287
    12 229 17 162
    59 230 67 855
    163 231 59 698
    67 232 79 674
    163 233 1 409
    146 234 16 1281
    226 235 49 1031
    121 236 91 1170
    121 237 1 160
    89 238 2 1170
    58 239 85 1156
    230 240 18 633
    182 241 56 1345
    49 242 61 1002
    102 243 67 1404
    183 244 36 120
    62 245 13 270
    116 246 61 648
    192 247 43 659
    202 248 57 1076
    103 249 85 1188
    235 250 11 909
    3 251 34 663
    137 252 83 953
    134 253 31 175
    91 254 54 879
    28 255 73 474
    80 256 64 602
    94 257 78 1174
    75 258 19 1014
    72 259 22 613
    49 260 77 1427
    160 261 1 882
    246 262 94 192
    235 263 61 1275
    167 264 23 607
    144 265 4 1
    73 266 43 842
    76 267 78 218
    84 268 34 780
    34 269 79 549
    221 270 70 1023
    15 271 43 1088
    49 272 91 736
    262 273 34 796
    72 274 38 1244
    208 275 75 351
    270 276 78 214
    243 277 47 1213
    133 278 67 26
    11 279 40 1345
    145 280 37 1259
    217 281 44 899
    113 282 22 1326
    241 283 73 524
    145 284 1 1448
    144 285 10 1403
    57 286 61 63
    44 287 34 801
    183 288 94 61
    209 289 82 461
    118 290 25 330
    151 291 96 945
    201 292 64 935
    45 293 10 1209
    287 294 28 1142
    230 295 67 175
    277 296 14 292
    102 297 84 390
    198 298 53 83
    157 299 4 1202
    89 300 59 573
    57 301 14 815
    64 302 76 1055
    7 303 5 195
    40 304 43 825
    37 305 54 57
    303 306 14 1120
    165 307 27 304
    87 308 67 1116
    181 309 30 462
    295 310 83 360
    103 311 58 188
    255 312 82 626
    251 313 30 240
    257 314 27 1239
    166 315 16 701
    205 316 31 138
    136 317 1 867
    217 318 50 116
    52 319 73 370
    310 320 39 236
    111 321 9 46
    184 322 91 308
    304 323 61 340
    93 324 34 269
    115 325 4 17
    91 326 1 124
    223 327 10 518
    172 328 6 241
    229 329 55 616
    150 330 90 915
    58 331 98 551
    73 332 94 1032
    119 333 19 538
    167 334 8 210
    25 335 15 215
    171 336 19 1
    164 337 38 48
    286 338 37 1417
    307 339 7 1425
    259 340 1 400
    146 341 23 1340
    35 342 45 1171
    105 343 34 295
    253 344 7 35
    185 345 84 854
    177 346 27 1129
    33 347 45 899
    88 348 13 788
    279 349 92 839
    195 350 71 433
    316 351 19 380
    132 352 12 439
    301 353 52 676
    223 354 64 459
    167 355 57 349
    325 356 62 972
    296 357 74 862
    133 358 3 686
    266 359 90 1315
    293 360 82 346
    104 361 15 192
    126 362 78 1495
    47 363 56 478
    71 364 28 889
    301 365 58 1019
    94 366 52 595
    154 367 34 85
    118 368 36 330
    69 369 22 585
    91 370 46 1336
    307 371 61 1247
    75 372 56 188
    1 373 12 48
    349 374 22 685
    372 375 64 1485
    298 376 94 279
    155 377 21 106
    161 378 1 1316
    372 379 80 997
    156 380 28 1436
    135 381 97 1302
    357 382 84 1052
    347 383 82 608
    67 384 46 1328
    183 385 92 95
    347 386 52 1101
    57 387 27 372
    49 388 10 1132
    292 389 99 807
    53 390 91 64
    188 391 41 1429
    366 392 55 844
    320 393 44 943
    244 394 41 1495
    274 395 82 326
    188 396 18 640
    145 397 54 870
    145 398 64 645
    148 399 55 390
    46 400 16 533
    175 401 22 962
    235 402 92 350
    77 403 73 537
    149 404 88 791
    20 405 92 331
    317 406 23 1257
    64 407 56 1349
    343 408 82 492
    135 409 56 269
    370 410 23 1290
    105 411 85 1190
    61 412 43 1226
    31 413 44 535
    78 414 96 171
    101 415 98 568
    40 416 58 105
    59 417 53 141
    394 418 39 342
    300 419 76 407
    21 420 1 1020
    343 421 56 318

    D. 挺好序列




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream1024/p/14062316.html
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