- Guava : Google Collection
- Apache:Commons Collecton
1.1 Google Collections
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/** * Guava集合框架 * @author qjc * * 2016-3-12 */ public class Demo { /** * 只读设置 */ @Test public void testGuava1(){ List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("a"); list.add("b"); list.add("c"); //对原有的list进行包装,相当于原有List的一个试图,快照,不够安全 List<String> readList = Collections.unmodifiableList(list); //java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException // readList.add("d"); list.add("d"); //改变原有List 试图也一起改变 //对比查看初始化List guava对只读设置 安全可靠,并且相对简单 List<String> immutableList = ImmutableList.of("a","b","c"); immutableList.add("d");//java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException } /** * 函数式编程:过滤器 */ @Test public void testGuava2(){ //创建List 静态初始化 List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList("moon","son","dad","refer"); //找出回文 palindronme backwoeds mirror words Collection<String> palindromeList = Collections2.filter(list, new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { //业务逻辑 return new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString().equals(input); } }); for(String temp : palindromeList){ System.out.println(temp); //输出结果:dad refer } } /** * 函数式编程:转换 */ @Test public void testGuava3(){ Set<Long> timeSet = Sets.newHashSet(); //类型转换 timeSet.add(19990701L); timeSet.add(20080808L); timeSet.add(20161212L); Collection<String> timeStrCol = Collections2.transform(timeSet, new Function<Long,String>(){ @Override public String apply(Long input) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(input); } }); for(String temp : timeStrCol){ System.out.println(temp); } } /** * 组合式函数编程 * 确保容器中的字符串长度不超过5,超过进行截取,然后全部大写 */ @Test public void testGuava4(){ List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList("abcde","good","happiness"); //确保容器中的字符串长度不超过5 Function<String, String> f1 = new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input.length()>5?input.substring(0, 5):input; } }; //转成大写 Function<String, String> f2 = new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { return input.toUpperCase(); } }; //String = f2(f1(String)) Function<String, String> f = Functions.compose(f1, f2); Collection<String> resultCol = Collections2.transform(list, f); for(String str:resultCol){ System.out.println(str); /* * 输出结果: ABCDE GOOD HAPPI */ } } /** * 加入约束:非空、长度验证 */ @Test public void testGuava5(){ Set<String> sets = Sets.newHashSet(); //创建约束 Constraint<String> constraint = new Constraint<String>() { @Override public String checkElement(String element) { //非空验证 Preconditions.checkNotNull(element); //长度验证 5~20位字符串 Preconditions.checkArgument(element.length()>=5 && element.length()<20); return element; } }; Set<String> cs = Constraints.constrainedSet(sets, constraint); // cs.add(null); //java.lang.NullPointerException // cs.add("abcd"); //java.lang.IllegalArgumentException cs.add("abcde");//ok } /** * 集合操作:交集、差集、并集 */ @Test public void testGuava6(){ Set<Integer> set1 =Sets.newHashSet(1,2,3,4); Set<Integer> set2 =Sets.newHashSet(3,4,5,6); //交集 SetView<Integer> inter = Sets.intersection(set1, set2); //差集 SetView<Integer> diff = Sets.difference(set1, set2); //并集 SetView<Integer> union = Sets.union(set1, set2); //遍历输出:交集 :3,4 差集:1,2,5,6 并集:1,2,3,4,5,6, } /** * 统计单词出现的次数 * 1、HashMap 分拣存储+面向对象思维 --->判断 * 2、Multiset:无序可重复 .count() 增强可读性+操作简单 */ @Test public void testGuava7(){ String str = "this is a cat and that is mice where is the food"; //分割字符串 String[] arr = str.split(" "); //存储到Multiset中 Multiset<String> set = HashMultiset.create(); for(String ss:arr){ set.add(ss); } //获取所有的单词set Set<String> letters = set.elementSet(); for(String temp:letters){ System.out.println(temp+":"+set.count(temp)); } } /** * 分析查看每个教师教授的没门课程 * Multimap key也可以重复 */ @Test public void testGuava8(){ Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); //加入测试数据 map.put("改革开放", "邓爷爷"); map.put("三个代表", "江主席"); map.put("科学发展观", "胡主席"); map.put("和谐社会", "胡主席"); map.put("八荣八耻", "胡主席"); //Multimap Multimap<String, String> teacher = ArrayListMultimap.create(); //迭代器 Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = map.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry<String, String> entry = it.next(); String key = entry.getKey(); //课程 String value = entry.getValue(); //教师 //教师--->课程 teacher.put(value, key); } //查看Multimap Set<String> keySet = teacher.keySet(); for(String key:keySet){ Collection<String> col = teacher.get(key); System.out.println(key+":"+col); } } /** * HashMap 键唯一,值可以重复 * BiMap:双向Map(bidirectional Map) 键与值不能重复(unique -valued map) */ @Test public void testGuava9(){ BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create(); biMap.put("sina", "@sina.com"); biMap.put("qq", "@qq.com"); //通过邮箱找用户 String user = biMap.inverse().get("@sina.com"); System.out.println(user); System.out.println(biMap.inverse().inverse()==biMap); } /** * 双键的Map -->Table --->rowKey+columnKye+value */ @Test public void testGuava10(){ Table<String, String, Integer> table = HashBasedTable.create(); //测试数据 table.put("龙傲天", "java", 50); table.put("龙傲天", "oracle", 60); table.put("福尔康", "java", 70); table.put("福尔康", "oracle", 100); //所有的行数据 Set<Cell<String, String, Integer>> cells = table.cellSet(); for(Cell<String, String, Integer> temp : cells){ System.out.println(temp.getRowKey()+":"+temp.getColumnKey()+":"+temp.getValue()); } /* 龙傲天:java:50 龙傲天:oracle:60 福尔康:java:70 福尔康:oracle:100*/ System.out.println("=======学生查看成绩========"); System.out.print("学生 "); //所有的课程 Set<String> cours = table.columnKeySet(); for(String t : cours){ System.out.print(t+" "); } System.out.println(); //所有的学生 Set<String> stus = table.rowKeySet(); for(String stu:stus){ System.out.print(stu+" "); Map<String,Integer> scores = table.row(stu); for(String c:cours){ System.out.print(scores.get(c)+" "); } System.out.println(); } /* 学生 java oracle 龙傲天 50 60 福尔康 70 100*/ } }
1) predicate
3.加入约束条件:非空 长度验证
5.Multiset Multimap BiMap