封装:面向对象三大特征 最核心 的一个特性 封装 <=> 整合
2.1 如何隐藏:在属性名前加前缀,就会实现一个对外隐藏属性效果
I : 在类外部无法直接访问双下滑线开头的属性,但知道了类名和属性名就可以拼出名字:_类名属性,然后就可以访问了,如Foo._A__N,所以说这种操作并没有严格意义上地限制外部访问,仅仅只是一种语法意义上的变形。
class Foo: __x = 1 # _Foo__x def __f1(self): # _Foo__f1 print('from test') print(Foo.__dict__) # {'__module__': '__main__', '_Foo__x': 1, '_Foo__f1': <function Foo.__f1 at 0x00C683D0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__doc__': None} print(Foo._Foo__x) # 1 print(Foo._Foo__f1) # <function Foo.__f1 at 0x00C683D0>
class Foo: __x = 1 # _Foo__x = 1 def __f1(self): # _Foo__f1 print('from test') def f2(self): print(self.__x) # print(self._Foo__x) print(self.__f1) # print(self._Foo__f1) # print(Foo.__x) # AttributeError: type object 'Foo' has no attribute '__x' # print(Foo.__f1) # AttributeError: type object 'Foo' has no attribute '__f1' obj=Foo() # 1 obj.f2() # <bound method Foo.__f1 of <__main__.Foo object at 0x0143B070>> class Foo: __x = 1 # _Foo__x = 1 def __f1(self): # _Foo__f1 print('from test') def f2(self): print(self.__x) # print(self._Foo__x) print(self.__f1) # print(self._Foo__f1) Foo.__y=3 print(Foo.__dict__) # {'__module__': '__main__', '_Foo__x': 1, '_Foo__f1': <function Foo.__f1 at 0x033A8418>, 'f2': <function Foo.f2 at 0x033A83D0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__y': 3} print(Foo.__y) # {'__module__': '__main__', '_Foo__x': 1, '_Foo__f1': <function Foo.__f1 at 0x033A8418>, 'f2': <function Foo.f2 at 0x033A83D0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Foo' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__y': 3} class Foo: __x = 1 # _Foo__x = 1 def __init__(self, name, age): self.__name = name self.__age = age obj = Foo('egon', 18) print(obj.__dict__) # {'_Foo__name': 'egon', '_Foo__age': 18} # print(obj.name, obj.age) # AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'name'
2.2 为何要隐藏
class People: def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name def get_name(self): # 通过该接口就可以间接地访问到名字属性 # print('小垃圾,不让看') print(self.__name) def set_name(self,val): if type(val) is not str: print('小垃圾,必须传字符串类型') return self.__name=val # 使用者:王鹏 obj = People('egon') # print(obj.name) # 无法直接用名字属性 # obj.set_name('EGON') obj.set_name(123123123) obj.get_name().withdraw()
# II、隐藏函数/方法属性:目的的是为了隔离复杂度 #举例: class ATM: def __card(self): #插卡 print('插卡') def __auth(self): #身份认证 print('用户认证') def __input(self): #输入金额 print('输入取款金额') def __print_bill(self): #打印小票 print('打印账单') def __take_money(self): #取钱 print('取款') def withdraw(self): #取款功能 self.__card() self.__auth() self.__input() self.__print_bill() self.__take_money()
# 新功能的可调用对象
# print(property)
""" 成人的BMI数值: 过轻:低于18.5 正常:18.5-23.9 过重:24-27 肥胖:28-32 非常肥胖, 高于32 体质指数(BMI)=体重(kg)÷身高^2(m) EX:70kg÷(1.75×1.75)=22.86 """ # 案例1: class People: def __init__(self, name, weight, height): self.name = name self.weight = weight self.height = height # 定义函数的原因1: # 1、从bmi的公式上看,bmi应该是触发功能计算得到的 # 2、bmi是随着身高、体重的变化而动态变化的,不是一个固定的值 # 说白了,每次都是需要临时计算得到的 # 但是bmi听起来更像是一个数据属性,而非功能 @property def bmi(self): return self.weight / (self.height ** 2) obj1 = People('egon', 90, 1.50) # print(obj1.bmi()) obj1.height = 1.60 # print(obj1.bmi()) print(obj1.bmi) # 输出: # 35.15624999999999 # egon
# 案例2: class People: def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name # @property def get_name(self): return self.__name def set_name(self, val): if type(val) is not str: print('必须传入str类型') return self.__name = val def del_name(self): print('不让删除') # def self.__name name11 = property(get_name, set_name, del_name) obj1 = People('egon') # print(obj1.get_name()) print(obj1.get_name()) obj1.set_name('xxq') print(obj1.get_name()) obj1.del_name() # 输出: # egon # xxq # 不让删除 # egon
# 案例三: class People: def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name @property def name(self): # obj1.name return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, val): # obj1.name='EGON' if type(val) is not str: print('必须传入str类型') return self.__name = val @name.deleter def name(self): # del obj1.name print('不让删除') # del self.__name obj1 = People('egon') # 人正常的思维逻辑 print(obj1.name) # # obj1.name=18 # del obj1.name # 输出: # egon