part one
walls的表达方法我是用的 v or h/i/j,最后split一下就可以了,也可以构造一个wall,感觉好像会比较简单。
public Maze(int horizontalSize, int verticalSize) { int i, j; horiz = horizontalSize; vert = verticalSize; if ((horiz < 1) || (vert < 1) || ((horiz == 1) && (vert == 1))) { return; // There are no interior walls } // Create all of the horizontal interior walls. Initially, every // horizontal wall exists; they will be removed later by the maze // generation algorithm. if (vert > 1) { hWalls = new boolean[horiz][vert - 1]; for (j = 0; j < vert - 1; j++) { for (i = 0; i < horiz; i++) { hWalls[i][j] = true; } } } // Create all of the vertical interior walls. if (horiz > 1) { vWalls = new boolean[horiz - 1][vert]; for (i = 0; i < horiz - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < vert; j++) { vWalls[i][j] = true; } } } /** * Fill in the rest of this method. You should go through all the walls of * the maze in random order, and remove any wall whose removal will not * create a cycle. Use the implementation of disjoint sets provided in the * set package to avoid creating any cycles. * * Note the method randInt() further below, which generates a random * integer. randInt() generates different numbers every time the program * is run, so that you can make lots of different mazes. **/ int cellsnum = vert * horiz; int wallsnum = vert*(horiz-1) + horiz*(vert-1); DisjointSets cells = new DisjointSets(cellsnum); // array of walls String[] walls = new String[wallsnum]; for (j = 0; j < vert - 1; j++) { for (i = 0; i < horiz; i++) { walls[j*horiz+i]="h"+"/"+i+"/"+j; } } for (i = 0; i < horiz - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < vert; j++) { walls[(vert-1)*horiz+i*vert+j]="v"+"/"+i+"/"+j; } } String temp; int randnum; for(int w = wallsnum;w>0;w--){ randnum = randInt(w); temp = walls[w-1]; walls[w-1] = walls[randnum]; walls[randnum]=temp; } for(int num=0;num<wallsnum;num++){ String[] d=walls[num].split("/"); String VorH = d[0]; i = Integer.parseInt(d[1]); j = Integer.parseInt(d[2]); if(VorH.equals("h")){ if(cells.find(i*vert+j)!=cells.find(i*vert+j+1)){ cells.union(cells.find(i*vert+j), cells.find(i*vert+j+1)); hWalls[i][j] = false; } }else{ if(cells.find(i*vert+j)!=cells.find((i+1)*vert+j)){ cells.union(cells.find(i*vert+j), cells.find((i+1)*vert+j)); vWalls[i][j] = false; } } } }
part two