• CS106A 4 assugnment

     1 /*
     2  * File: FindRange.java
     3  * Name: 
     4  * Section Leader: 
     5  * --------------------
     6  * This file is the starter file for the FindRange problem.
     7  */
     9 import acm.program.*;
    10 import java.io.*;
    11 public class FindRange extends ConsoleProgram {
    12     public void run() {
    13         /* You fill this in */
    15         int nNumber = 0 ;
    16         int nMax = 0; 
    17         int nMix = 0;
    18         nNumber = readInt();
    19         while (true)
    20         {
    21             if(nNumber == 0)
    22                 break ;
    24             if(nNumber > nMax)
    25                 nMax = nNumber ;
    26             if(nNumber < nMix)
    27                 nMix = nNumber ;
    28             nNumber = readInt();
    29         }
    30         print("the max number is " + nMax + "
    31         print("the mix number is " + nMix + "
    35     }
    36 }
    /* 2 * File: FixingBrokenJava.java 3 * Name: 4 * Section Leader: 5 * 6 * This program does not work as intended. It contains both 7 * compile-time errors (errors that prevent the compiler from even 8 * running the program) and run-time errors (errors where the 9 * program does not function as intended). Your job is to fix 10 * this program so that it works correctly. Note that it is *not* 11 * sufficient to simply fix the compiler errors; you will need to 12 * update the logic as well. 13 * 14 * This program attempts to read an integer greater than one from the 15 * user, then check whether that integer is prime (whether its only 16 * divisors are 1 and itself). If so, it prints a message saying 17 * that the number is prime; otherwise it says that the number is 18 * composite. 19 */ 20 import java.io.*; 21 import acm.program.*; 22 public class FixingBrokenJava extends ConsoleProgram { 23 /* Reads a number from the user and reports whether or not it 24 * is prime. 25 */ 26 public void run() { 27 /* Get the value from the user. */ 28 int value = readInput(); 29 30 /* Check whether or not it is prime. */ 31 if (isPrime(value)) { 32 println(value + " is prime."); 33 } else { 34 println(value + " is composite."); 35 } 36 } 37 38 /** 39 * Given a positive integer, returns whether that integer is 40 * prime. 41 * 42 * @param value The value to test. 43 * @return Whether or not it is prime. 44 */ 45 private boolean isPrime(int value) { 46 /* Try all possible divisors of the number. If any of them 47 * cleanly divide the number, we return that the number is 48 * composite. 49 */ 50 for (int divisor = 0; divisor <= value; divisor++) { 51 if (value % divisor == 0) { 52 return false; 53 } 54 } 55 return true ; 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * Reads an integer greater than one from the user. 60 * 61 * @return An integer greater than one entered by the user. 62 */ 63 private int readInput() { 64 /* Get an initial value. */ 65 int value = readInt("Enter an integer greater than 1: "); 66 67 /* If the value wasn't greater than one, reprompt. */ 68 while (value < 1) { 69 println("Please enter a positive integer."); 70 value = readInt("Enter a positive integer: "); 71 } 72 73 return value; 74 } 75 }
     1 /*
     2  * File: Hailstone.java
     3  * Name: 
     4  * Section Leader: 
     5  * --------------------
     6  * This file is the starter file for the Hailstone problem.
     7  */
     9 import acm.program.*;
    11 public class Hailstone extends ConsoleProgram {
    12     public void run() {
    13         /* You fill this in */
    14         print("Please Enter a Value :");
    15         int nNumber = readInt();
    16         while(nNumber <=1)
    17         {
    18             nNumber = readInt();
    19         }
    20         int nTemp ;
    21         while(nNumber > 1)
    22         {
    23             nTemp = nNumber ;
    24             if(nNumber % 2 == 0)
    25             {
    26                 nNumber  = nNumber / 2;
    27                 print(nTemp + "is odd,so i take half : " + nNumber + "
    29             }else
    30             {
    31                 nNumber = 3 * nNumber + 1;
    32                 print(nTemp + "is even,so i make 3n + 1 : " + nNumber + "
    " );
    33             }
    34         }
    35     }
    36 }
     1 /*
     2  * File: Pyramid.java
     3  * Name: 
     4  * Section Leader: 
     5  * ------------------
     6  * This file is the starter file for the Pyramid problem.
     7  * It includes definitions of the constants that match the
     8  * sample run in the assignment, but you should make sure
     9  * that changing these values causes the generated display
    10  * to change accordingly.
    11  */
    13 import acm.graphics.*;
    14 import acm.program.*;
    15 import java.awt.*;
    17 public class Pyramid extends GraphicsProgram {
    19     /** Width of each brick in pixels */
    20     private static final int BRICK_WIDTH = 30;
    22     /** Height of each brick in pixels */
    23     private static final int BRICK_HEIGHT = 12;
    25     /** Number of bricks in the base of the pyramid */
    26     private static final int BRICKS_IN_BASE = 14;
    28     public void run() {
    29         /* You fill this in. */
    30         for ( int i = 0 ; i < BRICKS_IN_BASE  ; i++)
    31         {
    32             for ( int j = i ; j < BRICKS_IN_BASE ; j++)
    33             {
    34                 GRect gRect = new GRect(150 + j * BRICK_WIDTH - i*15,480-i*12,BRICK_WIDTH,BRICK_HEIGHT);
    35                 add(gRect);
    36             }
    37         }
    38     }
    39 }
     1 /*
     2  * File: PythagoreanTheorem.java
     3  * Name: 
     4  * Section Leader: 
     5  * -----------------------------
     6  * This file is the starter file for the PythagoreanTheorem problem.
     7  */
     9 import acm.program.*;
    10 import acm.io.*;
    11 public class PythagoreanTheorem extends ConsoleProgram {
    12     public void run() {
    13         /* You fill this in */
    14         print("Please enter A:");
    15         double a = readDouble();
    16         print("Please enter A:");
    17         double b = readDouble();
    18         double c = calculate(a,b);
    19         double result = Math.sqrt(c);
    20         print(result);
    21     }
    22     private double calculate(double a, double b) {
    23         return a*a + b*b ;
    24     }
    25 }
     1 /*
     2  * File: Target.java
     3  * Name: 
     4  * Section Leader: 
     5  * -----------------
     6  * This file is the starter file for the Target problem.
     7  */
     9 import acm.graphics.*;
    10 import acm.program.*;
    12 import java.io.*;
    13 import java.awt.*;
    15 public class Target extends GraphicsProgram {    
    16     public void run() {
    17         /* You fill this in. */
    19         GOval OutOval = new GOval(320,180,SIZE,SIZE);
    20         OutOval.setFillColor(Color.RED);
    21         OutOval.setFilled(true);
    22         add(OutOval);
    24         GOval sendOval = new GOval(333.5,193,SIZE*0.63,SIZE*0.63);
    25         sendOval.setFillColor(Color.WHITE);
    26         sendOval.setFilled(true);
    27         add(sendOval);        
    29         GOval thirdOval = new GOval(344.5,204.5,SIZE*0.3,SIZE*0.3);
    30         thirdOval.setFillColor(Color.RED);
    31         thirdOval.setFilled(true);
    32         add(thirdOval);        
    33     }
    34     private static final double SIZE = 72;
    35 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dependence/p/4755950.html
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