• POJ1010 Stamps







    输出:对于每一个客户,输出“最好”的邮票组合(邮票种类数最多)。面值和恰好为客户的需要,邮票张数最大为4。如果找不到这样的组合,输出“none”。如果有多个“最好”组合,选择邮票总数最少的一组,如果仍然相等,邮票面值中单张价格最高的最优,若仍然相等,输出“tie”。具体格式见Example Output.

    Sample Input

    1 2 3 0  ; three different stamp types
    7 4 0    ; two customers
    1 1 0    ; a new set of stamps (two of the same type)
    6 2 3 0   ; three customers

    Sample Output

    7 (3): 1 1 2 3 
    4 (2): 1 3 
    6 ---- none
    2 (2): 1 1
    3 (2): tie


      1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      2 //        POJ1010 Stamps
      3 //        Memory: 5356K        Time: 32MS
      4 //        Language: C++        Result: Accepted
      5 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      7 #include <iostream>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 using namespace std;
     12 class Solution {
     13 public:
     14     int stamps[4];
     15     int types;
     16     int count;
     17     int maxValue;
     18 };
     20 int types[100];
     21 int typeCount;
     22 int customer;
     23 int customerCount;
     24 vector<Solution> sVector;
     25 bool isTie;
     27 int getTypes(int i0, int i1, int i2 = -1, int i3 = -1) {
     28     if (i3 == -1 && i2 == -1) {
     29         if (i0 == i1) {
     30             return 1;
     31         } else {
     32             return 2;
     33         }
     34     } else if (i3 == -1) {
     35         if (i0 == i1 && i1 == i2) {
     36             return 1;
     37         } else if (i1 == i2 || i0 == i1 || i0 == i2) {
     38             return 2;
     39         } else {
     40             return 3;
     41         }
     42     } else if(i0 == i1 && i1 == i2 && i2 == i3) {
     43         return 1;
     44     } else if (i0 != i1 && i0 != i2 && i0 != i3 && i1 != i2 && i1 != i3 && i2 != i3) {
     45         return 4;    
     46     } else if (i0 == i1 && i1 != i2 && i2 != i3 && i3 != i1 
     47         || i0 == i2 && i0 != i1 && i0 != i3 && i1 != i3
     48         || i0 == i3 && i0 != i1 && i0 != i2 && i1 != i2
     49         || i1 == i2 && i0 != i1 && i2 != i3 && i0 != i3
     50         || i1 == i3 && i0 != i1 && i1 != i2 && i0 != i2
     51         || i2 == i3 && i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 && i0 != i1 ) {
     52             return 3;
     53     } else {
     54         return 2;
     55     }
     56 }
     58 int findBestSolution() {
     59     int bestSolution = 0;
     60     if (sVector.size() == 1) return 0;
     61     for (int i = 1; i < sVector.size(); i++) {
     62         if (sVector[i].types > sVector[bestSolution].types) {
     63             isTie = false;
     64             bestSolution = i;
     65         } else if (sVector[i].types == sVector[bestSolution].types) {
     66             if (sVector[i].count < sVector[bestSolution].count) {
     67                 isTie = false;
     68                 bestSolution = i;
     69             } else if (sVector[i].count == sVector[bestSolution].count) {
     70                 if (sVector[i].maxValue > sVector[bestSolution].maxValue) {
     71                     isTie = false;
     72                     bestSolution = i;
     73                 } else if (sVector[i].maxValue == sVector[bestSolution].maxValue) {
     74                     isTie = true;
     75                 }
     76             }
     77         }
     78     }
     79     return bestSolution;
     80 }
     82 void Output(int sindex) {
     83     Solution sulotion = sVector[sindex];
     84     cout << " (" << sulotion.types << "):";
     85     for(int i = 0; i < sulotion.count; i++) {
     86         cout << " " << sulotion.stamps[i]; 
     87     }
     88     cout << endl;
     89 }
     90 int main(void) {
     91     while(cin >> types[0]) {
     92         while (types[typeCount] != 0) {
     93             cin >> types[++typeCount];
     94         }
     95         while (cin >> customer) {
     96             if (customer == 0) {
     97                 break;
     98             }
     99             if (types[0] * 1 > customer) {
    100                 cout << customer << " ---- none" << endl;
    101                 continue;
    102             }
    103             if (types[typeCount - 1] * 4 < customer) {
    104                 cout << customer << " ---- none" << endl;
    105                 continue;
    106             }
    107             for (int i0 = 0; i0 < typeCount; i0++) {
    108                 if(types[i0] == customer) {
    109                     Solution solution;
    110                     solution.stamps[0] = types[i0];
    111                     solution.stamps[1] = 0;
    112                     solution.stamps[2] = 0;
    113                     solution.stamps[3] = 0;
    114                     solution.maxValue = types[i0];
    115                     solution.count = 1;
    116                     solution.types = 1;
    117                     sVector.push_back(solution);
    118                     continue;
    119                 } else if (types[i0] < customer){
    120                     for (int i1 = i0; i1 < typeCount; i1++) {
    121                         if(types[i0] + types[i1] == customer) {
    122                             Solution solution;
    123                             solution.stamps[0] = types[i0];
    124                             solution.stamps[1] = types[i1];
    125                             solution.stamps[2] = 0;
    126                             solution.stamps[3] = 0;
    127                             solution.maxValue = types[i1];
    128                             solution.count = 2;
    129                             solution.types = getTypes(i0, i1);
    130                             sVector.push_back(solution);
    131                             continue;
    132                         } else if (types[i0] + types[i1] < customer) {
    133                             for(int i2 = i1; i2 < typeCount; i2++) {
    134                                 int sum = types[i0] + types[i1] + types[i2];
    135                                 if(sum == customer) {
    136                                     Solution solution;
    137                                     solution.stamps[0] = types[i0];
    138                                     solution.stamps[1] = types[i1];
    139                                     solution.stamps[2] = types[i2];
    140                                     solution.stamps[3] = 0;
    141                                     solution.maxValue = types[i2];
    142                                     solution.count = 3;
    143                                     solution.types = getTypes(i0, i1, i2);
    144                                     sVector.push_back(solution);
    145                                 } else if (sum < customer){
    146                                     for(int i3 = i2; i3 < typeCount; i3++) {
    147                                         int sum = types[i0] + types[i1] + types[i2] + types[i3];
    148                                         if(sum == customer) {
    149                                             Solution solution;
    150                                             solution.stamps[0] = types[i0];
    151                                             solution.stamps[1] = types[i1];
    152                                             solution.stamps[2] = types[i2];
    153                                             solution.stamps[3] = types[i3];
    154                                             solution.maxValue = types[i3];
    155                                             solution.count = 4;
    156                                             solution.types = getTypes(i0, i1, i2, i3);
    157                                             sVector.push_back(solution);
    158                                         } else if (sum > customer) {
    159                                             break;
    160                                         }
    161                                     }
    162                                 } else {
    163                                     break;
    164                                 }
    165                             }
    166                         } else {
    167                             break;
    168                         }
    169                     }
    170                 }  else {
    171                     break;
    172                 }
    173             }
    174             if (sVector.size() == 0) {
    175                 cout << customer << " ---- none" << endl;
    176                 continue;
    177             }
    178             int bestSolution = findBestSolution();
    179             if (isTie) {
    180                 cout << customer << " (" << sVector[bestSolution].types << "): tie" << endl;
    181             } else {
    182                 cout << customer;
    183                 Output(bestSolution);
    184             }
    185             sVector.clear();
    186             isTie = false;
    187         }
    188         customerCount = 0;
    189         typeCount = 0;
    190         sVector.clear();    
    191     }
    192     system("pause");
    193     return 0;
    194 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dengeven/p/3226773.html
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