DisplayMetrics metrics=new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); int width=metrics.widthPixels;//屏幕的宽度 int height=metrics.heightPixels;//屏幕的高度
Display display=getWindowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); Point point=new Point(); display.getSize(point); int width=point.x; int height=point.y;
Note that this value should not be used for computing layouts, since a device will typically have screen decoration (such as a status bar) along the edges of the display that reduce the amount of application space available from the size returned here. Layouts should instead use the window size。
大体意思是这个方法不能用来计算布局大小,因为屏幕上的边缘的status bar等装饰减少了实际可获得的屏幕空间,而getSize方法是将减少后的屏幕大小的信息存入了Point中。