• AndroidStudio/Intellij 快捷键

    • 说明
      • 三年来一直使用Eclipse作为自己的IDE, 现在是时候走出自己的safety zone, 开始使用传说中的Intellij了.
      • Eclipse/Intellij IDE环境为:
        • OS X 10.10.5
        • Intellij/AndroidStudio keymap: Mac OS 10.5+
        • Eclipse keymap: default
        • 需要改掉Eclipse里狂按cmd+s的习惯.
        • IntelliJ帮助文档很强大, 专门一章来提供从Eclipse到IntelliJ的转移方案.
          * Migrating from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA
    • 比对
    描述 Intellij快捷键 Eclipse快捷键
    show outline cmd+F12 cmd+o
    open class cmd+o cmd+shift+t
    open file cmd+shift+o cmd+shift+r
    back/next cmd+[/] cmd+[/]
    delete line cmd+delete cmd+d
    duplicate line cmd+d cmd+alt+ 下箭头
    close tab cmd+w cmd+w
    open tab navigator ctrl+tab cmd+e
    open recent opened file cmd+e
    open recent edited file cmd+shift+e
    nav to prev/next tab cmd+shift+[/]
    open call hierarchy ctrl + alt + h ctrl + alt + h
    format code alt + cmd + l cmd+shift+f
    find action cmd + shift + a cmd + 1
    comments cmd + / cmd + /
    block comments cmd + alt + / cmd + alt + /
    move line up/down alt+shift+上/下箭头 alt + 上/下箭头
    show impl of interface cmd+alt+b cmd + t
    find globally cmd+shift+f ctrl+h
    find class usage alt+F7 cmd+shift+g
    quick fix alt+enter cmd+1
    generate code cmd+n 或 ctrl+enter cmd+alt+s
    find text cmd+f cmd+f
    find next cmd+g cmd+k
    find and replace text cmd+r cmd+f
    万能键 双击shift
    • 比对2
  • 相关阅读:
    Codeforces Round #499 (Div. 1) VP 记录
    Educational Codeforces Round 125 VP 记录
    ABC245 做题记录
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/davyjones2010/p/5850820.html
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