• 0_Simple__simplePitchLinearTexture

    对比设备线性二维数组和 CUDA 二维数组在纹理引用中的效率

    ▶ 源代码。分别绑定相同大小的设备线性二维数组和 CUDA 二维数组为纹理引用,做简单的平移操作,重复若干次计算带宽和访问速度。

      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #ifdef _WIN32
      3 #  define WINDOWS_LEAN_AND_MEAN
      4 #  define NOMINMAX
      5 #  include <windows.h>
      6 #endif
      7 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
      8 #include "device_launch_parameters.h"
      9 #include <helper_functions.h>
     10 #include <helper_cuda.h>
     12 #define NUM_REPS 100  // test 重复次数
     13 #define TILE_DIM 16   // 线程块尺寸
     15 texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefPL;
     16 texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefArray;
     18 __global__ void shiftPitchLinear(float *odata, int pitch, int width, int height, int shiftX, int shiftY)
     19 {
     20     int xid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
     21     int yid = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
     23     odata[yid * pitch + xid] = tex2D(texRefPL, (xid + shiftX) / (float)width, (yid + shiftY) / (float)height);
     24 }
     26 __global__ void shiftArray(float *odata, int pitch, int width, int height, int shiftX, int shiftY)
     27 {
     28     int xid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
     29     int yid = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
     31     odata[yid * pitch + xid] = tex2D(texRefArray, (xid + shiftX) / (float)width, (yid + shiftY) / (float)height);
     32 }
     34 bool test()
     35 {
     36     bool result = true;
     37     int i, j, ishift, jshift;
     38     // 数组大小以及 x,y 方向上的偏移量
     39     const int nx = 2048;
     40     const int ny = 2048;
     41     const int x_shift = 5;
     42     const int y_shift = 7;
     43     if ((nx % TILE_DIM) || (ny % TILE_DIM))
     44     {
     45         printf("nx and ny must be multiples of TILE_DIM
     46         return EXIT_FAILURE;
     47     }
     48     dim3 dimGrid(nx / TILE_DIM, ny / TILE_DIM), dimBlock(TILE_DIM, TILE_DIM);
     50     cudaEvent_t start, stop;
     51     cudaEventCreate(&start);
     52     cudaEventCreate(&stop);
     54     //int devID = findCudaDevice(argc, (const char **)argv);// 使用device 0,不再使用命令行参数进行判断
     56     // 申请内存
     57     float *h_idata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny);
     58     float *h_odata = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny);
     59     float *h_ref = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny);
     60     for (int i = 0; i < nx * ny; ++i)
     61         h_idata[i] = (float)i;
     62     float *d_idataPL;
     63     size_t d_pitchBytes;
     64     cudaMallocPitch((void **)&d_idataPL, &d_pitchBytes, nx * sizeof(float), ny);
     65     cudaArray *d_idataArray;
     66     cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
     67     cudaMallocArray(&d_idataArray, &channelDesc, nx, ny);
     68     float *d_odata;
     69     cudaMallocPitch((void **)&d_odata, &d_pitchBytes, nx * sizeof(float), ny);
     71     // 拷贝内存(两组)
     72     size_t h_pitchBytes = nx * sizeof(float);
     73     cudaMemcpy2D(d_idataPL, d_pitchBytes, h_idata, h_pitchBytes, nx * sizeof(float), ny, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
     74     cudaMemcpyToArray(d_idataArray, 0, 0, h_idata, nx * ny * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
     76     // 绑定纹理(两组)
     77     texRefPL.normalized = 1;
     78     texRefPL.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
     79     texRefPL.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
     80     texRefPL.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
     81     cudaBindTexture2D(0, &texRefPL, d_idataPL, &channelDesc, nx, ny, d_pitchBytes);
     83     texRefArray.normalized = 1;
     84     texRefArray.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
     85     texRefArray.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
     86     texRefArray.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
     87     cudaBindTextureToArray(texRefArray, d_idataArray, channelDesc);
     89     // 理论计算结果
     90     for (i = 0; i < ny; i++)
     91     {
     92         for (j = 0; j < nx; ++j)
     93             h_ref[i * nx + j] = h_idata[(i + y_shift) % ny * nx + (j + x_shift) % nx];
     94     }
     96     // 使用线性数组的纹理计算
     97     cudaMemset2D(d_odata, d_pitchBytes, 0, nx * sizeof(float), ny);
     98     cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
     99     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPS; ++i)
    100         shiftPitchLinear << <dimGrid, dimBlock >> > (d_odata, (int)(d_pitchBytes / sizeof(float)), nx, ny, x_shift, y_shift);
    101     cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
    102     cudaEventSynchronize(stop);
    103     float timePL;
    104     cudaEventElapsedTime(&timePL, start, stop);
    106     // 检查结果
    107     cudaMemcpy2D(h_odata, h_pitchBytes, d_odata, d_pitchBytes, nx * sizeof(float), ny, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    108     if (!compareData(h_ref, h_odata, nx*ny, 0.0f, 0.15f))
    109     {
    110         printf("
    	 ShiftPitchLinear failed
    111         result = false;
    112     }
    114     // 使用 CUDA数组的纹理计算
    115     cudaMemset2D(d_odata, d_pitchBytes, 0, nx * sizeof(float), ny);
    116     cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
    117     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REPS; ++i)
    118         shiftArray << <dimGrid, dimBlock >> > (d_odata, (int)(d_pitchBytes / sizeof(float)), nx, ny, x_shift, y_shift);
    119     cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
    120     cudaEventSynchronize(stop);
    121     float timeArray;
    122     cudaEventElapsedTime(&timeArray, start, stop);
    124     // 检查结果
    125     cudaMemcpy2D(h_odata, h_pitchBytes, d_odata, d_pitchBytes, nx * sizeof(float), ny, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    126     if (!compareData(h_ref, h_odata, nx*ny, 0.0f, 0.15f))
    127     {
    128         printf("
    	ShiftArray failed
    129         result = false;
    130     }
    132     // 计算带宽和读取速度
    133     float bandwidthPL = 2.f * nx * ny * sizeof(float) / (timePL / 1000.f / NUM_REPS * 1.e+9f);
    134     float bandwidthArray = 2.f * nx * ny * sizeof(float) / (timeArray / 1000.f / NUM_REPS * 1.e+9f);
    135     printf("
    	Bandwidth for pitch linear: %.2f GB/s; for array: %.2f GB/s
    ", bandwidthPL, bandwidthArray);
    136     float fetchRatePL = nx * ny / 1.e+6f / (timePL / 1000.0f / NUM_REPS); 
    137     float fetchRateArray = nx * ny / 1.e+6f / (timeArray / 1000.0f / NUM_REPS); 
    138     printf("
    	Texture fetch rate for pitch linear: %.2f Mpix/s; for array: %.2f Mpix/s
    ", fetchRatePL, fetchRateArray);
    140     // 回收工作
    141     free(h_idata);
    142     free(h_odata);
    143     free(h_ref);
    144     cudaUnbindTexture(texRefPL);
    145     cudaUnbindTexture(texRefArray);
    146     cudaFree(d_idataPL);
    147     cudaFreeArray(d_idataArray);
    148     cudaFree(d_odata);
    149     cudaEventDestroy(start);
    150     cudaEventDestroy(stop);
    152     return result;
    153 }
    155 int main(int argc, char **argv)
    156 {
    157     printf("
    158     printf("
    	Finished, %s
    ", test() ? "Passed" : "Failed");
    160     getchar();
    161     return 0;
    162 }

    ▶ 输出结果

        Bandwidth for pitch linear: 12.58 GB/s; for array: 14.64 GB/s
        Texture fetch rate for pitch linear: 1573.09 Mpix/s; for array: 1829.39 Mpix/s
        Finished, Passed

    ▶ 涨姿势

    ● 用到的函数都在以前的,有关线性二维数组和纹理内存使用方法的博客汇总讨论过了。

    ● 由运行结果可知,使用二维纹理引用时,CUDA 二维数组的效率比线性二维数组更高。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cuancuancuanhao/p/7895040.html
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