• Oracle实验三、基于大数据集的数据库操作














    drop user u_j524 cascade; 
    create user u_j524 identified by p123456;
    grant resource,connect,dba to u_j524;
    conn u_j524/p123456
    drop table t_record_time_j524;
    create table t_record_time_j524(things varchar2(128),time varchar2(32));
    create or replace procedure p_record_time_j524(input varchar2) as
    temp varchar2(32);
    select to_char(systimestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff') into temp from dual;
    insert into t_record_time_j524(things) values(input);
    update t_record_time_j524 set time=temp where things=input;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('第一次执行记录时间过程')
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524;


    drop table sname;
    create table sname(sname varchar(32));
    exec p_record_time_j524('开始导入原始姓名')
    exec p_record_time_j524('导入原始姓名结束')


    --  为名字的每个字创建视图
    drop view v_name1_j524;
    drop view v_name2_j524;
    drop view v_name3_j524;
    drop view v_name12_j524;
    drop view v_name123_j524;
    create view v_name1_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,1,1) na1 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=500;
    create view v_name2_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,2,1) na2 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=1200;
    create view v_name3_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,3,1) na3 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=20;
    500 1200 20
    select count(*) from v_name1_j524;
    select count(*) from v_name2_j524;
    select count(*) from v_name3_j524;
    select * from v_name1_j524;
    select * from v_name2_j524;
    select *from v_name3_j524;
    create view v_name12_j524 as select concat(na1,na2) na12 from v_name1_j524,v_name2_j524;
    create view v_name123_j524 as select concat(na12,na3) na123 from v_name12_j524,v_name3_j524;


    drop table t_stu_name_j524;
    create table t_stu_name_j524(sname varchar(16));
    insert into t_stu_name_j524(sname) select na12 from v_name12_j524;
    insert into t_stu_name_j524(sname) select na123 from v_name123_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成为姓名表生成12600000条记录')
    select count(*) from t_stu_name_j524;


    --  ABCD17EFGH:每次生成两位,分四批生成,可以在1分钟左右生成
    drop table t_student_sno_gh_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ef_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_cd_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ab_j524;
    create table t_student_sno_gh_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_ef_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_cd_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_ab_j524(sno varchar2(10));
    i int;
    for i in 1..32 loop
        insert into t_student_sno_gh_j524 values(i);
    end loop;
    for i in 1..50 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_ef_j524 select 170000+i*100+t_student_sno_gh_j524.sno from t_student_sno_gh_j524;
    end loop;
    for i in 1..90 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_cd_j524 select i*1000000+t_student_sno_ef_j524.sno from t_student_sno_ef_j524;
    end loop;
    for i in 1..80 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_ab_j524 select substr(10000000000+i*100000000+t_student_sno_cd_j524.sno,2,10) from t_student_sno_cd_j524;
    end loop;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成11520000条学号ID生成')


    --7.1批量处理sex, tel, email, birthday等数据
    --   产生随机性别:男、女占比为99%到99.5%
    --   在性别表t_sex_j524中,143人,男女分别71人,一人性别为其它。随机查询一条记录时,可使男、女占比为99.3%
    --   函数f_getSex_j524返回值为随机性别
    create or replace function f_getSex_j524 return varchar2
    f_numb number;
    f_sex varchar2(8);
        select dbms_random.value(1,143) into f_numb from dual;
        if f_numb<=71 then
        elsif f_numb<=142 then
        end if;
    return f_sex;
    show error
    --   函数f_getTel_j524会返回一个随机手机号
    create table t_tel_j524(tel varchar2(4));
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('132');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('135');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('156');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('151');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('138');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('139');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('183');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('187');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('153');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('150');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('186');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('188');
    create or replace function f_getTel_j524 return varchar2
    getTel varchar2(12);
    numb_head varchar2(4);
    numb_other varchar2(16);
    select tel into numb_head from (select tel from t_tel_j524 order by dbms_random.value) where rownum=1;
    select substr(cast(dbms_random.value as varchar2(32)),3,8) into numb_other from dual;
    return getTel;
    show error
    --   函数f_getEmail_j524会返回一个随机邮箱号
    create table t_email_j524 (email varchar2(16));
    insert into t_email_j524 values('126');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('139');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('sohu');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('sina');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('163');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('foxmail');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    create or replace function f_getemail_j524 return varchar2
    getEmail varchar2(32);
    em_name varchar2(16);
    em_own varchar2(16);
    select substr(cast(dbms_random.value as varchar2(32)),3,11) into em_name from dual;
    select email into em_own from (select email from t_email_j524 order by dbms_random.value) where rownum=1;
    return getEmail;
    show error
    --   函数f_getBirthday_j524会返回一个在[19940101,19990701]时间内的日期
    create or replace function f_getBirthday_j524 return date
    birthday date;
    select to_date(trunc(dbms_random.value(2449354,2451186)),'J') into birthday from dual;
    return birthday;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('性别、手机号、邮箱、出生日期等随机函数生成完毕')




    create table t_sequence_id(
    id number(10),
    sex varchar2(32),
    tel varchar2(32),
    email varchar2(32),
    birthday date);
    drop table t_stud_other_information_j524;
    create table t_stud_other_information_j524(
        id number(16),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    delete from t_sequence_id;
    for i in 0..9999 loop
    insert into t_sequence_id(id, sex, tel, email, birthday) values(i,f_getsex_j524,f_gettel_j524,f_getemail_j524,f_getbirthday_j524);
    end loop;
    show error
    //select * from t_sequence_id;
    delete from t_stud_other_information_j524;
    for i in 1..1200 loop
    insert /*+ append */ into t_stud_other_information_j524(id, sex, tel, email,birthday) select i * 10000 +t_sequence_id.id as MSISDN,t_sequence_id.sex,t_sequence_id.tel,t_sequence_id.email,t_sequence_id.birthday from t_sequence_id;
    end loop;
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成生成12000000条其他信息生成')
    select count(*) from t_stud_other_information_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表没有主键,生成11520000条记录,开始时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10),
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表没有主键,生成11520000条记录,完成时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表有主键,生成11520000条记录,开始时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10) primary key,
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表有主键,生成11520000条记录,完成时间')
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_sex check(sex in('','','其他'));
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_email check(email like '%@%.%');
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_birthday check(birthday>=to_date('19940101','yyyymmdd') and birthday<=to_date('19990731','yyyymmdd'));
    set linesize 300;
    set pagesize 1000;
    col sno format a11;
    col sname format a8;
    col sex format a6;
    col email format a26;
    col tel format a12;
    alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
    select * from (select * from t_student_j524 order by dbms_random.value()) where rownum<=100;
    //select count(*) from t_student_j524;
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询一条姓名的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname='基云今';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询一条姓名的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '_云%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的结束时间')
    drop index i_stu_sname_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('开始创建姓名索引')
    create index i_stu_sname_j524 on t_student_j524(sname);
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成创建姓名索引')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询一条姓名,开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname='基云今';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询一条姓名,结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '_云%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '5%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按专业统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '______01%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按专业统计人数的结束时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10) primary key,--学生学号
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date)partition by range(sno)(
    partition part_0 values less than ('1000170000'),
    partition part_1 values less than ('2000170000'),
    partition part_2 values less than ('3000170000'),
    partition part_3 values less than ('4000170000'),
    partition part_4 values less than ('5000170000'),
    partition part_5 values less than ('6000170000'),
    partition part_6 values less than ('7000170000'),
    partition part_7 values less than ('8000170000'),
    partition part_8 values less than ('9000170000'),
    partition part_9 values less than (maxvalue));
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_sex check(sex in('','','其他'));
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_email check(email like '%@%.%');
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_birthday check(birthday>=to_date('19940101','yyyymmdd') and birthday<=to_date('19990731','yyyymmdd'));
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '5%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按专业统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '______01%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按专业统计人数的结束时间')
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524 order by time;
    spool off;


    drop user u_j524 cascade; 
    create user u_j524 identified by p123456;
    grant resource,connect,dba to u_j524;
    conn u_j524/p123456
    drop table t_record_time_j524;
    create table t_record_time_j524(things varchar2(128),time varchar2(32));
    create or replace procedure p_record_time_j524(input varchar2) as
    temp varchar2(32);
    select to_char(systimestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff') into temp from dual;
    insert into t_record_time_j524(things) values(input);
    update t_record_time_j524 set time=temp where things=input;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('第一次执行记录时间过程')
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524;
    drop table sname;
    create table sname(sname varchar(32));
    exec p_record_time_j524('开始导入原始姓名')
    exec p_record_time_j524('导入原始姓名结束')
    --  为名字的每个字创建视图
    drop view v_name1_j524;
    drop view v_name2_j524;
    drop view v_name3_j524;
    drop view v_name12_j524;
    drop view v_name123_j524;
    create view v_name1_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,1,1) na1 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=500;
    create view v_name2_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,2,1) na2 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=1200;
    create view v_name3_j524 as select * from (select distinct substr(sname,3,1) na3 from sname order by dbms_random.value) where rownum<=20;
    500 1200 20
    select count(*) from v_name1_j524;
    select count(*) from v_name2_j524;
    select count(*) from v_name3_j524;
    select * from v_name1_j524;
    select * from v_name2_j524;
    select *from v_name3_j524;
    create view v_name12_j524 as select concat(na1,na2) na12 from v_name1_j524,v_name2_j524;
    create view v_name123_j524 as select concat(na12,na3) na123 from v_name12_j524,v_name3_j524;
    drop table t_stu_name_j524;
    create table t_stu_name_j524(sname varchar(16));
    insert into t_stu_name_j524(sname) select na12 from v_name12_j524;
    insert into t_stu_name_j524(sname) select na123 from v_name123_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成为姓名表生成12600000条记录')
    select count(*) from t_stu_name_j524;
    --  ABCD17EFGH:每次生成两位,分四批生成,可以在1分钟左右生成
    drop table t_student_sno_gh_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ef_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_cd_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ab_j524;
    create table t_student_sno_gh_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_ef_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_cd_j524(sno number(10));
    create table t_student_sno_ab_j524(sno varchar2(10));
    i int;
    for i in 1..32 loop
        insert into t_student_sno_gh_j524 values(i);
    end loop;
    for i in 1..50 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_ef_j524 select 170000+i*100+t_student_sno_gh_j524.sno from t_student_sno_gh_j524;
    end loop;
    for i in 1..90 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_cd_j524 select i*1000000+t_student_sno_ef_j524.sno from t_student_sno_ef_j524;
    end loop;
    for i in 1..80 loop
        insert /*+ append */ into t_student_sno_ab_j524 select substr(10000000000+i*100000000+t_student_sno_cd_j524.sno,2,10) from t_student_sno_cd_j524;
    end loop;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成11520000条学号ID生成')
    --7.1批量处理sex, tel, email, birthday等数据
    --   产生随机性别:男、女占比为99%到99.5%
    --   在性别表t_sex_j524中,143人,男女分别71人,一人性别为其它。随机查询一条记录时,可使男、女占比为99.3%
    --   函数f_getSex_j524返回值为随机性别
    create or replace function f_getSex_j524 return varchar2
    f_numb number;
    f_sex varchar2(8);
        select dbms_random.value(1,143) into f_numb from dual;
        if f_numb<=71 then
        elsif f_numb<=142 then
        end if;
    return f_sex;
    show error
    --   函数f_getTel_j524会返回一个随机手机号
    create table t_tel_j524(tel varchar2(4));
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('132');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('135');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('156');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('151');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('138');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('139');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('183');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('187');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('153');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('150');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('186');
    insert into t_tel_j524 values('188');
    create or replace function f_getTel_j524 return varchar2
    getTel varchar2(12);
    numb_head varchar2(4);
    numb_other varchar2(16);
    select tel into numb_head from (select tel from t_tel_j524 order by dbms_random.value) where rownum=1;
    select substr(cast(dbms_random.value as varchar2(32)),3,8) into numb_other from dual;
    return getTel;
    show error
    --   函数f_getEmail_j524会返回一个随机邮箱号
    create table t_email_j524 (email varchar2(16));
    insert into t_email_j524 values('126');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('139');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('sohu');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('sina');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('163');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('foxmail');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    insert into t_email_j524 values('qq');
    create or replace function f_getemail_j524 return varchar2
    getEmail varchar2(32);
    em_name varchar2(16);
    em_own varchar2(16);
    select substr(cast(dbms_random.value as varchar2(32)),3,11) into em_name from dual;
    select email into em_own from (select email from t_email_j524 order by dbms_random.value) where rownum=1;
    return getEmail;
    show error
    --   函数f_getBirthday_j524会返回一个在[19940101,19990701]时间内的日期
    create or replace function f_getBirthday_j524 return date
    birthday date;
    select to_date(trunc(dbms_random.value(2449354,2451186)),'J') into birthday from dual;
    return birthday;
    show error
    exec p_record_time_j524('性别、手机号、邮箱、出生日期等随机函数生成完毕')
    create table t_sequence_id(
    id number(10),
    sex varchar2(32),
    tel varchar2(32),
    email varchar2(32),
    birthday date);
    drop table t_stud_other_information_j524;
    create table t_stud_other_information_j524(
        id number(16),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    delete from t_sequence_id;
    for i in 0..9999 loop
    insert into t_sequence_id(id, sex, tel, email, birthday) values(i,f_getsex_j524,f_gettel_j524,f_getemail_j524,f_getbirthday_j524);
    end loop;
    show error
    //select * from t_sequence_id;
    delete from t_stud_other_information_j524;
    for i in 1..1200 loop
    insert /*+ append */ into t_stud_other_information_j524(id, sex, tel, email,birthday) select i * 10000 +t_sequence_id.id as MSISDN,t_sequence_id.sex,t_sequence_id.tel,t_sequence_id.email,t_sequence_id.birthday from t_sequence_id;
    end loop;
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成生成12000000条其他信息生成')
    select count(*) from t_stud_other_information_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表没有主键,生成11520000条记录,开始时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10),
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表没有主键,生成11520000条记录,完成时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表有主键,生成11520000条记录,开始时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10) primary key,
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date);
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    exec p_record_time_j524('学生信息表有主键,生成11520000条记录,完成时间')
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_sex check(sex in('','','其他'));
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_email check(email like '%@%.%');
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_birthday check(birthday>=to_date('19940101','yyyymmdd') and birthday<=to_date('19990731','yyyymmdd'));
    set linesize 300;
    set pagesize 1000;
    col sno format a11;
    col sname format a8;
    col sex format a6;
    col email format a26;
    col tel format a12;
    alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
    select * from (select * from t_student_j524 order by dbms_random.value()) where rownum<=100;
    //select count(*) from t_student_j524;
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询一条姓名的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname='基云今';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询一条姓名的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '_云%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的结束时间')
    drop index i_stu_sname_j524;
    exec p_record_time_j524('开始创建姓名索引')
    create index i_stu_sname_j524 on t_student_j524(sname);
    exec p_record_time_j524('完成创建姓名索引')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询一条姓名,开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname='基云今';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询一条姓名,结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select * from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,查询某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '基%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓氏人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sname like '_云%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有姓名索引,统计某一姓名第二个字相同人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '5%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按专业统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '______01%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('没有分区,按专业统计人数的结束时间')
    drop table t_student_j524;
    create table t_student_j524(
        sno varchar2(10) primary key,--学生学号
        sname varchar2(32),
        sex varchar2(32),
        tel varchar2(32),
        email varchar2(32),
        birthday date)partition by range(sno)(
    partition part_0 values less than ('1000170000'),
    partition part_1 values less than ('2000170000'),
    partition part_2 values less than ('3000170000'),
    partition part_3 values less than ('4000170000'),
    partition part_4 values less than ('5000170000'),
    partition part_5 values less than ('6000170000'),
    partition part_6 values less than ('7000170000'),
    partition part_7 values less than ('8000170000'),
    partition part_8 values less than ('9000170000'),
    partition part_9 values less than (maxvalue));
    insert into t_student_j524(sno,sname, sex, tel, email, birthday) select X.sno,A.sname, B.sex, B.tel, B.email, B.birthday from (select rownum rownum_X,sno from t_student_sno_ab_j524) X, (select rownum rownum_A,sname from t_stu_name_j524) A, (select rownum rownum_B,sex,tel,email,birthday from t_stud_other_information_j524) B where rownum_A = rownum_B and rownum_A = rownum_X;
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_sex check(sex in('','','其他'));
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_email check(email like '%@%.%');
    alter table t_student_j524 add constraint ck_student_birthday check(birthday>=to_date('19940101','yyyymmdd') and birthday<=to_date('19990731','yyyymmdd'));
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '5%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按学号首位ID统计人数的结束时间')
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按专业统计人数的开始时间')
    select count(*) from t_student_j524 where sno like '______01%';
    exec p_record_time_j524('有分区,按专业统计人数的结束时间')
    col things format a64;
    col time format a32;
    select * from t_record_time_j524 order by time;
    spool off;
    drop table t_record_time_j524;
    drop table sname;
    drop view v_name1_j524;
    drop view v_name2_j524;
    drop view v_name3_j524;
    drop view v_name12_j524;
    drop view v_name123_j524;
    drop table t_stu_name_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_gh_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ef_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_cd_j524;
    drop table t_student_sno_ab_j524;
    drop table t_tel_j524;
    drop table t_email_j524;
    drop table t_sequence_id;
    drop table t_stud_other_information_j524;
    drop index i_stu_sname_j524;
    drop table t_student_j524;
    conn system/123456
    drop user u_j524 cascade;
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    WEB 三维引擎在高精地图数据生产的探索和实践
    数据人必读!玩转数据可视化用这个就够了——高德LOCA API 2.0升级来袭!
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/csushl/p/12109350.html
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