• 4.3.7 Sequence two

    Problem Description
    Search is important in the acm algorithm. When you want to solve a problem by using the search method, try to cut is very important.
    Now give you a number sequence, include n (<=100) integers, each integer not bigger than 2^31, you want to find the first P subsequences that is not decrease (if total subsequence W is smaller than P, than just give the first W subsequences). The order of subsequences is that: first order the length of the subsequence. Second order the subsequence by lexicographical. For example initial sequence 1 3 2 the total legal subsequences is 5. According to order is {1}; {2}; {3}; {1,2}; {1,3}. If you also can not understand , please see the sample carefully.

    The input contains multiple test cases.
    Each test case include, first two integers n, P. (1<n<=100, 1<p<=100000).

    For each test case output the sequences according to the problem description. And at the end of each case follow a empty line.

    Sample Input
    3 5
    1 3 2
    3 6
    1 3 2
    4 100
    1 2 3 2

    Sample Output
    1 2
    1 3
    1 2
    1 3
    1 2
    1 3
    2 2
    2 3
    1 2 2
    1 2 3
    Hint : You must make sure each subsequence in the subsequences is unique.

    思路:正解应该是dfs,但是我为了偷懒,想开一个巨大的数组bfs,没想到hdu卡内存啊 啊啊啊!!害得我调试了好久好久!该死!

      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <cmath>
      5 #include <algorithm>
      6 #include <set>
      7 using namespace std;
      9 const int maxn=101;
     10 const int limit=101000;
     11 const int kkk=limit+100;
     12 struct qq
     13 {
     14     int a,b;
     15     bool friend operator < (const qq &c,const qq &d)
     16     {
     17         if (c.a==d.a)
     18             return c.b<d.b;
     19         return c.a<d.a;
     20     }
     21 }q[maxn];
     23 int n,p,tail,baktail,head,sum1,rec,bt,lh0,lh1,h,t;
     24 short int l[kkk][2];
     25 short int x[kkk][maxn];
     26 int cnt=0,sum[maxn],s[maxn][maxn],pos[maxn][maxn];
     27 bool flag,flag2,flag3;
     29 void close()
     30 {
     31 fclose(stdin);
     32 fclose(stdout);
     33 exit(0);
     34 }
     36 void print()
     37 {
     38     for (int i=h+1;i<=t;i++)
     39     {
     40         for (int j=1;j<l[i][1];j++)
     41         {
     42             printf("%d ",q[x[i][j]].a);
     43         }
     44         printf("%d\n",q[x[i][l[i][1]]].a);
     45     }
     46 }
     48 bool judge()
     49 {
     50 p--;
     51     if (p<=0) 
     52     {
     53         return true;
     54     }
     55     return false;
     56 }
     60 void work()
     61 {
     62 head=0;tail=0;flag=false,flag2=true,flag3=false,cnt=0;
     63 memset(l,0,sizeof(l));
     64 memset(x,0,sizeof(x));
     65 h=0;
     66 t=0;
     67 for (int i=1;i<=sum[0];i++)
     68 {
     69     t++;
     70     if (judge()) 
     71     {
     72         print();
     73         return;
     74     }
     75     x[i][1]=s[0][i];
     76     l[i][0]=pos[0][i];
     77     l[i][1]=1;
     78 }
     79 print();
     80 h=0;
     81 p++;
     82        while (h!=t)
     83         {
     84              bt=t;
     85              while (h!=bt)
     86              {
     87                  h=h % limit +1;
     88                  lh0=l[h][0];
     89                  lh1=l[h][1];
     90                  for (int i=1;i<=sum[lh0];i++)
     91                  {
     92                      if (judge()) 
     93                      {
     94                          return;
     95                      }
     96                      t=t % limit +1;
     97                      memcpy(x[t],x[h],(lh1+1)*sizeof(int));
     98                      l[t][1]=lh1+1;  //多了一个数
     99                      l[t][0]=pos[lh0][i];
    100                      x[t][l[t][1]]=s[lh0][i];
    101                       for (int j=1;j<l[t][1];j++)
    102                      {
    103                        printf("%d ",q[x[t][j]].a);
    104                     }
    105                      printf("%d\n",q[x[t][l[t][1]]].a);
    106                  }
    107              }
    108          }
    109 print();
    110 }
    112 void init()
    113 {
    114 freopen("seq.in","r",stdin);
    115 freopen("seq.out","w",stdout);
    116   while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&p)!=EOF)
    117   {
    118       memset(q,0,sizeof(q));
    119       for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    120       {
    121           scanf("%d",&q[i].a);
    122           q[i].b=i;
    123       }
    124       sort(q+1,q+n+1);
    125       memset(s,0,sizeof(s));
    126       memset(pos,0,sizeof(pos));
    127      memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum));
    128       for (int i=0;i<=n;i++)
    129       {
    130       rec=-1000;
    131           for (int j=i+1;j<=n;j++)
    132           {
    133               if (q[i].b<q[j].b && rec!=q[j].a)
    134               {
    135                   flag=false;
    136                   if (flag) continue;
    137                   sum[i]++;
    138                   s[i][sum[i]]=j;
    139                   pos[i][sum[i]]=j;
    140                   rec=q[j].a;
    141                }
    142           }
    143       }
    144       work();
    145       printf("\n");
    146   }
    147 }
    149 int main ()
    150 {
    151 init();
    152 close();
    153 return 0;
    154 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cssystem/p/2839412.html
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