• zabbix系列之四——快速使用



    1login and configuring user









    Enter the user name Admin with password zabbix.As the superuser.

    1)set language

    After login with Admin,select “Administration”à “Users”àclick “Admin”àchoose “language” as you wantà”update”àrefresh the Webpage,it will work.

    2)update password

    Click the alias of Admin,turn to the User tab,click the “change password”,enter new password.


    protection against brute force attacks

    a)Zabbix interface will pause for 30 seconds in order to prevent brute force and dictionary attacks;

    Brute force attacks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brute-force_attack

    Dictionayr attacks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_attack

    b)the IP address of a failed login attempt will be displayed after a successful login.

    1.2add user

    1)To view information about users, go to Administration → Users.

    2)To add a new user, click on Create user.












    Zabbix administrators



    3)add media

    By default, new users have no media (notification delivery methods) defined for them. To create one, go to the 'Media' tab and click on Add.


    4)add successful

    The new user appears in the userlist

    5)Adding permissions:

    By default, a new user has no permissions to access hosts. To grant the user rights, click on the group of the user in the Groups column (in this case - 'Zabbix administrators'). In the group properties form, go to the Permissions tab.

    This user is to have read-only access to Linux servers group, so click on Select next to the user group selection field.


    In this pop-up, mark the checkbox next to 'Linux servers', then click Select. Linux servers should be displayed in the selection field. Click the 'Read' button to set permission level and then Add to add the group to the list of permissions. In the user group properties form, click Update.

     Note: In Zabbix, access rights to hosts are assigned to user groups, not individual users.

    6)login use the new user

    2new host


    Abstract:A host in Zabbix is a networked entity (physical, virtual) that you wish to monitor. The definition of what can be a “host” in Zabbix is quite flexible. It can be a physical server, a network switch, a virtual machine or some application.

    2.1adding host






    The definition of what can be a “host” in Zabbix is quite flexible. It can be a physical server, a network switch, a virtual machine or some application.

    The bare minimum to enter here is:




    Host name

    Alphanumerics,spaces,dots,dashes and underscores are allowed.


    Select one or several groups from the right hand side selectbox and click on « to move them to the 'In groups' selectbox.

    All access permissions are assigned to host groups, not individual hosts. That is why a host must belong to at least one group.

    Ip address

    Enter the IP address of the host. Note that if this is the Zabbix server IP address, it must be specified in the Zabbix agent configuration file 'Server' directive.


    If the ZBX icon in the Availability column is red, there is some error with communication - move your mouse cursor over it to see the error message. If that icon is gray, no status update has happened so far. Check that Zabbix server is running, and try refreshing the page later as well.

    Click “Apply”

    Start the zabbix-agent?






    2.2adding item

    2.2.1add item






    Find the host we have created

    The Items link in the row of 'New host' should display a count of '0'. Click on the link, and then click on Create item. This will present us with an item definition form.

    For our sample item, the essential information to enter is:





    Enter CPU Load as the value. This will be the item name displayed in lists and elsewhere.


    Manually enter system.cpu.load as the value. This is a technical name of an item that identifies the type of information that will be gathered. The particular key is just one of pre-defined keys that come with Zabbix agent.

    Type of information

    Select Numeric (float) here. This attribute defines the format of expected data.

    You may also want to reduce the amount of days item history will be kept, to 7 or 14. This is good practice to relieve the database from keeping lots of historical values.

    click Add

    Click on Details above the list to view what exactly was done.(on the top of “Items”,with “item updated” notice)

    2.2.2seeing data





    Submodule:Latest data

    1)select 'New host' in the filter and click on Apply.

    2)Then click on the + “before - other - “ and expect your item to be there and displaying data.

    With that said, first data may take up to 60 seconds to arrive. That, by default, is how often the server reads configuration changes and picks up new items to execute.


    To view the graph, go to Monitoring → Latest data and click on the 'Graph' link next to the item.

    2.3New trigger

    2.3.1adding trigger

    Items only collect data. To automatically evaluate incoming data we need to define triggers. A trigger contains an expression that defines a threshold of what is an acceptable level for the data.

    If that level is surpassed by the incoming data, a trigger will “fire” or go into a 'Problem' state - letting us know that something has happened that may require attention. If the level is acceptable again, trigger returns to an 'Ok' state.






    find 'New host' and click on Triggers next to it and then on Create trigger.

    For our trigger, the essential information to enter here is:





    Enter CPU load too high on 'New host' for 3 minutes as the value. This will be the trigger name displayed in lists and elsewhere.


    Enter: {New host:system.cpu.load.avg(180)}>2

    1)      This is the trigger expression. Make sure that the expression is entered right, down to the last symbol.

    2)      The item key here (system.cpu.load) is used to refer to the item.

    3)      This particular expression basically says that the problem threshold is exceeded when the CPU load average value for 3 minutes is over 2

    4)      You can learn more about the syntax of trigger expressions.

    ( https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/config/triggers/expression)


    When done, click Add. The new trigger should appear in the trigger list.

    2.3.2displaying trigger status






    After 3 minutes or so (we asked to evaluate a 3-minute average after all) your trigger should appear there, presumably with a green 'OK' flashing in the 'Status' column.


    1)      the flashing indicates a recent change of trigger status, one that has taken place in the last 30 minutes.

    2)      If a red 'PROBLEM' is flashing there, then obviously the CPU load has exceeded the threshold level you defined in the trigger.

    Not classified





    No events


    CPU load too high on 'Zabbix-server' for 3 minutes



    2.4Receiving problem notification

    In this section you will learn how to set up alerting in the form of notifications in Zabbix.

    E-mail being the most popular delivery method for problem notifications, we will learn how to set up an e-mail notification

    2.4.1E-mail settings





    Submodule:Media types

    click on Email in the list of pre-defined media types.

    1)      Set the values of SMTP server, SMTP helo and SMTP e-mail to the appropriate for your environment.

    2)      'SMTP email' will be used as the 'From' address for the notifications sent from Zabbix.

    3)      A media type must be linked to users by defining specific delivery addresses (like we did when configuring a new user), otherwise it will not be used.

    In our case:





    Test email software

    Check the sendmail and mailx software installation status.

    Test code(centos7):

    echo "zabbix test mail" |mail -s "zabbix" XXXXX@qq.com

    1)Has been installed with the zabbix installation,thus no need to install additionally.

    2)Use qq email to test.if installed successful,your qq email will recive the message.

    Configure the media types


    SMTP server:localhost

    SMTP helo:localhost

    SMTP email:zabbix@localhost

    Edit the admin email info


    2.4.2New action

    Delivering notifications is one of the things actions do in Zabbix.






    click on Create action

    1define what the action should do




    enter a name for the action

    In the most simple case, if we do not add any more specific conditions, the action will be taken upon any trigger change from 'Ok' to 'Problem'.

    We still should define what the action should do - and that is done in the Operations tab.

    Click on New in the Operations block


    click on Add in the Send to Users block and select the user (Admin') we have defined

    {TRIGGER.STATUS} and {TRIGGER.NAME} macros (or variables), visible in the Default subject and Default message fields, will be replaced with the actual trigger status and trigger name values.

    Select 'Email' as the value of Send only to.


    click on Add in the operation detail



    2 Receiving notification




    To receive notification,we can change the trigger



    in Monitoring → Triggers you should see the trigger with a flashing 'Problem' status

    you should receive a problem notification in your e-mail


    If notifications do not work:

    1)verify once again that both the e-mail settings and the action have been configured properly

    2)make sure the user you created has at least read permissions on the host which generated the event, as noted in the Adding user step. The user, being part of the 'Zabbix administrators' user group must have at least read access to 'Linux servers' host group that our host belongs to.

    3)Additionally, you can check out the action log by going to Reports → Action log.

    2.6New template

    1While all of these steps offer a great deal of flexibility in themselves, it may appear like a lot of steps to take if needed for, say, a thousand hosts. Some automation would be handy.

    2Templates allow to group useful items, triggers and other entities so that those can be reused again and again by applying to hosts in a single step.

    3When a template is linked to a host, the host inherits all entities of the template. So, basically a pre-prepared bunch of checks can be applied very quickly.

    2.6.1adding template




    in Configuration Templates click on Create template


    The required parameters to enter here are:

    1)      Template name: Enter a template name. Alpha-numericals, spaces and underscores are allowed.

    2)      Groups:

    Select one or several groups from the right hand side selectbox and click on « to move them to the 'In groups' selectbox. The template must belong to a group.

    Our template name:test template

    As you may see, the template is there, but it holds nothing in it - no items, triggers or other entities.

    Adding item to template

    1)      go to the item list for 'New host'. In ConfigurationHosts click on Items next to 'New host'.

    2)      mark the checkbox of the 'CPU Load' item in the list

    3)      click on Copy below the list

    4)      select the template to copy item to

    5)      click on Copy

    Check the result

    go to ConfigurationTemplates, ' test template ' should have one new item in it.

    Linking template to host

    go to Configurationhosts, click on 'New host' to open its property form and go to the Templates tab.

    With a template ready, it only remains to add it to a host.

    click on Select next to Link new templates

    1In the pop-up window click on the name of template we have created (' test template ')

    The template should appear in the Linked templates list

    As it appears in the Link new templates field, click on Add.


    Click Update in the form to save the changes.

    The template is now added to the host, with all entities that it holds.

    Linking pre-defined templates to hosts

    1As you may have noticed, Zabbix comes with a set of predefined templates for various OS, devices and applications.

    2 To get started with monitoring very quickly, you may link the appropriate one of them to a host, but beware that these templates need to be fine-tuned for your environment. Some checks may not be needed, and polling intervals may be way too frequent.


    Note: As you may have guessed, this way it can be applied to any other host as well. Any changes to the items, triggers and other entities at the template level will propagate to the hosts the template is linked to.


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