cmd命令行下编译并执行,不过要将package javase8注释掉,否则会报错
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231
错误: 找不到或无法加载主类 Exception20171231
//package javase8; class TestException extends Exception { TestException(){super();} TestException(String s){super(s);} } class Exception20171231 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (String arg : args) { try { thrower(arg); System.out.println("Test "" + arg +"" did't throw an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Test "" + arg +"" threw a " + e.getClass() + " with message: " + e.getMessage()); } } } static int thrower(String s) throws TestException{ try { if (s.equals("divide")) { int i=0; return i/i; } if (s.equals("null")) { s=null; return s.length(); } if (s.equals("test")) { throw new TestException("Test Message"); } return 0; } finally { System.out.println("[thrower("" + s +"") done]"); } } }
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231 divide
[thrower("divide") done]
Test "divide" threw a class java.lang.ArithmeticException
with message: / by zero
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231 null
[thrower("null") done]
Test "null" threw a class java.lang.NullPointerException
with message: null
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231 test
[thrower("test") done]
Test "test" threw a class TestException
with message: Test Message
D:codeworkspacemyjavasrcjavase8>java Exception20171231 hh
[thrower("hh") done]
Test "hh" did't throw an exception