• HDU 2686 Matrix


    Time Limit: 1000ms
    Memory Limit: 32768KB
    This problem will be judged on HDU. Original ID: 2686
    64-bit integer IO format: %I64d      Java class name: Main
    Yifenfei very like play a number game in the n*n Matrix. A positive integer number is put in each area of the Matrix.
    Every time yifenfei should to do is that choose a detour which frome the top left point to the bottom right point and than back to the top left point with the maximal values of sum integers that area of Matrix yifenfei choose. But from the top to the bottom can only choose right and down, from the bottom to the top can only choose left and up. And yifenfei can not pass the same area of the Matrix except the start and end. 


    The input contains multiple test cases.
    Each case first line given the integer n (2<n<30) 
    Than n lines,each line include n positive integers.(<100)


    For each test case output the maximal values yifenfei can get.

    Sample Input

    10 3
    5 10
    10 3 3
    2 5 3
    6 7 10
    1 2 3 4 5
    2 3 4 5 6
    3 4 5 6 7
    4 5 6 7 8
    5 6 7 8 9

    Sample Output



     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 int dp[80][40][40],val[40][40],n;
     4 int main() {
     5     while(~scanf("%d",&n)) {
     6         memset(dp,0,sizeof dp);
     7         for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
     8             for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
     9                 scanf("%d",val[i] + j);
    10         for(int k = 1; k < 2*n - 2; ++k) {
    11             for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    12                 for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
    13                     if(i == j) continue;
    14                     dp[k][i][j] = max(max(dp[k-1][i][j],dp[k-1][i-1][j]),max(dp[k-1][i][j-1],dp[k-1][i-1][j-1]));
    15                     dp[k][i][j] += val[i][k - i] + val[j][k - j];
    16                 }
    17         }
    18         int t = 2*n-3;
    19         printf("%d
    ",max(dp[t][n-1][n-2],dp[t][n-2][n-1]) + val[0][0] + val[n-1][n-1]);
    20     }
    21     return 0;
    22 }
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/crackpotisback/p/4925131.html
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