• [LeetCode] Sqrt(x) 解题报告

    Implement int sqrt(int x).
    Compute and return the square root of x.
    » Solve this problem


    1:    int sqrt(int x) {  
    2: // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
    3: // DO NOT write int main() function
    4: int start =0, end;
    5: end= x/2<std::sqrt(INT_MAX)? x/2+1:std::sqrt(INT_MAX);
    6: while(start<= end)
    7: {
    8: int mid = (start+end)/2;
    9: int sqr = mid*mid;
    10: if(sqr ==x)
    11: {
    12: return mid;
    13: }
    14: if(sqr<x)
    15: {
    16: start = mid+1;
    17: }
    18: else
    19: {
    20: end = mid-1;
    21: }
    22: }
    23: return (start+end)/2;
    24: }

    1:       const float EPS = 0.000000001;  
    2: int sqrt(int x) {
    3: // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
    4: // DO NOT write int main() function
    5: if(x==0) return x;
    6: float dividend = x;
    7: float val = x;//最终
    8: float last;//保存上一个计算的值
    9: do
    10: {
    11: last = val;
    12: val =(val + dividend/val) / 2;
    13: }while(abs(val-last) > EPS);
    14: int result = val;
    15: if(result * result > x)
    16: result--;
    17: return result;
    18: }

    1. Line 15 & 16

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codingtmd/p/5078950.html
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