Outbound Process
1. WE31: Create IDoc Segment
2. WE30: Create IDoc Type(Basic Type)
3. WE81: Create Message Type
4. WE82: Assign Message Type to IDoc Type
5. SM59: Maintain RFC Destinations
6. WE21: Create Port
7. BD54/SALE: Create Sender Logical System
8. WE20: Create Partner Profile
9. SE38: Using FM:MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE(Application interface to the ALE layer on outbound processing side) to send IDoc
Inbound Process
1. WE31: Create IDoc Segment
2. WE30: Create IDoc Type
3. WE81: Create Message Type
4. WE82: Assign Message Type to IDoc Type
以上四步创建的内容和Outbound Interface相同
5. SE37: 创建回写逻辑代码
6. BD51: 注册FM
7. WE57: 关联FM于Basic Type / Message Type
8. WE42: 创建Inbound Process Code(绑定FM),选择是否通过ALE服务
9. BD54/SALE: Create Receiver Logical System
10. WE20: Create Partner Profile(这一步和Outbound Process中不同,只需要配置Message Type和Process Code)
WE02/WE05: Display IDoc
Test Tool
WE19: Test Tool(支持手动重发等)