• [CodeForces-1036E] Covered Points 暴力 GCD 求交点








      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<algorithm>
      4 #include<iostream>
      5 #include<cmath>
      6 #include<vector>
      7 #include<queue>
      8 #include<set>
      9 #include<map>
     10 using namespace std;
     11 #define eps 1e-6
     12 #define For(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
     13 #define Fore(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i>=b;i--)
     14 #define lson l,mid,rt<<1
     15 #define rson mid+1,r,rt<<1|1
     16 #define mkp make_pair
     17 #define pb push_back
     18 #define sz size()
     19 #define met(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
     20 #define iossy ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0)
     21 #define fr freopen
     22 #define pi acos(-1.0)
     23 #define Vector Point
     24 typedef pair<int,int> pii;
     25 const long long linf=1LL<<62;
     26 const int iinf=1<<30;
     27 const double dinf=1e17;
     28 const int Mod=1e9+9;
     29 typedef long long ll;
     30 typedef long double ld;
     31 const int maxn=1000005;
     32 int n;
     33 struct Point{
     34     ll x,y;
     35     int id;
     36     Point(ll x=0,ll y=0):x(x),y(y) {}
     37     Point operator - (const Point &a)const { return Point(x-a.x,y-a.y);}
     38     bool operator == (const Point &a)const { return x==a.x && y==a.y; }
     39 };
     40 ll Cross(Vector a,Vector b){
     41     return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;
     42 }
     43 ll Dot(Vector a,Vector b) {
     44     return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y;
     45 }
     46 bool onsg(Point p,Point a1,Point a2){
     47     return Cross(a1-p,a2-p)==0 && Dot(a1-p,a2-p)<0;
     48 }
     49 void ck(ll &c){
     50     if(c>0) c=1;
     51     else if(c<0) c=-1;
     52 }
     53 int Ins(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2){
     54     if(a1==b1 || a1==b2 || a2==b1 || a2==b2) return 1;
     55     if(onsg(a1,b1,b2) || onsg(a2,b1,b2) || onsg(b1,a1,a2) || onsg(b2,a1,a2)) return 1;
     56     ll c1=Cross(a2-a1,b1-a1),c2=Cross(a2-a1,b2-a1);
     57     ll c3=Cross(b2-b1,a1-b1),c4=Cross(b2-b1,a2-b1);
     58     ck(c1);ck(c2);ck(c3);ck(c4);
     59     return c1*c2<0 && c3*c4<0;
     60 }
     61 set<pair<ll,ll> >c;
     62 void chk(Point p,Vector v,Point q,Vector w){
     63     Vector u=p-q;
     64     ll v1=Cross(w,u),v2=Cross(v,w);
     65     if(abs(v1*v.x)%v2!=0 || abs(v1*v.y)%v2!=0) return ;
     66     ll xx,yy;
     67     xx=p.x+v.x*v1/v2;yy=p.y+v.y*v1/v2;
     68     c.insert(mkp(xx,yy));
     69 }
     70 struct segm{
     71     Point p1,p2;
     72 };
     73 segm ss[maxn];
     74 Point p1,p2;
     75 void solve(){
     76     iossy;
     77     cin>>n;
     78     int ans=0;
     79     For(i,1,n){
     80         cin>>p1.x>>p1.y>>p2.x>>p2.y;
     81         ss[i].p1=p1;ss[i].p2=p2;
     82         ans+=__gcd(abs(ss[i].p2.x-ss[i].p1.x),abs(ss[i].p2.y-ss[i].p1.y))+1;
     83     }
     84     For(i,1,n){
     85         c.clear();
     86         For(j,i+1,n){
     87             int ct=Ins(ss[i].p1,ss[i].p2,ss[j].p1,ss[j].p2);
     88             if(ct) chk(ss[i].p1,ss[i].p2-ss[i].p1,ss[j].p1,ss[j].p2-ss[j].p1);
     89         }
     90         ans-=c.sz;
     91     }
     92     //cout<<ans-c.sz<<endl;
     93     cout<<ans<<endl;
     94 }
     95 int main(){
     96     int t=1;
     97    // For(i,1,t) printf("Case #%d: ",i);
     98     solve();
     99     return 0;
    100 }
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