参考博客1:https://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/5729934.html 题目
参考博客2:https://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/5748496.html 答案
按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分
select sc.student_id, (select num from score left join course on score.course_id = course.cid where course.cname = "生物" and score.student_id=sc.student_id) as sy, (select num from score left join course on score.course_id = course.cid where course.cname = "物理" and score.student_id=sc.student_id) as wl, (select num from score left join course on score.course_id = course.cid where course.cname = "体育" and score.student_id=sc.student_id) as ty, count(sc.course_id), avg(sc.num) from score as sc group by student_id desc /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select student_id, (select num from score as InnerTb where InnerTb.student_id=OuterTb.student_id and course_id=1) as yw, (select num from score as InnerTb where InnerTb.student_id=OuterTb.student_id and course_id=2) as wl, (select num from score as InnerTb where InnerTb.student_id=OuterTb.student_id and course_id=3) as ty, count(student_id), avg(num) as av from score as OuterTb group by OuterTb.student_id order by av asc
select course_id, max(num) as max_num, min(num) as min_num from score group by course_id; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select course_id,max(num),min(num) from score group by course_id
/* 思路:case when .. then */ select course_id, avg(num) as avgnum,sum(case when score.num > 60 then 1 else 0 END)/count(1)*100 as percent from score group by course_id order by avgnum asc,percent desc; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select course_id, avg(num), count(course_id), sum(case when score.num > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / count(course_id) * 100 from score group by course_id
select avg(if(isnull(score.num),0,score.num)),teacher.tname from course left join score on course.cid = score.course_id left join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by score.course_id /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select avg(num),course_id from score group by course_id order by avg(num) desc ...
select score.sid,score.course_id,score.num,T.first_num,T.second_num from score left join ( select sid, (select num from score as s2 where s2.course_id = s1.course_id order by num desc limit 0,1) as first_num, (select num from score as s2 where s2.course_id = s1.course_id order by num desc limit 2,1) as second_num from score as s1 ) as T on score.sid =T.sid where score.num <= T.first_num and score.num >= T.second_num
select course_id, count(1) from score group by course_id; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select course_id, count(student_id) from score group by course_id
select student.sid, student.sname, count(1) from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid group by course_id having count(1) = 1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select student_id, count(student_id) from score group by student_id having count(student_id) = 1
select * from (select count(1) as man from student where gender='男') as A , (select count(1) as feman from student where gender='女') as B /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 横排列 */ select gender, count(gender) from student group by gender /* 竖排列 select后面不加表 */ select (select count(1) from student where gender='男') as "男", (select count(1) from student where gender='女') as "女" /* 竖排列 笛卡尔积运算 */ select * from (select count(1) from student where gender='男') as "tb1", (select count(1) from student where gender='女') as "tb2"