• Step3

    This is the third of six tasks required to create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application. For an overview of all six of the tasks, see the Getting Started Tutorial topic.

    This topic describes how to host a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in a console application. This procedure consists of the following steps:


    • Create a console application project to host the service.      创建一个控制台应用项目来托管服务

    • Create a service host for the service.    //为服务创建一个servicehost

    • Enable metadata exchange.  启用元数据的交换

    • Open the service host.    打开servicehost

    A complete listing of the code written in this task is provided in the example following the procedure.

    To create a new console application to host the service

    • 1.Create a new Console Application project by right-clicking on the Getting Started solution, selecting, Add, New Project. In the Add New Project dialog on the left hand side of the dialog select Windows underC# or VB. In the center section of the dialog select Console Application. Name the project GettingStartedHost.


    • 2.Set the target framework of the GettingStartedHost project to .NET Framework 4.5 by right clicking on GettingStartedHost in the Solution Explorer and selecting Properties. In the dropdown box labeledTarget Framework select .NET Framework 4.5. Setting the target framework for a VB project is a little different, in the GettingStartedHost project properties dialog, click the Compile tab on the left-hand side of the screen, and then click the Advanced Compile Options button at the lower left-hand corner of the dialog. Then select .NET Framework 4.5 in the dropdown box labeled Target Framework.

    Setting the target framework will cause Visual Studio 2012 to reload the solution, press OK when prompted.


    • 3.Add a reference to the GettingStartedLib project to the GettingStartedHost project by right clicking on the References folder under the GettingStartedHost project in the solution explorer and select Add Reference. In the Add Reference dialog, select Solution on the left-hand side of the dialog and select GettingStartedLib in the center section of the dialog and click Add. This makes the types defined in GettingStartedLib available to the GettingStartedHost project.

    添加GettingStartedLib 项目作为GettingStartedHost 的引用。

    • 4.Add a reference to System.ServiceModel to the GettingStartedHost project by right-clicking the Reference folder under the GettingStartedHost project in Solution Explorer and select Add Reference. In the Add Reference dialog select Framework on the left-hand side of the dialog. In the Search Assemblies textbox, type in System.ServiceModel. In the center section of the dialog select System.ServiceModel, click theAdd button, and click the Close button. Save the solution by clicking the Save All button below the main menu.

    给GettingStartedHost 项目添加System.ServiceModel的引用。

    To host the service

    • Open the Program.cs or Module.vb file and enter the following code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.ServiceModel;//Uri和ServiceHost
    using System.ServiceModel.Description;//ServiceMetadataBehavior
    using GettingStartedLib;
    namespace GettingStartedHost
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Step 1 Create a URI to serve as the base address.
                Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/GettingStarted/");
                // Step 2 Create a ServiceHost instance
                ServiceHost selfHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(CalculatorService), baseAddress);
                    // Step 3 Add a service endpoint.
                    selfHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ICalculator), new WSHttpBinding(), "CalculatorService");
                    // Step 4 Enable metadata exchange.
                    ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
                    smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
                    // Step 5 Start the service.
                    Console.WriteLine("The service is ready.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate service.");
                    // Close the ServiceHostBase to shutdown the service.
                catch (CommunicationException ce)
                    Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: {0}", ce.Message);
    • Step 1 - Creates an instance of the Uri class to hold the base address of the service. Services are identified by a URL which contains a base address and an optional URI. The base address is formatted as follows:[transport]://[machine-name or domain][:optional port #]/[optional URI segment]The base address for the calculator service uses the HTTP transport, localhost, port 8000, and the URI segment “GettingStarted”

    创建一个Uri类的实例,来保存服务的基础地址。服务通过url来进行识别,url包含了基础地址以及可选的uri。基础地址的格式如下:[transport]://[machine-name or domain][:optional port#]/[optional URI segment]

    calculator 服务的基地址,使用的是http传输,localhost,端口8000。URI部分为GettingStarted

    • Step 2 – Creates an instance of the ServicHost class to host the service. The constructor takes two parameters, the type of the class that implements the service contract, and the base address of the service.

    创建一个ServicHost 类的实例来托管服务。构造函数接受2个参数,实现了服务契约的类的类型,服务的基地址。

    • Step 3 – Creates a ServiceEndpoint instance. A service endpoint is composed of an address, a binding, and a service contract. The ServiceEndpoint constructor therefore takes the service contract interface type, a binding, and an address. The service contract is ICalculator, which you defined and implement in the service type. The binding used in this sample is WSHttpBinding which is a built-in binding that is used for connecting to endpoints that conform to the WS-* specifications. For more information about WCF bindings, see Windows Communication Foundation Bindings OverviewThe address is appended to the base address to identify the endpoint. The address specified in this code is “Calculator” so the fully qualified address for the endpoint is“http://localhost:8000/GettingStartedService/Calculator”

    创建ServiceEndpoint 的实例。服务终结点由地址,绑定,服务契约构成。服务终结点的构造函数需要服务契约的接口类型,绑定以及地址。服务契约是ICalculator,此接口定义了,并且在服务类型中实现。在这个示例中使用的绑定是WSHttpBinding,用来连接符合WS-*规范的终结点。地址附加到基地址上来识别终结点。这个代码示例中的地址指定为Calculator,所以这个终结点的完全限定地址为http://localhost:8000/GettingStartedService/Calculator

    Important noteImportant

    Adding a service endpoint is optional when using .NET Framework 4 or later. In these versions, if no endpoints are added in code or configuration, WCF adds one default endpoint for each combination of base address and contract implemented by the service. For more information about default endpoints see Specifying an Endpoint AddressFor more information about default endpoints, bindings, and behaviors, see Simplified Configuration and Simplified Configuration for WCF Services.


    • Step 4 – Enable metadata exchange. Clients will use metadata exchange to generate proxies that will be used to call the service operations. To enable metadata exchange create a ServiceMetadataBehaviorinstance, set it’s HttpGetEnabled property to true, and add the behavior to the Behaviors collection of the ServiceHost instance.


    • Step 5 – Open the ServiceHost to listen for incoming messages. Notice the code waits for the user to hit enter. If you do not do this, the app will close immediately and the service will shut down.Also notice a try/catch block used. After the ServiceHost has been instantiated, all other code is placed in a try/catch block. For more information about safely catching exceptions thrown by ServiceHost, seeAvoiding Problems with the Using Statement


    还需要注意的是,使用了try catch进行异常的捕获。在ServiceHost实例化之后,所以的代码都放在了try catch块中。

    To verify the service is working   确认托管服务已经在工作

    1. Run the GettingStartedHost console application from inside Visual Studio 2012. When running on Windows Vista and later operating systems, the service must be run with administrator privileges. Because Visual Studio was run with Administrator privileges, GettingStartedHost is also run with Administrator privileges. You can also start a new command prompt running it with Administrator privileges and run service.exe within it.

    2. Open Internet Explorer and browse to the service's debug page at http://localhost:8000/GettingStarted/CalculatorService.





    Services such as this one require permission to register HTTP addresses on the machine for listening. Administrator accounts have this permission, but non-administrator accounts must be granted permission for HTTP namespaces. For more information about how to configure namespace reservations, see Configuring HTTP and HTTPSWhen running under Visual Studio, the service.exe must be run with administrator privileges.







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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/4631184.html
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