• New Words

    单词 释义 用例
    belt 皮带 loosen a belt
    chemical 化学的 chemical equation
    vast 巨大的 vast difference
    diligent 勤奋的 diligent students
    necklace 项链 wear a necklace
    scissor 剪刀 need a scissor
    tragedy 悲剧 bear a tragedy
    idle 无目地的 idle time
    rid 摆脱 rid yourself of this mood
    tongue 舌头 put out one's tongue
    rapid 快的 rapid development
    jointly 共同的 held jointly
    priority 优先 high priority
    forgive 原谅 forgive sb's sin
    delegate 代表,委托 appoint a delegate
    excited 激动的 excited cheering
    margin 边缘 road margin
    penalty 处罚 give a penalty
    heretofore 迄今为止 be heretofore silence
    therefore  因此 I was ill, and therefore I could not come
    sluttish 邋遢的 a sluttish bitch
    lip 嘴唇 bite her lip
    initiative 首创精神 show initiative
    precise 精确的 the precise moment
    precision 精准 precision medicine
    embed 插入 embed hyperlink
    argument 辩论 accept an argument
    fortune 命运;财产 bad fortune
    hyper 亢奋的 Please don't get too hyper
    sheer 纯粹的 sheer dedication
    asset 资产 freeze assets 
    train 火车,训练 catch the train
    train ability
    freeze 冻结 freeze wages 
    symbol 符号,象征 symbol of authority
    front 前面 front end development
    allowance 津贴 retiring allowance
    expand 扩大 expand influence
    edge 边缘 at the edge of 
    reshape 改造 reshape myself
    exhaust 废气,耗尽 industrial exhaust
    exhaust one's strength
    consequence 后果 destructive consequence
    discrimination 歧视 sex/racial discrimination
    manipulate 操纵 manipulate the market
    cholesterol 胆固醇 cholesterol level
    available 可利用的 be available for
    rotate 轮流,旋转 rotate crops
    rotate one's eyes
    fascinating 迷人的 fascinating view
    absolutely 完全地 absolutely necessary
    adjacent 邻近的 adjacent to the building
    determine 决定 determine happily 
    ideal 理想的 ideal weather
    accelerate 加速 accelerate economic growth
    perspective 远景 perspective of lakes
    innocence 清白 the white rose of innocence
    leverage 杠杆 leverage factor
    virtual 实质的 be the virtual head of
    suitable 合适的 suitable clothes
    puzzle 迷惑 puzzle the beginners
    boundary 边界 redraw the boundary
    defined 有定义的 user-defined word
    particular 特殊的 particular friend 
    eligibility 合格 a certificate of eligibility
    gear 齿轮 change〔shift〕 gear
    definition 定义 formulate〔frame, give〕 a definition
    reasonableness 合理性 reasonableness check
    notably 显著地 a notably successful project
    conviction 坚信 speak with conviction
    ignorance 无知 Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud
    deliberate 故意的 deliberate act
    elaborate 详尽阐述 elaborate on a theory
    authorized 经授权的 authorized person
    profit 利润 profit on capital
    exit 出口 fire exit
    spark 火花 electric spark
    spectacular 壮观的 a spectacular sunset
    suit 适合,套装,起诉 suit the needs of modernization
    put on a suit
    gain a suit
    sense 感觉 a sense of humor
    immunity 免疫 acquired immunity
    eventually 最终 abandon eventually
    sweep 打扫 sweep floor
    farewell 告别 wave a farewell
    rainbow 彩虹 see rainbow
    period 时期 harvest period
    referral 推荐 school referral
    crucial 关键的 crucial experiment
    parameter 参数 optimum parameter
    mosquito 蚊子 drive off mosquitos
    zeal 热情 show great zeal for
    friction 摩擦 political friction
    endure 忍受 endure the insolence
    intention 意图 announce〔declare〕 one's intention
    emotion 情感 restrain emotion
    agenda 议程 make up an agenda
    phonetic 语音的 international phonetic alphabet ['ælfəbet]
    scenery 风景 natural scenery
    turn around 逆转 the market turn around
    blow blow out the candle
    bit 少量 a bit of
    allowable 容许的 allowable defect
    fuel 燃料 fuel a car
    consolidate 巩固,合并 consolidate his position
    suspect 怀疑 suspect one's motives
    gather 聚集 gather wealth
    seek 寻求 seek advice
    quality 品质 preserve quality
    yawn 呵欠 yawn secretly
    solar 太阳能的 solar cell
    multiply multiply four by five
    tolerate 容忍 tolerate morally
    rule 规则 bend a rule
    excess 过量的 excess in drinking
    quarter 四分之一 cut into the quarters
    physical 身体的,物质的,物理的 physical checkup
    physical world
    physical science
    burden 负担 lay a burden on sb
    smile 微笑 force a smile
    mentor 导师 meet my mentor
    affect  影响(感情)v. affect health
    impact 事件影响 an impact on
    officially 官方的,正式的 officially controlled 
    lowercase 小写字母 Using all lowercase letters looks lazy
    flirt 调情 a terrible flirt
    symbolic 符号的 symbolic language
    fingerprint 指纹 fingerprint identification
    commercial 商业的 commercial value 
    block 阻塞,街区 traffic block
    walk around the block three times
    pervasive 普遍的 unemployment is pervasive
    critical 批判性的,关键的 a critical thinking
    a critical evidence
    mix 混合 mix flour and water
    fairy 神话的 fairy story
    go along with 与…在一起 go along with your view
    mandate 要求 follow the doctor's mandate
    inevitable 不可避免的 inevitable course of history
    compliance 顺从 Non-compliance to security policies may lead to disciplinary ['dɪsəplɪnəri] actions
    despite 尽管 despite of
    forest 森林 open up forest
    exceed 超过 exceed all expectation [ˌekspek'teɪʃn]
    disruptive 破坏性的 a disruptive influence
    perfect 完美的 perfect condition
    invitation 邀请 cordial ['kɔːdiəl] invitation
    volume 容量 large volumes of data
    various 各种各样的 be used for various purposes
    transaction 交易 card transactions
    across 横穿 used across industries 
    scalable 可伸缩的 a scalable ['skeɪləbl] and agile ['ædʒaɪl] way 
    at hand 在手边 the project at hand
    couple 结合 couple with
    caption 标题 the captioned incident
    tendency 趋势 the tendency to perfection
    poet 诗人 worshiped ['wɜːʃɪp] poet
    accuracy 准确性 syntactical [sɪn'tæktɪkəl] accuracy
    outside 在外面 outside office hours
    jungle 丛林 dense jungle
    breath 呼吸 hold one's breath
    confluence 汇合 the confluence of three rivers
    heat heat up the cold meat
    spread 传播 spread the rumours
    illuminate 照亮 illuminate the stage
    flat 平坦的 as flat as a pancake
    accomplish 完成 accomplish a task
    grant 授予 grant a general pardon ['pɑːdn]
    competition 竞争 a sharp competition
    sensitive 敏感的 Don't be so sensitive
    agility 灵活 agility exercise
    agile 灵活的 an agile ['ædʒaɪl] negotiator [nɪ'ɡəʊʃieɪtə(r)]
    Agile Training Session
    crystal 水晶 crystal reports
    examination 考试 stand up under close examination
    delegation 代表团 chief of delegation
    fraud 欺骗 expose fraud
    mature 成熟 look mature than before
    injection 注射 An injection is better than a pill
    monetize 货币化 monetize their work
    afford 承担得起 afford a house
    yoga 瑜伽 yoga exercise
    determination 决心 lake of determination
    garden 花园 public garden
    owe owe for house
    thick 厚的 thick lips
    concept 观念 change sb's concept of
    landscape 风景 dreamy landscape
    enforce 强迫 Don't enforce your will on me
    compensatory 补偿性的 compensatory leave
    shoulder 肩膀 square/broad shoulder
    knock Opportunity knocks when you are prepared!
    residential 居住的 Temporary Residential [ˌrezɪ'denʃl] Permit 
    obtain 获得 obtain personal growth 
    uplift 鼓舞 uplift your potential
    stress 压力,强调 tremendous [trə'mendəs] stress can damage your health
    stress repeatedly
    adaption 适应 workplace adaption
    business 生意 business day
    result in 导致 result in a significant reduction 
    eradicate 根除 eradicate crime
    broad 宽广的 broad mind
    meditation 沉思 He is deep in meditation
    migration 迁移 data migration
    split split the class
    irrelevant 无关的 irrelevant information
    massive 大规模的 massive layoffs
    invocation 调用 procedure invocation
    transition 过渡 transition stage
    undeliverable 无法投递的 undeliverable email
    mess 混乱 The local economy is in a mess
    labour 劳动 engaged in labour
    ceremony 仪式 graduation ceremony
    elevate 提升 elevate the living standards
    hidden 隐藏的 the hidden danger
    corresponding 相应的 corresponding changes
    restrict 限制 be restricted in one's movements
    proactive 积极的 a proactive fiscal policy
    ignore 忽视 ignore sb's greeting
    expire 终止 expire with the magazine subscription
    inherit 继承 inherit legally
    maximum 最大量 This hall holds a maximum of seventy people
    maximal 最大的 he obtained maximal benefit from the course
    gum 树胶 chewing gum
    retrieve 恢复 retrieve content of database
    chew 咀嚼 chew your food well before you swallow ['swɒləʊ] it
    private 私人的 private view
    impolite 不礼貌的 It's impolite to peep  [piːp] at others
    mechanical 机械的 mechanical person
    adopt 采用 adopt measures
    absent 缺席的 absent without reason
    capacity 容量 lung [lʌŋ] capacity
    iterate 迭代 You can iterate over rows
    permit 许可 I'll come after the meeting if time permits
    retailer 零售商 A lot of money are spent by retailers on advertising ['ædvətaɪzɪŋ]
    incorporate 合并 incorporate one's suggestion into the plan
    demonstrate 证明 demonstrate convincingly [kən'vɪnsɪŋli]
    combination 结合 A combination [ˌkɒmbɪ'neɪʃn] of factors lead to her decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] to resign [rɪ'zaɪn]
    psychological 心理(学)的 psychological warfare
    corporation 公司 head a corporation
    gasoline 汽油 The car is short of gasoline
    proficiency 熟练 How do you think of your proficiency  [prə'fɪʃnsi] in written and spoken English?
    phishing 网络钓鱼 A phishing e-mail has been detected
    mental 心理的 mental health
    uppercase 大写字母 ignore uppercase
    recipient 接受者 email recipient
    overwork 过度工作 She was tired out by overwork
    pilot 飞行员 skillful pilot ['paɪlət]
    abundance 丰富 live in abundance
    capitalized 大写的 The next letter is capitalized 
    bath 洗澡 hot bath
    renew 更新 renew tire
    discipline 纪律 Corruption [kə'rʌpʃn] of the discipline
    elementary 初级的 elementary school
    presentation 介绍 give a short presentation on the aims [eɪm] of the plan
    spicy 辛辣的 Spicy food does not agree with me
    comedy 喜剧 I prefer [prɪ'fɜː(r)] comedy to tragedy
    legend 传说 the oriental [ˌɔːri'entl] legend
    fiancee 未婚妻 He looked at his fiancee with intense emotions
    roll out 铺开 roll out the red carpet
    interstellar 星际的 interstellar flight
    prescript 规定 have no concrete ['kɒŋkriːt] prescript in the field
    portable 便携的 portable instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt]
    constitute 构成 constitute a crime
    confidential 秘密的 confidential mission ['mɪʃn]
    diversity 多样性 species ['spiːʃiːz] diversity
    diet 饮食 diet strictly
    effect 影响n. The aspirins ['æsprɪn] soon took effect
    stringent 严格的 stringent control on the possession  [pə'zeʃn] of weapons
    merely 仅仅 merely joke
    neglect 忽视 neglect [nɪˈglekt] one's duty
    selfie 自拍照 take a selfie
    dark glasses 墨镜 wear dark glasses
    awesome 令人惊叹的 awesome ['ɔːsəm] achievement
    ephemeral 短暂的 ephemeral interest
    stuff 东西 What is this stuff?
    ambitious 野心勃勃的 She is politically ambitious
    motivate 激励 motivate the salesmen
    competitive 竞争的 keep away from this competitive [kəm'petətɪv] world
    witness 目击者 Looking for witness
    maximize 充分利用 maximize this opportunity
    loose 松散的 loose working environment
    inspect 视察 inspect a school
    shuttlecock 毽子 good at shuttlecock kicking
    grab grab him by the collar ['kɒlə(r)]
    innovation 创新 oppose innovation
    generic 一般的 The generic term
    pattern 式样 hair pattern
    size 尺寸 wear a certain size
    utilize 利用 utilize solar power
    ultimate 终极的 Hard work is the ultimate source of success
    refrain 抑制 refrain the growth
    prove 证明 prove your courage ['kʌrɪdʒ] in the battle ['bætl]
    empower 授权 laws empower sb to do sth
    designate 指定 He was designated to lead the expedition  [ˌekspə'dɪʃn]
    caution 警告 give sb a caution
    receptionist 接待员 front desk receptionist
    solid 固体,坚固的 The foundation of the old house is still solid
    strong 强壮的 strong muscles ['mʌsl]
    band 乐队,环 wrist [rɪst] band
    overseas 海外的 enable overseas call/internal line/ domestic [də'mestɪk] long-distance call
    donate 捐赠 donate [dəʊ'neɪt] money
    pointer 指针 Next Object Pointer
    pen drive U盘 USB Pen Drive
    accumulate 积累 accumulate experience
    first-ever 第一位 China's first ever Olympic Gold medalist ['medəlɪst] 
    estimate 估计 estimate the possibility
    timeline 时间表 a reasonable timeline [ˈtaɪmlaɪn]
    subject 主题 She dare [deə(r)] not mention the subject again
    reactive 反应的 reactive state
    violation 违反 violation [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃn] of traffic regulations
    iteration 迭代 The calculation is completed by iteration
    ratio 比率 The ratio [ˈreɪʃiəʊ] of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 : 1
    composite 合成的 This is a composite [ˈkɒmpəzɪt] picture
    significant 重要的 The question under discussion is significant
    over 在上方的 The lamp hang over the table
    concrete 具体的,混凝土 concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt] figures
    The house is made of concrete
    live up 不辜负 live up to the expectation  [ˌekspek'teɪʃn] 
    approach 接近,方法 approach perfection
    scientific approach
    transact 办理 transact [træn'zækt] the call display service
    venue 场所 book a venue
    digital 数字的,数码的 digital camera ['kæmərə] 
    audio 音频 set the audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] device [dɪ'vaɪs]
    shuttle 往返运送 shuttle bus schedule ['skedʒuːl] 
    intellectual 知识分子 intellectual [ˌɪntə'lektʃuəl] property rights
    spam 垃圾电子邮件 it may be considered [kən'sɪdə(r)] as spam [spæm] or virus ['vaɪərəs]
    usage 使用 usage ['juːsɪdʒ] frequency 
    posture 姿态 strengthen the security posture ['pɒstʃə(r)]
    aid 帮助 aid [eɪd] in building the brand ‘Infosys’ 
    intentional 故意的 Blind Carbon ['kɑːbən] Copy is intentional
    consecutive 连续的 for four consecutive [kən'sekjətɪv] days
    studio 工作室 studio ['stjuːdiəʊ] for wedding photos
    amplify 扩大 amplify the company
    count on 指望 count [kaʊnt] on you
    look to 指望 look to the day when world peace will be reality [ri'æləti]
    formation 形成 the formation of character 
    toothache 牙痛 She suffered ['sʌfə(r)] the torture ['tɔːtʃə(r)] of toothache
    press press a button
    fundamental 基本的 fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] law
    valid 有效的 valid contract
    bar 酒吧 I will see you near the entrance to the bar
    optimize 优化 optimize the code
    appropriate 适当的 at the appropriate time
    upgrade 升级 upgrade your Player
    deserve 值得 You deserve a reward
    strike 罢工 strike for higher wages [weɪdʒ] 
    hesitation 犹豫 There is no room for hesitation [ˌhezɪ'teɪʃn]
    trend 趋势 follow the trend
    firmly 坚定地 speak firmly and confidently
    debate 辩论 a long debate
    wallet 钱包 put the money in her wallet [ˈwɒlɪt]
    illustration 插图 children like books filled with illustrations [ˌɪlə'streɪʃən]
    archive 存档 magnetic tape archive
    cater 迎合
    cater  [ˈkeɪtə(r)] to the mass [mæs] market
    cater for large parties
    outlet 出口 air outlet
    fine 罚款 impose [ɪm'pəʊz] fine
    tissue 纸巾 face tissue
    routine 常规 Set a strict bedtime routine [ruː'tiːn]
    effectiveness 有效性 time-effectiveness [ɪˌfek'tɪvnɪs] 
    pole upright pole [pəʊl]
    equivalent 等价的 1 US dollar is equivalent [ɪ'kwɪvələnt]  to 6 RMB
    treat 治疗,对待,请客 treat the common disease [dɪ'ziːz]
    treat seriously
    provide enjoyable treat
    glorious 光荣的 crow  [krəʊ] about my glorious past
    summit 最高阶层 summit conference
    energy 能量 Don't waste your time and energy ['enədʒi] on trifle ['traɪfl] 
    downward 下降的 downward trend
    distinguish 区别 distinguish obviously ['ɒbviəsli]
    charge 费用 delivery charge
    vertical 垂直的,竖的 The tower is  vertical ['vɜːtɪkl] to the ground
    horizontal 水平的,横的 The sun rises from the horizontal [ˌhɒrɪ'zɒntl] line
    splendid 辉煌的 win a splendid ['splendɪd] victory
    definitely 肯定地 definitely correct
    dual 双重的 She has dual ['djuːəl] nationality [ˌnæʃə'næləti]
    cousin 堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹) distant cousin ['kʌzn]
    inane 空虚的 my life is inane [ɪ'neɪn]
    alternate 交替 Sunny weather alternated with rain
    proposal 建议,求婚 agree to sb's proposal
    proposal of marriage to you
    career 职业 a promising career [kəˈrɪə(r)]
    abbreviation 缩写 UK is the abbreviation of the United Kingdom
    artificial 人造的 artificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃl] fur [fɜː(r)] 
    commitment 承诺 He made a commitment to pay the rent on time
    investigate 调查 The police are investigating the murder
    invest 投资 invest in failure ['feɪljə(r)]
    kitchen 厨房 a well- equipped kitchen
    ability 能力 cultivate ['kʌltɪveɪt] one's ability [ə'bɪləti]
    adhere 坚持 Adhering [əd'hiərɪŋ] to information security and guidelines ['ɡaɪdlaɪnz]
    turnaround 周转时间 turnaround ['tɜːnəraʊnd] is much shorter
    repeatable 可重复的 repeatable [rɪ'piːtəbl] scientific tests
    heap garbage heap
    terrorist 恐怖分子 terrorist ['terərɪst] attack
    odd 奇数的 odd number
    even 偶数的 even number
    integrate 整合 integrate available resources
    adequate 足够的 We had adequate [ˈædɪkwət] food for a week's journey
    minion 下属 minion [ˈmɪniən] of fortune ['fɔːtʃuːn]
    distress 痛苦 I have pity ['pɪti] on your distress
    atmosphere 气氛 enliven [ɪn'laɪvn] the atmosphere
    prospective 预期的 She is my prospective [prəˈspektɪv] mother-in-law
    cycle 周期 pass through a cycle
    deceive 欺骗 Appearances [ə'pɪərəns]  is able to deceive
    procure 获得 The book is  difficult to procure as it is out of print
    commit 犯罪 commit a rape 
    temporary 暂时的 Temporary [ˈtemprəri] Residential [ˌrezɪ'denʃl] Permit 
    earnings 收入 gross earnings
    warn 警告 The police warn [wɔːn] us not to go out at night
    integral 完整的 integral ['ɪntɪɡrəl] point
    grade 年级,打分 receive a grade of 80 on the examination
    piece 块,片,件 break into pieces
    decorate 装饰 decorate the house
    noxious 有毒的 noxious [ˈnɒkʃəs] gas
    silver In ancient ['eɪnʃənt] China, with silver chopsticks to detect for poison  ['pɔɪzn]
    hierarchy 等级制度,统治集团 hierarchy of power 
    array 数组 an array [əˈreɪ] of questions
    journey 旅行 look forward to a journey
    clarification 澄清 In this context I will like to make a clarification [ˌklærəfɪˈkeɪʃn]
    protein 蛋白质 Soybeans ['sɔɪbiːn] are very rich in protein
    as long as 只要 As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe
    aspire 追求 He aspires [əˈspaɪə(r)] after knowledge
    primitive 原始的 The constitution of a primitive  ['prɪmətɪv] society [sə'saɪəti]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chrisghb8812/p/5557842.html
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