• 常用的一些sql基础语句汇总


    SELECT  cat_id,cat_name from syscategory_cat where 1=1 and disabled = 0 and cat_id in ({$ids}) order by field(cat_id,{$ids});

    SELECT goods_id,goods_name,goods_price,goods_image,store_id from 33hao_goods where goods_id in (100591,100592,100153,100173,100142,100178,100174);

    SELECT goods_id,goods_name,goods_price,goods_image,store_id FROM 33hao_goods WHERE goods_id IN (100591,100592,100153,100173,100142,100178,100174) ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(goods_id,'100591,100592,100153,100173,100142,100178,100174');//按顺序查询


    SELECT id,HASH,path,STATUS FROM pic_list WHERE id IN (729,729,724) ORDER BY find_in_set(id, '729,729,724')//去重


    SELECT card.id,card.card_sn FROM card_baseinfo AS card LEFT JOIN seller_list AS sell ON card.seller_id = sell.id WHERE card.request_id = 14 AND sell.`status` = 0;//左查询


    SELECT * FROM card_create_request WHERE 1 = 1 AND cdate >= '2017/01/10 00:00:00 ' AND cdate <= '2017/01/10 23:59:59 ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,10;

    SELECT op_date FROM member_qiandao_log WHERE member_id = 21 AND op_date >= 20160117 AND op_date <= 20160117


    UPDATE content_publish
    SET content = CASE id
    WHEN 21 THEN
    '{"supplier_id":0,"shipping_express_id":"0","shipping_code":"","shipping_time":"0"} '
    WHEN 22 THEN
    WHEN 23 THEN
    id IN (21, 22, 23);//

    UPDATE 33hao_order
    SET mdate = '2017-03-10 15:26:03',
    shipping_info = CASE order_id
    WHEN 324 THEN
    WHEN 352 THEN
    WHEN 388 THEN
    order_id IN (324, 352, 388);//

    count(*) AS zj
    1 = 1
    AND `status` = 0

    sum(CASE WHEN sex = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 男,
    sum(CASE WHEN sex = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 女,
    count(*) AS 总数
    `status` = 0;//查询男女人数,总人数


    SELECT * FROM 33hao_article_class ORDER BY ac_id asc;//正序
    SELECT * FROM 33hao_article_class ORDER BY ac_id desc;//倒叙


    SELECT * FROM content_publish WHERE type_id = 5 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;//倒数第一条

    SELECT * FROM withdraw_list WHERE 1 = 1 AND cdate >= '2017-02-21 00:00:00' AND cdate <= '2017-02-21 23:59:59' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,10;//分页

    SELECT op_date,STATUS,continued_num FROM member_qiandao_log WHERE member_id = $member_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 31;//近31天的签到日志

    SELECT * FROM 33hao_goods WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND goods_state = 1 AND goods_verify = 1 AND goods_commend = 1 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 8;//随机取8个商品


    SELECT COUNT(*) TABLES,table_schema FROM information_schema. TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'water_station' GROUP BY table_schema;


    SELECT tid,`shop_id` ,`status` ,`user_id` ,cancel_reason,`payment` ,`receiver_name` , FROM_UNIXTIME( `created_time`, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as cdate FROM systrade_trade where `shop_id` = 3

    AND `created_time` >= 1501516800 AND `created_time` <= 1504195199


    SELECT concat(refund_bn,"\t") AS '退款申请编号' ,user_id as '用户id',`shop_id` as '店铺id', concat(`tid`,"\t") as `订单id`,refunds_reason as '退款原因',`status` as '状态' ,order_price as '订单金额',total_price as '总金额'
    ,refund_fee as '退款金额' ,FROM_UNIXTIME( `created_time`, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as '创建时间' FROM sysaftersales_refunds
    where `shop_id` = 3
    AND `created_time` >= 1501516800 AND `created_time` <= 1504195199;


    SELECT * from base_setting where `key` like '%b2c.wss.enable%'


     1 SELECT
     2      FROM_UNIXTIME(
     3         `start_time`,
     4         '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'
     5     ) AS start_time,
     6     FROM_UNIXTIME(
     7         `end_time`,
     8         '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'
     9     ) AS end_time,promotion_id,promotion_name
    10 FROM
    11     syspromotion_promotions
    12 WHERE
    13     (`end_time` > 1511157868)
    14 AND (
    15     (
    16         start_time > 1507600800
    17         AND start_time < 1510279200
    18     )
    19     OR (
    20         start_time < 1507600800
    21         AND end_time > 1510279200
    22     )
    23     OR (
    24         end_time > 1507600800
    25         AND end_time < 1510279200
    26     )
    27 );
    30 SELECT it.`bn`  FROM sysitem_item_promotion as pro INNER JOIN `sysitem_item` as it ON pro.`item_id` = it.`item_id`  where pro.`promotion_id` in(158,157,103) and it.bn IN  (3333,4);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/choucat/p/7162274.html
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