• 微服务发布脚本

    1. #!/usr/bin/python2.7
    2. #coding=utf-8
    3. '''
    4. Created on Oct 19
    5. @author wangyunhua@smeyun.com Update Version TO Wan
    6. Version 1.1
    7. '''
    8. import os
    9. import time
    10. import MySQLdb
    11. import json
    12. import logging
    13. import paramiko
    14. import traceback as tb
    15. from argparse import ArgumentParser
    16. l = logging.getLogger('online')
    17. #获取时间用于打包备份命名
    18. D_TIME = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
    19. #作为结果输出
    20. logs = []
    21. #获取脚本当前目录
    22. cfd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    23. SystemUpdatePath="/data/BusinesstoCustomer/program/"
    24. update_service = []
    25. Service_Names = []
    26. GROUPS_Names = []
    27. result=[]
    28. MYSQLHOST=''
    29. MYSQLUSER='root'
    30. MYSQLPASSWD='Feng!1900'
    31. Version_Url=''
    32. def Server_sql():
    33. conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=MYSQLHOST,user=MYSQLUSER,passwd=MYSQLPASSWD,db='ccdb')
    34. curs = conn.cursor()
    35. try:
    36. curs.execute('''select d.servername,d.SD_path,e.serverhosts,e.SI_path,g.Jenkins_name,e.SL_status,e.Ssystem_class,f.muser,f.mpass,f.rpass,f.wuser,f.muserkey from t_server_ID_name d,t_server_list e,t_password f,t_jenkins_server_list g where e.serverID = d.serverID and e.servername = g.servername and e.serverhosts = f.ip and e.SL_status =1;''')
    37. conn.commit()
    38. data = curs.fetchall()
    39. #print u'fetchall()返回的数据:',data
    40. conn.close()
    41. jsonData = []
    42. for row in data:
    43. result = {}
    44. result['servername'] = str(row[0])
    45. result['SD_path'] = str(row[1])
    46. result['serverhosts'] = row[2]
    47. result['SI_path'] = str(row[3])
    48. result['Jenkins_name'] = str(row[4])
    49. result['SL_status'] = str(row[5])
    50. result['Ssystem_class'] = str(row[6])
    51. result['muser'] = str(row[7])
    52. result['mpass'] = str(row[8])
    53. result['rpass'] = str(row[9])
    54. result['wuser'] = str(row[10])
    55. result['muserkey'] = str(row[11])
    56. jsonData.append(result)
    57. #l.debug('转换为列表字典的原始数据 : %r',jsonData)
    58. return json.dumps(jsonData)
    59. except:
    60. print 'MySQL connect fail...'
    61. else:
    62. #使用json.dumps将数据转换为json格式,json.dumps方法默认会输出成这种格式"u5377u76aeu6298u6263",加ensure_ascii=False,则能够防止中文乱码。
    63. #JSON采用完全独立于语言的文本格式,事实上大部分现代计算机语言都以某种形式支持它们。这使得一种数据格式在同样基于这些结构的编程语言之间交换成为可能。
    64. #json.dumps()是将原始数据转为json(其中单引号会变为双引号),而json.loads()是将json转为原始数据。
    65. jsondatar=json.dumps(jsonData,ensure_ascii=False,sort_keys=True)
    66. #去除首尾的中括号
    67. return jsondatar[1:len(jsondatar)-1]
    68. def pack(ob,webnames):
    69. #取出相关服务器信息和状态
    70. file_data=json.loads(Server_sql())
    71. for wname in webnames:
    72. for aa in file_data:
    73. for obi in ob:
    74. if aa['servername'] == wname and aa['Ssystem_class'] == obi:
    75. service_object = services(aa['servername'],aa['SD_path'],aa['serverhosts'],aa['SI_path'],aa['Jenkins_name'],
    76. aa['SL_status'],aa['Ssystem_class'],aa['muser'],aa['mpass'],aa['rpass'],aa['wuser'],aa['muserkey'])
    77. update_service.append(service_object)
    78. def pack_info():
    79. #取出相关服务器信息和状态
    80. file_data=json.loads(Server_sql())
    81. for aa in file_data:
    82. service_name = aa['servername']
    83. groups_name = aa['Ssystem_class']
    84. Service_Names.append(service_name)
    85. Service_Names.append('all')
    86. GROUPS_Names.append(str(groups_name))
    87. GROUPS_Names.append('all')
    88. def scall(CMD_LINE):
    89. '''linux shell '''
    90. l.debug('CMD_LINE : %r',CMD_LINE)
    91. return call(CMD_LINE,shell=True)
    92. def os_system(cmd):
    93. result = os.popen(cmd)
    94. res = result.read()
    95. #for line in res.splitlines():
    96. #print line
    97. return res.splitlines()
    98. #封装的自定义打印模块
    99. def head_print():
    100. print '33[1;31;40m'
    101. #print '*' * 50
    102. #print ' '
    103. #封装的自定义打印模块
    104. def tail_print():
    105. #print ' '
    106. #print '*' * 50
    107. print '33[0m'
    108. #输出操作结果
    109. def output_result():
    110. head_print()
    111. for count in range(len(logs)):
    112. print " "
    113. for content in logs[count]:
    114. if 'MD5校验成功!' in content:
    115. print content
    116. break
    117. print content
    118. tail_print()
    119. class services:
    120. def __init__(self,servername,SD_path,serverhosts,SI_path,Jenkins_name,SL_status,Ssystem_class,muser,mpass,rpass,wuser,muserkey):
    121. self.servername = servername
    122. self.SD_path = SD_path
    123. self.SI_path = SI_path
    124. self.serverhosts = serverhosts
    125. self.Jenkins_name = Jenkins_name
    126. self.SL_status = SL_status
    127. self.Ssystem_class = Ssystem_class
    128. self.muser = muser
    129. self.mpass = mpass
    130. self.rpass = rpass
    131. self.wuser = wuser
    132. self.muserkey = muserkey
    133. self.LOG_PATH = '/data/logs'
    134. self.SPRINT_PATH = '/tmp/'
    135. def connect(self,cmd):
    136. s=paramiko.SSHClient()
    137. s.load_system_host_keys()
    138. s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    139. if 'pro' in self.Ssystem_class:
    140. pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.muserkey)
    141. s.connect(hostname=self.serverhosts,port=22,username=self.muser,pkey=pkey,allow_agent=False)
    142. else:
    143. s.connect(hostname=self.serverhosts,port=22,username=self.muser, password=self.mpass,allow_agent=False,look_for_keys=False)
    144. if self.muser != 'root':
    145. ssh = s.invoke_shell()
    146. time.sleep(0.1)
    147. ssh.send('su - ')
    148. buff = ''
    149. while not buff.endswith('Password: '):
    150. resp = ssh.recv(9999)
    151. buff +=resp
    152. ssh.send(self.rpass)
    153. ssh.send(' ')
    154. buff = ''
    155. while not buff.endswith('# '):
    156. resp = ssh.recv(9999)
    157. buff +=resp
    158. ssh.send(cmd)
    159. ssh.send(' ')
    160. buff = ''
    161. while not buff.endswith('# '):
    162. resp = ssh.recv(9999)
    163. buff +=resp
    164. s.close()
    165. result = buff
    166. else:
    167. stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(cmd)
    168. result = stdout.read()
    169. s.close()
    170. l.debug('result %r',result)
    171. print self.serverhosts, cmd
    172. return result
    173. #关闭远端服务器tomcat
    174. def test_remote(self):
    175. #关闭远端进程
    176. shl='''ifconfig eth0|grep inet'''
    177. l.debug('%r',shl)
    178. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    179. def stop_prcee(self):
    180. shl='''pkill -f %(name)s'''%{'name':self.servername}
    181. shl2='''ps aux|grep %(name)s|grep -v grep'''%{'name':self.servername}
    182. l.debug('%r',shl)
    183. l.debug('%r',shl2)
    184. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    185. self.connect(cmd=shl2)
    186. def start_prcee(self):
    187. '''su - user -c'''
    188. if self.wuser == 'root':
    189. shl='''/usr/bin/sh -l %(path)s/bin/start.sh '''%{'path':self.SI_path}
    190. else:
    191. shl='''runuser -l %(user)s -c "/usr/bin/sh -l %(path)s/bin/start.sh" '''%{'path':self.SI_path,'user':self.wuser}
    192. #shl='''su -c %(user)s "/usr/bin/sh -l %(path)s/bin/start.sh" '''%{'path':self.SI_path,'user':self.wuser}
    193. shl2='''ps aux|grep %(name)s|grep -v grep'''%{'name':self.servername}
    194. l.debug('%r',shl)
    195. l.debug('%r',shl2)
    196. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    197. self.connect(cmd=shl2)
    198. def ps_prcee(self):
    199. shl='''ps aux|grep %(name)s|grep -v grep'''%{'name':self.servername}
    200. l.debug('%r',shl)
    201. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    202. def chown_set(self):
    203. sh3 = '''chown -R %s %s''' %(self.wuser,self.SPRINT_PATH)
    204. sh1 = '''chown -R %s %s''' %(self.wuser,self.SI_path)
    205. sh2 = '''chown -R %s %s''' %(self.wuser,self.LOG_PATH)
    206. self.connect(cmd=sh3)
    207. self.connect(cmd=sh2)
    208. self.connect(cmd=sh1)
    209. def get_file(self):
    210. shl='''wget -NP %s %s'''%(self.SI_path+'/lib/',Version_Url+self.servername+'/'+self.Jenkins_name)
    211. l.debug('%r',shl)
    212. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    213. def get_md5(self):
    214. shl1='''/usr/bin/md5sum %s |cut -d ' ' -f1'''%(self.SD_path +'/' +self.Jenkins_name)
    215. local_md5 = os_system(shl1)[0]
    216. l.debug('local_md5 %r',local_md5)
    217. shl='''/usr/bin/md5sum %s |cut -d ' ' -f1'''%(self.SI_path +'/lib/'+self.Jenkins_name)
    218. remote_md5 = self.connect(cmd=shl).split()[8]
    219. l.debug('remote_md5 %r',remote_md5)
    220. print self.Jenkins_name
    221. print "本地文件MD5",local_md5
    222. print "远端文件MD5",remote_md5
    223. return cmp(local_md5,remote_md5)
    224. def back_file(self):
    225. shl1="if [ ! -d %s/lib/backup/ ];then mkdir %s/lib/backup/;fi" %(self.SI_path,self.SI_path)
    226. shl='''scp %s %s'''%(self.SI_path +'/lib/'+self.Jenkins_name,self.SI_path +'/lib/backup/'+self.Jenkins_name+'_%s'%D_TIME)
    227. l.debug('%r',shl)
    228. self.connect(cmd=shl1)
    229. self.connect(cmd=shl)
    230. #检测参数,执行操作
    231. def handle(args):
    232. logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s")
    233. l.level = logging.INFO
    234. if args.verbose:
    235. l.level =logging.DEBUG
    236. op = args.operation
    237. ob = args.object
    238. webnames = args.webname
    239. ss = services
    240. if 'all' in webnames:
    241. pack_info()
    242. Service_Names.remove('all')
    243. webname = set(Service_Names)
    244. pack(ob,webname)
    245. else:
    246. pack(ob,webnames)
    247. if not op:
    248. '''利用列表的方式实现swith功能'''
    249. comlist = ['stop','scp','ps','start',]
    250. else:
    251. comlist = [op]
    252. if op == 'test':
    253. for content in update_service:
    254. ss.test_remote(content)
    255. if op == 'stop':
    256. for content in update_service:
    257. ss.stop_prcee(content)
    258. if op == 'start':
    259. for content in update_service:
    260. if 'pro1' in ob or 'pro2' in ob:
    261. print "权限更新"
    262. ss.chown_set(content)
    263. ss.start_prcee(content)
    264. if op == 'ps':
    265. for content in update_service:
    266. ss.ps_prcee(content)
    267. if op == 'scp':
    268. for content in update_service:
    269. if ss.get_md5(content) != 0:
    270. l.debug('开始拷贝文件')
    271. ss.back_file(content)
    272. ss.get_file(content)
    273. print "更新完成MD5文件校验"
    274. ss.get_md5(content)
    275. #if 'pro' in ob:
    276. # print "权限更新"
    277. # ss.chown_set(content)
    278. else:
    279. l.debug('无需更新文件')
    280. if op == 'md5':
    281. for content in update_service:
    282. ss.get_md5(content)
    283. #检测输入,
    284. def main():
    285. pack_info()
    286. ACTIONS = ['test','stop','start','ps','scp','md5']
    287. webname = set(Service_Names)
    288. webname = list(webname)
    289. webname.sort()
    290. GROUPS = set(GROUPS_Names)
    291. parser = ArgumentParser()
    292. try:
    293. parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose',action='store_true',help='detail output')
    294. parser.add_argument('operation',choices=ACTIONS,help='action name')
    295. parser.add_argument('-o','--object',nargs=1,choices=GROUPS,help='object name')
    296. parser.add_argument('-w','--webname',nargs="+",choices=webname,help='update servername')
    297. except:
    298. print '%r'%tb.format_exc()
    299. args = parser.parse_args()
    300. handle(args)
    301. output_result()
    302. if __name__ == '__main__':
    303. main()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cheyunhua/p/13329838.html
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