• uva10561

    Treblecross is a two player game where the goal is to get three `X' in a row on a one-dimensional board.
    At the start of the game all cells in the board is empty. In each turn a player puts a `X' in an empty
    cell, and if that results in there being three `X' next to each other, that player wins.
    Given the current state of the game, you are to determine if the player to move can win the game
    assuming both players play perfectly. If so, you should also print all moves that will eventually lead to
    a win.
    Consider the game where the board size is 5 cells. If the rst player puts a `X' at position three (in
    the middle) so the state becomes `..X..', he will win the game as no matter where the other player
    puts his `X', the rst player can get three `X' in a row. If, on the other hand, the rst player puts the
    `X' in any other position, the second player will win the game by putting the `X' in the opposite corner
    (for instance, after the second player moves the state might be `.X..X'). This will force the rst player
    to put an `X' in a position so the second player wins in the next move.
    The input begins with an integer N (N < 100), the number of states that will follow. Each state is
    represented by a string on a line by itself. The string will only contain the characters `.' and `X'. The
    length of the string (the size of the board) will be between 3 and 200 characters, inclusive. No state
    will contain three `X' in a row.
    For each case, rst output `WINNING' or `LOSING' depending on if the player to move will win or lose the
    game. On the next line, output in increasing order all positions on the board where the player to move
    may put an X and win the game. The positions should be separated by a blank, and be in increasing
    order. The leftmost position on the board is 1.
    Sample Input
    Sample Output
    1 12 15 17 20 24 28 31 33 36 47



     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<iostream>
     3 #include<cmath>
     4 #include<cstring>
     5 #include<algorithm>
     6 #define maxn 205
     7 using namespace std;
     8 char ch,s[maxn];
     9 int ti,n,sg[maxn],cnt,l,idx,tmp;
    10 bool ok,bo[maxn*maxn],exist[maxn],flag,first;
    11 struct DATA{
    12     int l,r,siz;
    13 }list[maxn];
    14 void read(int &x){
    15     for (ok=0,ch=getchar();!isdigit(ch);ch=getchar()) if (ch=='-') ok=1;
    16     for (x=0;isdigit(ch);x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
    17     if (ok) x=-x;
    18 }
    19 void calc(int k){
    20     for (int i=1,t1,t2;i<=k;i++){
    21         t1=(i-2)-1,t2=k-(i+2);
    22         if (t1>0&&sg[t1]==-1) calc(t1);
    23         if (t2>0&&sg[t2]==-1) calc(t2);
    24     }
    25     memset(bo,0,sizeof(bo));
    26     for (int i=1,t1,t2,t;i<=k;i++){
    27         t=0,t1=(i-2)-1,t2=k-(i+2);
    28         if (t1>0) t^=sg[t1];
    29         if (t2>0) t^=sg[t2];
    30         bo[t]=1;
    31     }
    32     for (int i=0;;i++) if (!bo[i]){sg[k]=i;break;}
    33 }
    34 void prepare(){
    35     memset(sg,-1,sizeof(sg));
    36     for (int i=200;i>=1;i--) if (sg[i]==-1) calc(i);
    37 }
    38 void write(int x){
    39     if (first) first=0;
    40     else putchar(' ');
    41     printf("%d",x);    
    42 }
    43 int main(){
    44     prepare();
    45     for (read(ti);ti;ti--){
    46         memset(s,0,sizeof(s));
    47         scanf("%s",s+1);
    48         n=strlen(s+1),flag=0,idx=cnt=tmp=0,l=(s[1]=='X'?0:1);
    49         memset(list,0,sizeof(list));
    50         for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    51             if (s[i]=='X'){
    52                 if (s[i+1]=='X'||s[i+2]=='X'){flag=1;break;}
    53                 if ((i-2)-l>0) list[++idx]=(DATA){l,i-3,i-2-l};
    54                 l=i+3;
    55             }
    56         if (l<=n) list[++idx]=(DATA){l,n,n-l+1};
    57         if (flag){
    58             puts("WINNING");
    59             memset(exist,0,sizeof(exist)); first=1;
    60             for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
    61                 if (s[i]=='X'){
    62                     if (s[i+1]=='X'){
    63                         if (i-1>=1&&!exist[i-1]) write(i-1),exist[i-1]=1;
    64                         if (i+2<=n&&!exist[i+2]) write(i+2),exist[i+2]=1;
    65                     }
    66                     if (s[i+2]=='X'){
    67                         if (i+1<=n&&!exist[i+1]) write(i+1),exist[i+1]=1;
    68                     }
    69                 }
    70             puts("");
    71             continue;
    72         }
    73         for (int i=1;i<=idx;i++) tmp^=sg[list[i].siz];
    74         if (tmp){
    75             puts("WINNING");
    76             first=1;
    77             for (int i=1,t;i<=idx;i++){
    78                 t=sg[list[i].siz];
    79                 for (int j=list[i].l,t1,t2,t3;j<=list[i].r;j++){
    80                     t1=(j-2)-list[i].l,t2=list[i].r-(j+2),t3=0;
    81                     if (t1) t3^=sg[t1];
    82                     if (t2) t3^=sg[t2];
    83                     if (!(tmp^t^t3)) write(j); 
    84                 }
    85             }
    86             puts("");
    87             continue;
    88         }
    89         else puts("LOSING"),puts("");
    90     }
    91     return 0;
    92 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenyushuo/p/4712746.html
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