• Writing a SmartObject Service


    SmartObject Services are the conduit for provisioning data from data sources into SmartObjects.
    A SmartObject Service is simply a class that must override several methods that are K2 blackpearl
    SmartObject server requirements. The implementation of these methods can be simple or complex as
    needed. This section delves in detail on how to create a stub for a SmartObject Service but does not go
    into the details of an actual implementation for getting data from a data source.

    To create a SmartObject Service, first create a code library project in Visual Studio and then add a reference
    to SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.ServiceSDK , which is located in \\Program Files\
    K2 blackpearl\Host Server\Bin\ . Once this library is referenced, right - click the reference in Visual
    Studio Solution Explorer, go to properties of the reference, and change Copy Local property from True to
    False, then add a reference to the System.Transactions library. Once both of the libraries have been
    added, create a class that inherits from ServiceAssemblyBase . There can only be one class of
    ServiceAssemblyBase per code project. All classes that inherit from ServiceAssemblyBase must
    override the following methods: GetConfigSection() , DescribeSchema() , Execute() , and Extend() .


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenxizhang/p/1577190.html
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