• 解决svn pritine text not exist问题

    svn: E155032: The pristine text with checksum '$sha1$151400d1cd4c5fc190d500aa1826d45cb91f088f' not found

    1) Get an sqlite executable (for Windows: download a pre-compiled binary from http://www.sqlite.com/download.html). Put it somewhere in your PATH.
    1.从http://www.sqlite.com/download.html下载 for Windows: download a pre-compiled binary解压到.svn同级目录下(我的网盘->工具问题->sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3140100.zip)

    2) Open a command prompt and go to the root of your working copy.
    Execute:sqlite3 .svnwc.db "select * from nodes where checksum like '%d9b41b57756396b9cb236801fc02e0da0a83dffe'"
    This should return exactly 1 row from the svn working copy database.
    You can see in that row the local path that's related to that pristine file.
    2.打开cmd进入.svn上级目录,执行 sqlite3 .svnwc.db "select * from nodes where checksum like '%d9b41b57756396b9cb236801fc02e0da0a83dffe'"

    3) Now execute:sqlite3 .svnwc.db "update nodes set presence='not-present' where checksum like '%d9b41b57756396b9cb236801fc02e0da0a83dffe'"
    Now you've changed the presence value of that particular row to "not-present", giving svn a chance to recover from the actually missing pristine file.
    3.执行 sqlite3 .svnwc.db "update nodes set presence='not-present' where checksum like '%d9b41b57756396b9cb236801fc02e0da0a83dffe'"

    4) "svn cleanup" again. There might be more missing pristines. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for them.
    4.右键svn cleanup,重复第二歩和第三歩

    5) Finally:
    svn update --force
    This makes svn actually restore the pristines. The --force is there because svn will also try to install the working versions
    of the "not-present" files. But those files are still there. Without --force you'll get tree conflicts on those files because of the "unversioned
    obstructions" that svn thinks they are (because of "not-present" svn thinks they shouldn't be there).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenxiaocai/p/5777623.html
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