1, 运行程序列出主机组或者主机列表(已完成)
#!usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # auther:Mr.chen # 描述:只能运行在MacOS或linux系统下 import os,sys,pickle,time import paramiko,threading sys.path.append('..') PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) PUT_PATH = PATH.replace('core','Folder/') GET_PATH = PATH.replace('core','download/') CONF_PATH = PATH.replace('core','conf/') semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1) # 进程锁 def new_Host(): while True: hostname = raw_input("请输入服务器的主机名(输入n=返回上级):") if os.path.exists(CONF_PATH+hostname+'_conf'): print ("主机名已存在,请重新输入!") continue if hostname =='n': return port = raw_input("请输入服务器的ssh端口号(输入n=返回上级):") if port == 'n': return username = raw_input("请输入登陆的用户名(输入n=返回上级):") if username == 'n': return password = raw_input("请输入用户的密码(输入n=返回上级):") if password == 'n': return dic = { 'hostname':hostname, # 主机名 'port':port, # 端口 'username':username, # 用户名 'password':password, # 密码 'status':0 # 状态(0:未激活 1:已激活 2:激活失败) } if os.path.isdir(GET_PATH + hostname) == False: command = 'mkdir ' + GET_PATH + hostname os.system(command) re = hostmessage_Write(dic) if re == True: return else: print ("主机信息存储失败,请检查原因!") def delete_Host(): List = Traverse_folder() while True: dic = {} num = 0 print ("已存在的主机列表如下:") for i in List: print ("{0},主机名:{1}".format(str(num+1),i)) dic[str(num+1)] = i num += 1 choose = raw_input("请输入你想删除的主机索引(输入n=返回上级):") if choose == 'n': return elif choose in dic: hostname = dic[choose] command = 'rm -f '+CONF_PATH+hostname+'_conf' os.system(command) print ("删除成功!") break else: print ("您的输入有误!") def auto_activeHost(): text = """ 警告!程序准备开启多线程模式激活主机,请确保: 1,远程服务器处于开启状态 2,DNS或本地hosts映射能够解析远程服务器主机名 """ while True: print (text) choose = raw_input("是否确定开始激活远程主机(y/n)?:") if choose == 'n': return elif choose == 'y': break else: print ("你的输入有误!") print ("程序开始自动激活远程主机,请稍后...") List = Traverse_folder() if len(List) == 0: print ("请先创建主机!") return for i in List: dic = hostmessage_Read(i) t = threading.Thread(target=auto_Active,args=(dic,)) # 创建多线程对象 t.setDaemon(True) # 将对象设置为守护线程 t.start() # 线程开启 while threading.activeCount() != 1: # 当前活跃的线程数 pass else: print ("所有主机激活完毕!") time.sleep(2) def auto_Active(dic): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # 创建ssh对象 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #允许连接不在know_hosts文件中的主机 try: ssh.connect(hostname=dic['hostname'],port=int(dic['port']),username=dic['username'],password=dic['password'],timeout=10) except Exception,e: print ("主机名:{0}的主机激活失败!失败原因:{1}".format(dic['hostname'],e)) dic['status'] = 2 hostmessage_Write(dic) else: print ("主机名:{0}的主机激活成功!".format(dic['hostname'])) dic['status'] = 1 hostmessage_Write(dic) finally: ssh.close() def remote_Host(): List = Traverse_folder(key='status',value=1) if len(List) == 0: print ("请先激活主机!") return while True: dic = {} print ("已激活主机如下:") num = 0 for i in List: print ("{0},主机名:{1}".format(str(num+1),i)) dic[str(num+1)] = i num += 1 choose = raw_input("请输入你想操控的主机的索引(可多选,n=返回上级):") if choose == 'n': return choose = list(set(choose)) #去重复 if set(choose) & set(dic.keys()) == set(choose): LIST = [] for i in choose: LIST.append(dic[i]) remote_Host_control(LIST) else: print ("您的输入有误!") def remote_Host_control(List): help = """ help帮助提示: 1.程序的Folder目录是本地文件目录 2,输入put向远程主机上传文件 3,输入get向远程主机下载文件 4,输入其他直接向远程主机发布命令 """ while True: print ("正在操控{0}台主机,如下:".format(len(List))) for i in List: print ("主机名:{0}".format(i)) command = raw_input("请输入你想执行的命令(输入n=返回上级,输入help获取帮助):>>") if command == 'n': return elif command == 'help': print help elif command == 'get': print ("程序准备下载文件...") remote_path = raw_input("请输入想要下载的远程服务器文件绝对路径(例如:/etc/hosts):") LIST = remote_path.split('/') filename = LIST[len(LIST)-1] for i in List: local_path = GET_PATH + i + '/'+filename t = threading.Thread(target=get_Method,args=(i,[remote_path,local_path])) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while threading.activeCount() != 1: pass else: print ("命令执行完毕!") elif command == 'put': print ("程序准备上传文件...") while True: filename = raw_input("请输入想上传的文件的文件名:") if os.path.exists(PUT_PATH+filename) == False: print ("文件没有找到,请重新输入!") continue local_path= PUT_PATH+filename remote_path = raw_input("你想将文件保存到远程服务器的哪里?(例如:/etc/):") remote_path = remote_path + '/' + filename for i in List: t = threading.Thread(target=put_Method, args=(i, [local_path,remote_path])) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while threading.activeCount() != 1: pass else: print ("命令执行完毕!") break else: for i in List: t = threading.Thread(target=execute_Command,args=(i,command)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while threading.activeCount() != 1: pass else: print ("命令执行完毕!") def put_Method(hostname,Path): dic = hostmessage_Read(hostname) transport = paramiko.Transport((hostname, int(dic['port']))) try: transport.connect(username=dic['username'], password=dic['password']) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) sftp.put(Path[0], Path[1]) except Exception, e: print ("主机名:{0},上传失败!错误原因:{1}".format(hostname, e)) else: pass finally: transport.close() def get_Method(hostname,Path): dic = hostmessage_Read(hostname) transport = paramiko.Transport((hostname,int(dic['port']))) try: transport.connect(username=dic['username'],password=dic['password']) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) sftp.get(Path[0],Path[1]) except Exception,e: print ("主机名:{0},下载失败!错误原因:{1}".format(hostname,e)) else: pass finally: transport.close() def execute_Command(hostname,command): dic = hostmessage_Read(hostname) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname=hostname,port=int(dic['port']),username=dic['username'],password=dic['password']) command_list = command.strip().split(';') except Exception,e: semaphore.acquire() # 线程锁开启 print ("主机:{0}连接出现异常:{1}".format(hostname,e)) semaphore.release() # 线程锁释放 return for com in command_list: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(com) error = stderr.read() output = stdout.read() semaphore.acquire() # 线程锁开启 if len(error) != 0: print ("主机:{0} 执行{1}命令时出错:{2}".format(hostname,com, error)) if len(output) != 0: print ("主机:{0},执行{1}命令的结果如下:".format(hostname,com)) print (output) semaphore.release() # 线程锁释放 def Traverse_folder(key = None,value = None): ''' 根据条件遍历某文件夹里的全部文件内容, 找出符合条件的文件返回包含主机名的列表 如果无条件,则返回包含所有主机名的列表 :return:LIST ''' LIST = [] List = os.listdir(CONF_PATH) for i in List: if i == '__init__.py' or i == '__init__.pyc': continue else: with open(CONF_PATH+i,'r') as f: dic = pickle.load(f) if key != None: if dic[key] == value: LIST.append(dic['hostname']) else: LIST.append(dic['hostname']) return LIST def hostmessage_Write(dic): with open(CONF_PATH+dic['hostname']+'_conf','w') as f: pickle.dump(dic,f) return True def hostmessage_Read(hostname): if os.path.exists(CONF_PATH+hostname+'_conf'): with open(CONF_PATH+hostname+'_conf','r') as f: dic = pickle.load(f) return dic def Main(): text = """ 欢迎来到Fabric主机管理界面 1,创建主机 2,删除主机 3,自动激活所有主机 4,开始远程操控 5,退出程序 """ while True: print text choose = raw_input("请输入你的选择:") dic = {'1':new_Host,'2':delete_Host,'3':auto_activeHost,'4':remote_Host,'5':Exit} if choose in dic: dic[choose]() else: print ("你的输入有误!") def Exit(): print ("程序退出!") exit() if __name__ == "__main__": Main()