• explain详解


    mysql> explain select * from user where age='30' and money > '1000000' and look='beautiful';
    mysql> select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN' or countrycode='USA';
    mysql> select name,population from city where countrycode in ('CHN','USA');
    mysql> select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN' union all select name,population from city where countrycode='USA';
    mysql> explain select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN' or countrycode='USA';
    mysql> explain select name,population from city where countrycode in ('CHN','USA');
    mysql> explain select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN' union all select name,population from city where countrycode='USA';
    id                    #执行顺序
    table                #查询的表
    type                #查询使用的类型
    possible_keys         #可能使用的索引列
    key                    #真正实用的索引列
    key_len                #索引长度,前缀索引的长度
    ref                    #查询级别是否达到ref级别
    rows                #查询数据的数量
        Using temporary
        Using filesort             #使用了默认的文件排序(如果使用了索引,会避免这类排序)order by
        Using join buffer        #使用了 join on
        Using index condition    #使用了索引

    2.group by扩展

    mysql> create table jixiao(id int,name varchar(10),money int,product varchar(10));
    mysql> insert into jixiao values('1','邱二','100000','汽车'),('2','laocai','80000','汽车'),('3','dawei','700000','房地产'),('4','laozhao','800000','房地产');
    mysql> select sum(money),product from jixiao group by product;
    | sum(money) | product   |
    |    1500000 | 房地产    |
    |     180000 | 汽车      |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)



        mysql> explain select * from city;
        mysql> explain select name,population from city where population='92020';


    1.index            #全索引扫描
        mysql> explain select name from city;
    2.range            #范围查询使用该级别,但是当查询数据量过大的时候不走索引
        mysql> explain select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN' or countrycode='USA';
        mysql> explain select name,population from city where population > 3000000;
    3.ref            #使用精确查询
        mysql> explain select name,population from city where countrycode='CHN';
    4.eq_ref        #使用join on时可能出现该级别
        mysql> explain select city.name,city.population,country.name from country join city on city.countrycode=country.code where city.population < 100;
    5.const            #当查询条件是主键或者唯一键的时候
        mysql> explain select * from city where id='1';
    6.system        #跟const平级,当查询的数据所在表数据量很小的时候,并且查询条件使用主键或者唯一键
    7.null            #当不用读取数据库数据的时候
        mysql> explain select max(population) from city;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenlifan/p/13907299.html
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