• Javascript Cookie 操作包 | Cookie 操作函数

    这个美味地“小甜饼”是哪个网站都缺少不了的,“让我们讨一下 Cookie 小怪兽的欢心,做一块儿小甜饼吧~~”:来看源码:

     * jscript.storage package
     * This package contains functions for doing client-side storage, including
     * cookie functions.
    if (typeof jscript == 'undefined') {
      jscript = function() { }
    jscript.storage = function() { }
     * Sets a cookie.
     *(设置 Cookie)
     * @param inName   The name of the cookie to set.
     * @param inValue  The value of the cookie.
     * @param inExpiry A Date object representing the expiration date of the
     *                 cookie.
    jscript.storage.setCookie = function(inName, inValue, inExpiry) {
      if (typeof inExpiry == "Date") {
        inExpiry = inExpiry.toGMTString();
      document.cookie = inName + "=" + escape(inValue) + "; expires=" + inExpiry;
    } // End setCookie().
     * Gets thbe value of a specified cookie.  Returns null if cookie isn't found.
     *(得到指定 Cookie 的值)
     * @param inName The name of the cookie to get the value of.
    jscript.storage.getCookie = function(inName) {
      var docCookies = document.cookie;
      var cIndex = docCookies.indexOf(inName + "=");
      if (cIndex == -1) {
        return null;
      cIndex = docCookies.indexOf("=", cIndex) + 1;
      var endStr = docCookies.indexOf(";", cIndex);
      if (endStr == -1) {
        endStr = docCookies.length;
      return unescape(docCookies.substring(cIndex, endStr));
    } // End getCookie().
     * Deletes a cookie.(删除 Cookie)
    jscript.storage.deleteCookie = function(inName) {
      if (this.getCookie(inName)) {
        this.setCookie(inName, null, "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT");
    } // End deleteCookie().


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/catprayer/p/1861929.html
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