• Mybatis动态sql


     1 <!-- =====================根据条件查询================== -->
     2      <select id="selectPersonByCondition" parameterType="qc" resultMap="BaseResultMapper">
     3          select * from person_test t
     4          <where>
     5              <if test="name != null">
     6                  t.name like '%${name}%'
     7              </if>
     8              <if test="gender != null">
     9                  and t.gender = #{gender}
    10              </if>
    11              <if test="birthday != null">
    12                  and t.birthday = #{birthday}
    13              </if>
    14              <if test="address != null">
    15                  and t.address like '%${address}%'
    16              </if>
    17          </where>
    18      </select>


     1 <update id="updatePerson" parameterType="cn.tx.model.Person">
     2          update person_test p
     3          <set>
     4              <if test="name != null">
     5                  p.name = #{name},
     6              </if>
     7              <if test="gender != null">
     8                  p.gender = #{gender},
     9              </if>
    10              <if test="birthday != null">
    11                  p.birthday = #{birthday},
    12              </if>
    13              <if test="address != null">
    14                  p.address = #{address},
    15              </if>
    16          </set>
    17          <where>
    18              p.id = ${id}
    19          </where>
    20      </update>


     1  <!-- map.put("pids",Integer[] ids)
     2          collection:需要遍历的集合
     3          open:开始符号
     4          close:结束符号
     5          item:每一项
     6          separator:分隔符
     7          index:索引
     8       -->
     9      <select id="selectPersonByIn" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMapper">
    10          select * from person_test t where t.id in 
    11          <foreach collection="pids" open="(" close=")" item="id" separator="," index="i">
    12              #{id}
    13          </foreach>
    14      </select>


     1 <insert id="insertBatch" parameterType="map">
     3         <selectKey keyProperty="personId" order="AFTER" resultType="int">
     4             select LAST_INSERT_ID()
     5         </selectKey>
     6         insert into person (person_id, name, gender, person_addr, birthday)
     7         values
     8         <foreach collection="personList" separator="," item="person">
     9             (#{person.personId}, #{person.name}, #{person.gender}, #{person.personAddr}, #{person.birthday})
    10         </foreach>
    11     </insert>
     1 @Test
     2     public void insertBatch(){
     3         SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession();
     4         List<Person> pList = new ArrayList<Person>();
     5         Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
     7         try {
     8             for(int i = 0; i < 1000008; i++){
     9                 Person p = new Person();
    10                 p.setName("黄盖"+i);
    11                 p.setGender(1);
    12                 p.setPersonAddr("北京"+i);
    13                 p.setBirthday(new Date());
    14                 pList.add(p);
    15                 if(i%100 == 0){//防止内存溢出
    16                     map.put("personList", pList);
    17                     session.insert("com.rl.mapper.PersonMapper.insertBatch", map);
    18                     pList.clear();
    19                 }
    20             }
    21             map.put("personList", pList);
    22             session.insert("com.rl.mapper.PersonMapper.insertBatch", map);
    25             //数据库的变更都要提交事务
    26             session.commit();
    28         } catch (Exception e) {
    29             e.printStackTrace();
    30             session.rollback();
    31         }finally{
    32             session.close();
    33         }
    34     }
    1 <delete id="delete" parameterType="map">
    2         delete from user where user_id in 
    3         <foreach collection="ids" open="(" close=")" item="userId" separator=",">
    4             #{userId}
    5         </foreach>
    6     </delete>
     1 @Test
     2     public void deleteBatch(){
     3         SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession();
     4         List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
     5         Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
     7         try {
     8             for(int i = 106; i <= 1000113; i++){
     9                 idList.add(i);
    10                 if(i%100 == 0){
    11                     map.put("ids", idList);
    12                     session.delete("com.rl.mapper.PersonMapper.deleteBatch", map);
    13                     idList.clear();
    14                 }
    15             }
    16             map.put("ids", idList);
    17             session.delete("com.rl.mapper.PersonMapper.deleteBatch", map);
    18             //数据库的变更都要提交事务
    19             session.commit();
    21         } catch (Exception e) {
    22             e.printStackTrace();
    23             session.rollback();
    24         }finally{
    25             session.close();
    26         }
    27     }
  • 相关阅读:
    作业五:RE 模块模拟计算器
    python RE模块的使用
    python 正则表达式
    JavaScript 基础学习1-day14
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cat-fish6/p/8948163.html
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