1,安装apache 2,打开cmd进入apache安装目录的bin目录(有ab.exe) 3,执行ab命令 格式:ab -n 10000 -c 2000 http://localhost:80/test/test.php 说明:表示这个脚本运行10000次,2000并发(模拟2000个用户同时访问) ab常用参数介绍: -n requests :Number of requests to perform(总共的请求执行数,缺省是1); -c concurrency : Number of multiple requests to make(并发数,缺省是1); -t timelimit :Seconds to max. wait for responses(测试所进行的总时间,秒为单位,缺省50000s); -p postfile : File containing data to POST. Remember also to set -T(POST时的数据文件) -u putfile File containing data to PUT. Remember also to set -T(GET时的数据文件) -w : Print out results in HTML tables(以HTML表的格式输出结果)