• OpenCv中基本数据类型--Point,Size,Rect,Scalar,Vec3b类类型的详细解释




    typedef Point_<int> Point2i;
    typedef Point2i Point;
    typedef Point_<float> Point2f;
    typedef Point_<double> Point2d;
    typedef Point3_<int> Point3i;
    typedef Point3_<float> Point3f;
    typedef Point3_<double> Point3d;
       template 2D point class.
       The class defines a point in 2D space. Data type of the point coordinates is specified
       as a template parameter. There are a few shorter aliases available for user convenience.
       See cv::Point, cv::Point2i, cv::Point2f and cv::Point2d.
     template<typename _Tp> class Point_
         typedef _Tp value_type;
         // various constructors
         Point_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y);
         Point_(const Point_& pt);
         Point_(const CvPoint& pt);
         Point_(const CvPoint2D32f& pt);
         Point_(const Size_<_Tp>& sz);
         Point_(const Vec<_Tp, 2>& v);
         Point_& operator = (const Point_& pt);
         //! conversion to another data type
         template<typename _Tp2> operator Point_<_Tp2>() const;
         //! conversion to the old-style C structures
         operator CvPoint() const;
         operator CvPoint2D32f() const;
         operator Vec<_Tp, 2>() const;
         //! dot product
         _Tp dot(const Point_& pt) const;
         //! dot product computed in double-precision arithmetics
         double ddot(const Point_& pt) const;
         //! cross-product
         double cross(const Point_& pt) const;
         //! checks whether the point is inside the specified rectangle
         bool inside(const Rect_<_Tp>& r) const;
         _Tp x, y; //< the point coordinates
       template 3D point class.
       The class defines a point in 3D space. Data type of the point coordinates is specified
       as a template parameter.
       see cv::Point3i, cv::Point3f and cv::Point3d
     template<typename _Tp> class Point3_
         typedef _Tp value_type;
         // various constructors
         Point3_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _z);
         Point3_(const Point3_& pt);
         explicit Point3_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt);
         Point3_(const CvPoint3D32f& pt);
         Point3_(const Vec<_Tp, 3>& v);
         Point3_& operator = (const Point3_& pt);
         //! conversion to another data type
         template<typename _Tp2> operator Point3_<_Tp2>() const;
         //! conversion to the old-style CvPoint...
         operator CvPoint3D32f() const;
         //! conversion to cv::Vec<>
         operator Vec<_Tp, 3>() const;
         //! dot product
         _Tp dot(const Point3_& pt) const;
         //! dot product computed in double-precision arithmetics
         double ddot(const Point3_& pt) const;
         //! cross product of the 2 3D points
         Point3_ cross(const Point3_& pt) const;
         _Tp x, y, z; //< the point coordinates


    typedef Size_<int> Size2i;
    typedef Size_<double> Size2d;
    typedef Size2i Size;
    typedef Size_<float> Size2f;
       The 2D size class
       The class represents the size of a 2D rectangle, image size, matrix size etc.
       Normally, cv::Size ~ cv::Size_<int> is used.
     template<typename _Tp> class Size_
         typedef _Tp value_type;
         //! various constructors
         Size_(_Tp _width, _Tp _height);
         Size_(const Size_& sz);
         Size_(const CvSize& sz);
         Size_(const CvSize2D32f& sz);
         Size_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt);
         Size_& operator = (const Size_& sz);
         //! the area (width*height)
         _Tp area() const;
         //! conversion of another data type.
         template<typename _Tp2> operator Size_<_Tp2>() const;
         //! conversion to the old-style OpenCV types
         operator CvSize() const;
         operator CvSize2D32f() const;
         _Tp width, height; // the width and the height


        The template scalar class.
        This is partially specialized cv::Vec class with the number of elements = 4, i.e. a short vector of four elements.
        Normally, cv::Scalar ~ cv::Scalar_<double> is used.
     template<typename _Tp> class Scalar_ : public Vec<_Tp, 4>
         //! various constructors


         Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2=0, _Tp v3=0);
         Scalar_(const CvScalar& s);
         Scalar_(_Tp v0);
         //! returns a scalar with all elements set to v0
         static Scalar_<_Tp> all(_Tp v0);
         //! conversion to the old-style CvScalar
         operator CvScalar() const;
         //! conversion to another data type
         template<typename T2> operator Scalar_<T2>() const;
         //! per-element product
         Scalar_<_Tp> mul(const Scalar_<_Tp>& t, double scale=1 ) const;
         // returns (v0, -v1, -v2, -v3)
         Scalar_<_Tp> conj() const;
         // returns true iff v1 == v2 == v3 == 0
         bool isReal() const;
     typedef Scalar_<double> Scalar;


      A short numerical vector.
      This template class represents short numerical vectors (of 1, 2, 3, 4 ... elements)
      on which you can perform basic arithmetical operations, access individual elements using [] operator etc.
      The vectors are allocated on stack, as opposite to std::valarray, std::vector, cv::Mat etc.,
      which elements are dynamically allocated in the heap.
      The template takes 2 parameters:
      -# _Tp element type
      -# cn the number of elements
      In addition to the universal notation like Vec<float, 3>, you can use shorter aliases
      for the most popular specialized variants of Vec, e.g. Vec3f ~ Vec<float, 3>.
    template<typename _Tp, int cn> class Vec : public Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>
        typedef _Tp value_type;
        enum { depth = DataDepth<_Tp>::value, channels = cn, type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels) };
        //! default constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0); //!< 1-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1); //!< 2-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2); //!< 3-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3); //!< 4-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4); //!< 5-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4, _Tp v5); //!< 6-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4, _Tp v5, _Tp v6); //!< 7-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4, _Tp v5, _Tp v6, _Tp v7); //!< 8-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4, _Tp v5, _Tp v6, _Tp v7, _Tp v8); //!< 9-element vector constructor
        Vec(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3, _Tp v4, _Tp v5, _Tp v6, _Tp v7, _Tp v8, _Tp v9); //!< 10-element vector constructor
        explicit Vec(const _Tp* values);
        Vec(const Vec<_Tp, cn>& v);
        static Vec all(_Tp alpha);
        //! per-element multiplication
        Vec mul(const Vec<_Tp, cn>& v) const;
        //! conjugation (makes sense for complex numbers and quaternions)
        Vec conj() const;
           cross product of the two 3D vectors.
           For other dimensionalities the exception is raised
         Vec cross(const Vec& v) const;
         //! convertion to another data type
         template<typename T2> operator Vec<T2, cn>() const;
         //! conversion to 4-element CvScalar.
         operator CvScalar() const;
         /*! element access */
         const _Tp& operator [](int i) const;
         _Tp& operator[](int i);
         const _Tp& operator ()(int i) const;
         _Tp& operator ()(int i);
         Vec(const Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>& a, const Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>& b, Matx_AddOp);
         Vec(const Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>& a, const Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>& b, Matx_SubOp);
         template<typename _T2> Vec(const Matx<_Tp, cn, 1>& a, _T2 alpha, Matx_ScaleOp);
    typedef Vec<uchar, 2> Vec2b; 、
    typedef Vec<uchar, 3> Vec3b;
    typedef Vec<uchar, 4> Vec4b;
    //【1】Vec2s---表示这个类的每一个类对象,可以存储2个short int(短整型)的数据
    /* 	ypedef
        Shorter aliases for the most popular specializations of Vec<T,n>
     typedef Vec<uchar, 2> Vec2b;
     typedef Vec<uchar, 3> Vec3b;
     typedef Vec<uchar, 4> Vec4b;
     typedef Vec<short, 2> Vec2s;
     typedef Vec<short, 3> Vec3s;
     typedef Vec<short, 4> Vec4s;
     typedef Vec<ushort, 2> Vec2w;
     typedef Vec<ushort, 3> Vec3w;
     typedef Vec<ushort, 4> Vec4w;
     typedef Vec<int, 2> Vec2i;
     typedef Vec<int, 3> Vec3i;
     typedef Vec<int, 4> Vec4i;
     typedef Vec<int, 6> Vec6i;
     typedef Vec<int, 8> Vec8i;
     typedef Vec<float, 2> Vec2f;
     typedef Vec<float, 3> Vec3f;
     typedef Vec<float, 4> Vec4f;
     typedef Vec<float, 6> Vec6f;
     typedef Vec<double, 2> Vec2d;
     typedef Vec<double, 3> Vec3d;
     typedef Vec<double, 4> Vec4d;
     typedef Vec<double, 6> Vec6d;



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    Educational Codeforces Round 64 -C(二分)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/black-mamba/p/5943799.html
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