• 常用排序算法的Python实现



      1 import random
      2 def BubbleSort(num):
      3     n=len(num)
      4     for i in range(0,n):
      5         for j in range(i,n):
      6             if num[i]>=num[j]:
      7                 num[i],num[j]=num[j],num[i]
      8     return num
      9 def SelectSort(num):
     10     for i in range(0,len(num)):
     11         mindex=i
     12         for j in range(i,len(num)):
     13             if num[mindex]>num[j]:
     14                 mindex=j
     15         num[mindex],num[i]=num[i],num[mindex]
     16     return num
     17 def InsertSort(num):
     18     for i in range(1,len(num)):
     19         j=i-1
     20         tmp=num[i]
     21         while j>0 and tmp<num[j]:
     22             num[j+1]=num[j]
     23             j-=1
     24         num[j]=tmp
     25     return num
     26 def MergerSort(num):
     27     if len(num)<=1:
     28         return num
     29     left=MergerSort(num[:len(num)/2])
     30     right=MergerSort(num[len(num)/2:])
     31     result=[]
     32     while len(left)>0 and len(right)>0:
     33         if left[0]>right[0]:
     34             result.append(right.pop(0))
     35         else:
     36             result.append(left.pop(0))
     37     if len(left)>0:
     38         result.extend(MergerSort(left))
     39     else:
     40         result.extend(MergerSort(right))
     41     return result
     42 def QuickSort(num):
     43     if len(num)<=1:
     44         return num
     45     greater=[]
     46     less=[]
     47     p=num.pop(random.randint(0,len(num)-1))
     48     for item in num:
     49         if item < p:
     50             less.append(item)
     51         else:
     52             greater.append(item)
     53     return QuickSort(less)+[p]+QuickSort(greater)
     54 ############################################################
     55 def InsertIntoHeap(x,heap):
     56     if len(heap)==0:
     57         heap=[x]
     58         return heap
     59     heap.append(x)
     60     pos=len(heap)
     61     while True:
     62         if pos==1:
     63             return heap
     64         father=pos/2
     65         if heap[father-1]<heap[pos-1]:
     66             heap[father-1],heap[pos-1]=heap[pos-1],heap[father-1]
     67             pos=father
     68         else:
     69             return heap
     70 def CreateHeap(x):
     71     b=[]
     72     for i in x:
     73         InsertIntoHeap(i,b)
     74     return b 
     75 def HandHeap(a):
     76     if a==None or type(a)!=list:
     77         return 
     78     if a==[] or len(a)==1:
     79         return a 
     80     pos=0
     81     while True:
     82         if 2*(pos+1)>len(a):
     83             return a 
     84         if 2*(pos+1)==len(a):
     85             if a[pos]<a[2*pos+1]:
     86                 a[pos],a[2*pos+1]=a[2*pos+1],a[pos]
     87             return a 
     88         if 2*(pos+1)+1<=len(a):
     89             if a[pos]<a[2*pos+1]and a[2*pos+1]>=a[2*pos+2]:  
     90                 a[pos],a[2*pos+1]=a[2*pos+1],a[pos]  
     91                 pos=2*pos+1  
     92             elif a[pos]<a[2*pos+2]and a[2*pos+1]<a[2*pos+2]:  
     93                 a[pos],a[2*pos+2]=a[2*pos+2],a[pos]  
     94                 pos=2*pos+2  
     95             else:  
     96                 return a 
     97 def HeapSort(num):
     98     if num==None or type(num)!=list:
     99         return 
    100     b=CreateHeap(num)
    101     a=[]
    102     while b:
    103         a.append(b[0])
    104         b[0]=b[len(b)-1]
    105         b.pop()
    106         b=HandHeap(b)
    107     return a
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyin/p/6373593.html
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