• 常用的sql语言基础(1)

    查看数据方式:select name from v$datafile;
    select file_name from dba_data_file;

    select name from v$controlfile;
    show parameter congtrol_flie;

    查看方式 :select name from v$tempfile;
    select file_name from dba_temp_file;

    联机重做日志文件:强制记录force_looging 正好记录looging 不记录no_looging

    查看数据库是否处于归档状态:archive log list;
    归档模式和非归档模式切换:1.关闭数据库:shutdown immediate;
    2.登录空闲历程并打开数据库:conn /as sysdba; startup mount;
    3.变为归档模式:alter datbase aarchivelog;

    查询格式:select 列名 from 表名;
    --查询系统中的表:select table_name from user_tables;
    --查询系统的时间:select sysdate from dual;//从dual中能查询所有想要的系统信息,被称为万能表;
    select user from dual;
    --查看表中所有的信息:select * from emp;
    --查看特定的列名:select empno,ename from emp;
    select empno 编号,ename 姓名,job 工作 from emp;
    select empno as 编号 from emp;
    select empno "1" from emp;
    select empno as "1" from emp;
    select * from emp where sal>200; select * from emp where sal>200 and/or sal<300;
    select * from emp where sal>200 intersect select * from emp where sal<300;
    --union,union all,or, union等同于all;union去除了重复记录,union all 没有去除重复记录,运行效率高
    --布尔操作符,排列顺序 not and or
    --模糊查询: %表示任意个字符;_表示单个字符
    select * from emp where ename like '%A%';//姓名中有A的
    select * from emp where ename like '_A%';//第二个字母是A的

    --排序order by:
    select * from emp order by sal asc;//升序排列默认,desc降序排列
    select ename,empno,sal,job from emp order by 3;// 对第3列进行排序
    select ename 姓名,empno 编号 from emp order by 姓名;
    select * from emp where sal between 200 and 300;//表示范围
    select * from emp where sal in('200','300');//表示具体的值
    select distinct job from emp;
    select * from emp where comm is null;
    select nvl(comm,0),ename from emp;
    select sal+nvl(comm,0),ename from emp;

    select lower('DLDSFS') from dual;
    select upper('dfs') from dual;
    select initcap('sdfd') from dual;
    select concat('hp','BI') from dual; select 'hp'||'BI'||'bd'||'dd' from dual;
    select substr('dsfsd',0,3) from dual;//截取前三位
    select substr('sdfds',3,3) from dual;
    select substr('sdfds',-3,3) from dual;//倒着数开始截取
    select length('dfddf') form dual;

    select upper(substr(ename,1,1))||lower(substr(ename,2)) from dual;
    select concat(upper(substr(ename,1,1)),lower(substr(ename,2)) from dual;
    select substr(ename,-3) from dual;
    select replace('hukdlla','kd','mn') from dual;//将kd替换成mn
    select replace('ttttdf','tdf','eee') from dual;
    --消除左右空格或字符串,trim; ltrim是消除左面的字符或者空格,rtrim是消除右面。。。。
    select ltrim(both 'a' from 'aaaaukkaaa') form dual;
    select ltrm('aaaaadd','a') from dual;
    select rtrim('aaaakaaa','a') from dual;
    select ltrim(' dfdsf') from dual; select rtrim('sdfds ') from dual;
    select trim(' dsfdsf ') from dual;
    select lpad('dsff',12,'a') from dual;
    select rpad('dsff',12,'a') from dual;

    select round(123.43) from dual;
    select round(123.43,2) from dual;//保留2为小数
    select trunc(123.43) from dual;
    select trunc(123.43,1) from dual;//保留1位小数
    select trunc(123.43,2) from dual;//保留2为小数
    select mod(10,3) from dual;

    select sysdate from dual;
    select last_day(sysdate) form dual;
    select months_between(sysdate,hiredate) from emp;
    select next_day(sysdate,'星期三') from dual;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bbker/p/5646719.html
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