typedef struct
uint32 id; 设备逻辑ID
uint32 freq; 频率
uint32 bus; 总线,这里不用理会,自动分配
uint8 slave_addr; 从设备地址
uint8 reg_addr_num; IIC内部寄存器长度
uint8 check_ack; 应答信号,1检查 0不检查
uint8 no_stop; 停止位
} I2C_DEV;
I2C_HAL_OPEN :初始化I2C设备控制器,并返回从设备句柄,必须要调用I2C_HAL_Close来释放。
参数:dev: I2C从设备指针
返回值:大于等于0 成功返回句柄
小于0 出错
参数:Handle: 已初始化的I2C handle
返回值:成功 0
失败 -1
I2C_HAL_Read :I2C控制器读数据
参数:Handle : 已初始化的I2C handle
reg_addr :从设备寄存器地址
buffer :从从设备里读取的数据保存在buffer里
bytes :读多少位
返回值:成功 返回读取的数量
失败 0
I2C_HAL_Write :I2C控制器写数据
参数:Handle : 已初始化的I2C handle
reg_addr :从设备寄存器地址
buffer :往从设备里写保存在buffer里的数据
bytes :写多少位
返回值:成功 返回写的数量
失败 0
I2C_HAL_Ioctl :设备读取I2C控制器状态
参数:Handle : 已初始化的I2C handle
cmd :i2c_drvapi.h里定义的命令
arg :命令参数
API 例子
sample code
#include "i2c_drvapi.h"
/*define the i2c slave device handle*/
uint32 i2c_handle_device;
void i2c_device_init(void)
/*init i2c*/
I2C_DEV dev;
dev.id = 0; //this i2c slave device is connected to i2c bus 0.
dev.freq = 100*1000; //100KHz
dev.slave_addr = 0x60; //8-bit write address
dev.reg_addr_num = 1; // i2c slave device register’s length is 8-bits
dev.check_ack = 1; //check ack signal
dev.no_stop = 0; //send stop
i2c_handle_device = I2C_HAL_Open(&dev);
/*other init process*/
uint32 device_set_some_para (void)
uint8 addr = 0x30; //register address
uint8 buffer = 0x10; //data buffer
I2C_HAL_Write(i2c_handle_device, &addr, &buffer, 1);
uint32 device_get_some_para (void)
uint8 addr = 0x30; //register address
uint8 buffer = 0; //data buffer
I2C_HAL_Read(i2c_handle_device, &addr, &buffer, 1);
void i2c_device_exit(void)
sample code
#include "i2c_drvapi.h"
/*define the i2c slave device handle*/
uint32 i2c_handle_device;
void i2c_device_init(void)
/*init i2c*/
I2C_DEV dev;
dev.id = 0; //this i2c slave device is connected to i2c bus 0.
dev.freq = 100*1000; //100KHz
dev.slave_addr = 0x30; //8-bit write address
dev.reg_addr_num = 2; // i2c slave device register’s length is 16-bits
dev.check_ack = 1; //check ack signal
dev.no_stop = 0; //send stop
i2c_handle_device = I2C_HAL_Open(&dev);
/*other init process*/
uint32 device_set_some_para (void)
uint8 addr[2] = {0}; //register address
uint8 buffer[2] = {0}; //data buffer
addr[0] = 0x30; //high 8 bits of the register address
addr[1] = 0x90; //low 8 bits of the register address
buffer[0] = 0x10; //high 8 bits of the data value
buffer[1] = 0x20; //low 8 bits of the data value
I2C_HAL_Write(i2c_handle_device, addr, buffer, 2);
uint32 device_get_some_para (void)
uint8 addr[2] = {0}; //register address
uint8 buffer[2] = {0}; //data buffer
addr[0] = 0x30; //high 8 bits of the register address
addr[1] = 0x90; //low 8 bits of the register address
I2C_HAL_Read(i2c_handle_device, addr, buffer, 2);
void i2c_device_exit(void)
#include "i2c_drvapi.h"
/*define the i2c slave device handle*/
uint32 i2c_handle_device;
void i2c_device_init(void)
/*init i2c*/
I2C_DEV dev;
dev.id = 1; //this i2c slave device is connected to i2c bus 1.
dev.freq = 100*1000; //100KHz
dev.slave_addr = 0x2c; //8-bit write address
dev.reg_addr_num = 0; // i2c slave device is simple
dev.check_ack = 1; //check ack signal
dev.no_stop = 0; //send stop
i2c_handle_device = I2C_HAL_Open(&dev);
/*other init process*/
uint32 device_set_some_para (void)
uint8 buffer[2] = {0}; //data buffer
buffer[0] = 0x10; //high 8 bits of the data value
buffer[1] = 0x20; //low 8 bits of the data value
I2C_HAL_Write(i2c_handle_device, NULL, buffer, 2);
uint32 device_get_some_para (void)
uint8 buffer[2] = {0}; //data buffer
I2C_HAL_Read(i2c_handle_device, NULL, buffer, 2);
void i2c_device_exit(void)
PUBLIC ERR_I2C_E PCM1774_WriteRegister(uint8 reg_addr,uint8 data)
uint8 cmd[2];
cmd[0] = reg_addr;
cmd[1] = data;
return I2C_WriteCmdArr(PCM1774_ADDRESS_WR, cmd, 2, SCI_TRUE);