先不翻译了, 放在这里, 备查.
COPY(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Create a duplicate of the source resource whose state and behavior match that of the source resource as closely as possible.
DELETE(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Delete a resource.
HEAD(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Retrieve resource information without a response body.
LOCK(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Lock a resource
manage_DAVget(self) Gets the document source
MKCOL(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Create a new collection resource.
MOVE(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Move a resource to a new location.
OPTIONS(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Retrieve communication options.
PROPFIND(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Retrieve properties defined on the resource.
PROPPATCH(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Set and/or remove properties defined on the resource.
PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Replace the GET response entity of an existing resource.
TRACE(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Return the HTTP message received back to the client as the entity-body of a 200 (OK) response.
UNLOCK(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE) Remove an existing lock on a resource.