• CSU-2116 Polyline Simplification

    CSU-2116 Polyline Simplification


    Mapping applications often represent the boundaries of countries, cities, etc. as polylines, which are connected sequences of line segments. Since fine details have to be shown when the user zooms into the map, these polylines often contain a very large number of segments. When the user zooms out, however, these fine details are not important and it is wasteful to process and draw the polylines with so many segments. In this problem, we consider a particular polyline simplification algorithm designed to approximate the original polyline with a polyline with fewer segments.

    A polyline with n segments is described by n + 1 points (p_0=(x_0,y_0),...,p_n=(x_n,y_n)), with the ith line segment being pi−1pi. The polyline can be simplified by removing an interior point (p_i)(1≤i≤n−1), so that the line segments $p_{i−1} p_i $and (p_ip_{i+1}) are replaced by the line segment (p_{i − 1}p_{i + 1}). To select the point to be removed, we examine the area of the triangle formed by (p_{i−1},p_i),and $ p_{i+1}$(the area is 0 if the three points are colinear), and choose the point pi such that the area of the triangle is smallest. Ties are broken by choosing the point with the lowest index. This can be applied again to the resulting polyline, until the desired number m of line segments is reached.

    Consider the example below.


    The original polyline is shown at the top. The area of the triangle formed by p2,p3,and p4 is considered (middle), and p3 is removed if the area is the smallest among all such triangles. The resulting polyline after p3 is removed is shown at the bottom.


    The first line of input contains two integers n(2≤n≤200000) and m(1≤m<n)m(1≤m<n). The next n + 1 lines specify p0,...,pn. Each point is given by its x and y coordinates which are integers between −5000 and 5000 inclusive. You may assume that the given points are strictly increasing in lexicographical order. That is, (xi<x_{i+1}) , or (xi=x_{i+1}) and (yi<y_{i+1}) for all 0≤i<n .


    Print on the kth line the index of the point removed in the kth step of the algorithm described above (use the index in the original polyline).

    Sample Input

    10 7
    0 0
    1 10
    2 20
    25 17
    32 19
    33 5
    40 10
    50 13
    65 27
    75 22
    85 17

    Sample Output





    [S_{ABC}= frac{|overrightarrow{AB} imes overrightarrow{AC}|}{2} ]


    #define maxn 200050
    using namespace std;
    struct point {
    	int x, y;
    } a[maxn];
    int l[maxn], r[maxn];
    int area[maxn];
    struct node {
    	int val, id;
    	node(int val = 0, int id = 0): val(val), id(id) {}
    	bool operator < (const node &a) const {
    		if (val == a.val) return id < a.id;
    		else return val < a.val;
    int calc1(int x) {
    	int p1 = l[x], p2 = x, p3 = r[x];
    	return abs(a[p1].x * a[p2].y + a[p2].x * a[p3].y + a[p3].x * a[p1].y - a[p1].x * a[p3].y - a[p2].x * a[p1].y - a[p3].x * a[p2].y);
    set<node> s;
    int main() {
    	int n, m;
    	scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
    	int k = n - m;
    	for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
    		scanf("%d%d", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
    	r[0] = 1;
    	l[n] = n - 1;
    	for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    		l[i] = i - 1; r[i] = i + 1;
    		area[i] = calc1(i);
    		s.insert(node(area[i], i));
    	for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
    		set<node>::iterator it = s.begin();
    		int now = (*it).id;
    ", now);
    		l[r[now]] = l[now];
    		r[l[now]] = r[now];
    		if (l[now] > 0) {
    			it = s.find(node(area[l[now]], l[now]));
    			area[l[now]] = calc1(l[now]);
    			s.insert(node(area[l[now]], l[now]));
    		if (r[now] < n) {
    			it = s.find(node(area[r[now]], r[now]));
    			area[r[now]] = calc1(r[now]);
    			s.insert(node(area[r[now]], r[now]));
    	return 0;
    	Problem: 2116
    	User: Artoriax
    	Language: C++
    	Result: AC
    	Time:392 ms
    	Memory:15308 kb
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/artoriax/p/10350772.html
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