生产环境中 Ngx_lua 使用技巧和应用的范例 时间 2013-07-19 11:35:00 51CTO技术博客 原文 http://rfyiamcool.blog.51cto.com/1030776/1252501 主题 Lua Lua的性能超牛的,这个不需要再啰嗦了。。。 Nginx_lua的适用场景 网络I/O 阻塞时间远高于CPU 计算占用时间、同时上游资源非瓶颈(可伸缩)的网络应用,如高性能网络中间层、HTTP REST 接口服务等; 期望简化系统架构,让服务向Nginx 同质化的Web 站点; 淘宝人对于ngx_lua使用的总结: 优势: 同步非阻塞I/O 形式直观易懂,并发服务能力强 CPU、内存运行开销低 同Nginx 结合度高,可方便粘合现有Nginx 模块功能 劣势: 属于新技术方案,Lua 相比于PHP、Ruby 等广泛使用的开发 语言,周边附属设施尚不够健全,需要时间积累 安装就简单过一遍,其实大家用openresty就行啦。。。 作者已经做了很多的调优。。。 还是推荐大家用 openresty。。。 最少在测试环境下用这个,可以省去很多找模块,折腾模块的时间。。。 1.下载nginx wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.2.2.tar.gz 2.安装gcc sudo apt-get install gcc 3.下载LuaJIT wget http://luajit.org/download/LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10.tar.gz 4. 安装LuaJIT tar -xzvf LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10.tar.gz cd LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10 make && sudo make install 5.下载 ngx_devel_kit(在这个页面找:https://github.com/simpl/ngx_devel_kit/tags) wget https://github.com/simpl/ngx_devel_kit/tarball/master -O simpl-ngx_devel_kit.tar.gz 6.下载最新的 lua-nginx-module(在这个页面找:https://github.com/chaoslawful/lua-nginx-module/tags) wget https://github.com/chaoslawful/lua-nginx-module/tarball/master -O lua-nginx-module.tar.gz 7.下载pcre wget ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/pcre-8.31.tar.gz tar -xzvf pcre-8.31.tar.gz ./configure && make(如果报“compile: unrecognized option `-DHAVE_CONFIG_H'”,请安装sudo apt-get install build-essential) sudo make install 8.下载echo模块 wget https://github.com/agentzh/echo-nginx-module/tarball/master -O echo-nginx-module.tar.gz tar -xzvf echo-nginx-module.tar.gz 7. 解压nginx,ngx_devel_kit, lua-nginx-module tar -xzvf nginx-1.2.2.tar.gz tar -xzvf simpl-ngx_devel_kit.tar.gz tar -xzvf lua-nginx-module.tar.gz 8.安装 sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev sudo apt-get install libtool cd nginx-1.2.2 export LUAJIT_LIB=/usr/local/lib/ export LUAJIT_INC=/usr/local/include/luajit-2.0 ./configure --user=www-data --group=www-data --with-debug --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_realip_module --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --add-module=../simpl-ngx_devel_kit-4192ba6/ --add-module=../chaoslawful-lua-nginx-module-b771a2e/ --add-module=../agentzh-echo-nginx-module-8042c62/ make -j2 sudo make install 一定要注意他的执行顺序 : Rewrite phase. Access phase. Content phase. 详细的步骤: 1.init_by_lua 上下文http ngx启动时执行 2. set_by_lua 上下文 server, server if, location, location if 3.rewrite_by_lua 上下文 http, server, location, location if 4.access_by_lua 上下文 http, server, location, location if 5.content_by_lua 上下文 location, location if 6.header_filter_by_lua 上下文 http, server, location, location if 7.body_filter_by_lua 上下文 http, server, location, location if 8.log_by_lua 上下文 http, server, location, location if 咱们再过滤post、get请求或者是触发了某个access、rewrite,如果发现恶意和违规的侵入的话,可以发邮件报警,好让我们第一时间收到邮件的信息。。。 location = /smtp { default_type "text/plain"; content_by_lua ' local smtp = require("socket.smtp") local from = "<ruifengyunceshi@163.com>" local rcpt = {"",} local mesgt = { headers = { to = "", -- 收件人 subject = "This is Mail Title" }, body = "This is Mail Content." } local r, e = smtp.send{ server="smtp.163.com", user="", password="", from = from, rcpt = rcpt, source = smtp.message(mesgt) } if not r then ngx.say(e) else ngx.say("send ok!") end '; } lua这东西挺怪的,他的双引号和单引号是有很大区别的,我到现在也没搞明白,啥区别,反正用双引号就对了。。。有事error.log报错的话,改成单引号试试。。 好点的方法是 先在lua的环境中跑一边,ok后,在放到ngx_lua里面。 Lua有丰富的接口的方案,不只是给别人提供的接口,还有他自己访问别的接口所用的模块。 如果你的同事那边已经有个高性能的socket接口,那你就别麻烦他改成rest模式了。。。 毕竟socket对socket速度很快的。 location /cosocket { default_type "text/plain"; content_by_lua ' local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() sock:settimeout(1000) local ok, err = sock:connect("", 12000) if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err) return end local bytes, err = sock:send("flush_all") ngx.say(bytes,err) if not bytes then ngx.say("failed to send query: ", err) return end local line, err = sock:receive() if not line then ngx.say("failed to receive a line: ", err) return end ngx.say("result: ", line) '; } } } 对于给别人的mysql查询,给账号密码不合适,和一个小权限的账号密码也不合适。 这种情况,我们要是求高性能的话,可以用lua配置cjson做成rest接口。 location /select2 { content_by_lua ' local mysql = require "resty.mysql" local db,err = mysql:new() if not db then ngx.say("failed to instantiate mysql: ",err) return end db:set_timeout(1000) local ok,err,errno,sqlstate = db:connect{ host = "", port = 3306, database = "niubi", user = "ruifengyun", password = "", max_package_size = 1024 } if not ok then ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err, ": ", errno, " ", sqlstate) return end ngx.say("connected to mysql.") res,err,errno,sqlstate = db:query("select username,password from users where id="..ngx.var.arg_id) if not res then ngx.say("bad result: ", err, ": ", errno, ": ", sqlstate, ".") return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("result: “,cjson.encode(res)) '; } 咱们既然知道了 lua的强大之处, 可以从lua里面搞负载均衡。 往redis里面 扔两个key 比如 web1 web2 server { listen 80; server_name _; server_name_in_redirect off; port_in_redirect off; root /root/html; location / { set $upstream ""; rewrite_by_lua ' local routes = _G.routes -- setup routes cache if empty if routes == nil then routes = {} ngx.log(ngx.ALERT, "Route cache is empty.") end -- try cached route first local route = routes[ngx.var.http_host] if route == nil then local redis = require "redis" local client = redis.connect("localhost", 6379) route = client:get(ngx.var.http_host) end if route ~= nil then ngx.var.upstream = route routes[ngx.var.http_host] = route _G.routes = routes else ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) end '; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_redirect off; proxy_connect_timeout 10; proxy_send_timeout 30; proxy_read_timeout 30; proxy_pass http://$upstream; } } 用lua 对cookie的控制 header_filter_by_lua ' t = {} if ngx.var.http_cookie then s = ngx.var.http_cookie for k, v in string.gmatch(s, "(%w+)=([%w%/%.=_-]+)") do t[k] = v end end p = ngx.req.get_uri_args() if not t.uid and p.uid then expires = ngx.cookie_time(4523969511) ngx.header["Set-Cookie"] = {"uid=" .. p.uid .."; expires=" .. expires .. "; end ';