在某位(实在忘记是谁了,好像博主把连接里的文章翻译成中文了)的博客里看到一个连接,题目是C#Heap(ing)Vs Stack(ing) in.NET,主要就是讲内存管理,非常具体生动,里面还有很多图例。http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/rmcochran/csharp_memory01122006130034PM/csharp_memory.aspx。我现在只看了Part I和Part II。继续复述总结加强理解。
Stack: is more or less responsible for keeping track of what's executing in our code (or what's been "called"). It's self-maintaining, meaning that it basically takes care of its own memory management. When the top "box" is no longer used, it's thrown out.
Heap: is more or less responsible for keeping track of our objects. Heap has to worry about Garbage Collection.
程序执行时,主要有四种类型要存放在Stack 和Heap中,他们是:值类型,引用类型,指针(Pointers,我觉得这个是指向引用类型的值类型或者引用类型),Instructions(还没遇到过,不知道怎么翻译)
- bool
- byte
- char
- decimal
- double
- enum
- float
- int
- long
- sbyte
- short
- struct
- uint
- ulong
- ushort
- class
- interface
- delegate
- object
- string
1. 引用类型永远存储在Heap里
2. 值类型在哪里声明就存储在哪里