• 小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)


    Python 被称为是最接近 AI 的语言。最近一位名叫Anna-Lena Popkes的小姐姐在GitHub上分享了自己如何使用Python(3.6及以上版本)实现7种机器学习算法的笔记,并附有完整代码。所有这些算法的实现都没有使用其他机器学习库。这份笔记可以帮大家对算法以及其底层结构有个基本的了解,但并不是提供最有效的实现。





    • 线性回归算法
    • Logistic 回归算法
    • 感知器
    • K 最近邻算法
    • K 均值聚类算法
    • 含单隐层的神经网络
    • 多项式的 Logistic 回归算法


    ▌1. 线性回归算法

    在线性回归中,我们想要建立一个模型,来拟合一个因变量 y 与一个或多个独立自变量(预测变量) x 之间的关系。



    • 数据集
    • 是d-维向量
    • 是一个目标变量,它是一个标量




    • 它有一个实值加权向量
    • 它有一个实值偏置量 b
    • 它使用恒等函数作为其激活函数



    a) 梯度下降法

    b) 正态方程(封闭形式解):小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)

    其中 X 是一个矩阵,其形式为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码),包含所有训练样本的维度信息。


    线性回归模型的训练过程有不同的步骤。首先(在步骤 0 中),模型的参数将被初始化。在达到指定训练次数或参数收敛前,重复以下其他步骤。

    第 0 步:

    用0 (或小的随机值)来初始化权重向量和偏置量,或者直接使用正态方程计算模型参数

    第 1 步(只有在使用梯度下降法训练时需要):


    其中 X 是所有训练样本的维度矩阵,其形式为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码);· 表示点积。

    第 2 步(只有在使用梯度下降法训练时需要):



    第 3 步(只有在使用梯度下降法训练时需要):





    第 4 步(只有在使用梯度下降法训练时需要):




    In [4]:

    import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitnp.random.seed(123)


    In [5]:

    # We will use a simple training setX = 2 * np.random.rand(500, 1)y = 5 3 * X np.random.randn(500, 1)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X, y)plt.title("Dataset")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    In [6]:

    # Split the data into a training and test setX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape}')print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')

    Shape X_train: (375, 1)Shape y_train: (375, 1)Shape X_test: (125, 1)Shape y_test: (125, 1)


    In [23]:

    class LinearRegression: def __init__(self): pass def train_gradient_descent(self, X, y, learning_rate=0.01, n_iters=100): """ Trains a linear regression model using gradient descent """ # Step 0: Initialize the parameters n_samples, n_features = X.shape self.weights = np.zeros(shape=(n_features,1)) self.bias = 0 costs = [] for i in range(n_iters): # Step 1: Compute a linear combination of the input features and weights y_predict = np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias # Step 2: Compute cost over training set cost = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum((y_predict - y)**2) costs.append(cost) if i % 100 == 0: print(f"Cost at iteration {i}: {cost}") # Step 3: Compute the gradients dJ_dw = (2 / n_samples) * np.dot(X.T, (y_predict - y)) dJ_db = (2 / n_samples) * np.sum((y_predict - y)) # Step 4: Update the parameters self.weights = self.weights - learning_rate * dJ_dw self.bias = self.bias - learning_rate * dJ_db return self.weights, self.bias, costs def train_normal_equation(self, X, y): """ Trains a linear regression model using the normal equation """ self.weights = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T, X)), X.T), y) self.bias = 0 return self.weights, self.bias def predict(self, X): return np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias


    In [24]:

    regressor = LinearRegression()w_trained, b_trained, costs = regressor.train_gradient_descent(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.005, n_iters=600)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.plot(np.arange(n_iters), costs)plt.title("Development of cost during training")plt.xlabel("Number of iterations")plt.ylabel("Cost")plt.show()

    Cost at iteration 0: 66.45256981003433Cost at iteration 100: 2.2084346146095934Cost at iteration 200: 1.2797812854182806Cost at iteration 300: 1.2042189195356685Cost at iteration 400: 1.1564867816573Cost at iteration 500: 1.121391041394467



    In [28]:

    n_samples, _ = X_train.shapen_samples_test, _ = X_test.shapey_p_train = regressor.predict(X_train)y_p_test = regressor.predict(X_test)error_train = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum((y_p_train - y_train) ** 2)error_test = (1 / n_samples_test) * np.sum((y_p_test - y_test) ** 2)print(f"Error on training set: {np.round(error_train, 4)}")print(f"Error on test set: {np.round(error_test)}")

    Error on training set: 1.0955

    Error on test set: 1.0

    使用正规方程(normal equation)训练

    # To compute the parameters using the normal equation, we add a bias value of 1 to each input exampleX_b_train = np.c_[np.ones((n_samples)), X_train]X_b_test = np.c_[np.ones((n_samples_test)), X_test]reg_normal = LinearRegression()w_trained = reg_normal.train_normal_equation(X_b_train, y_train)


    y_p_train = reg_normal.predict(X_b_train)y_p_test = reg_normal.predict(X_b_test)error_train = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum((y_p_train - y_train) ** 2)error_test = (1 / n_samples_test) * np.sum((y_p_test - y_test) ** 2)print(f"Error on training set: {np.round(error_train, 4)}")print(f"Error on test set: {np.round(error_test, 4)}")

    Error on training set: 1.0228

    Error on test set: 1.0432


    # Plot the test predictionsfig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X_train, y_train)plt.scatter(X_test, y_p_test)plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    ▌2. Logistic 回归算法

    在 Logistic 回归中,我们试图对给定输入特征的线性组合进行建模,来得到其二元变量的输出结果。例如,我们可以尝试使用竞选候选人花费的金钱和时间信息来预测选举的结果(胜或负)。Logistic 回归算法的工作原理如下。



    • 数据集
    • 是d-维向量
    • 是一个二元的目标变量


    Logistic 回归模型可以理解为一个非常简单的神经网络:


    • 它有一个实值加权向量
    • 它有一个实值偏置量 b
    • 它使用 sigmoid 函数作为其激活函数


    与线性回归不同,Logistic 回归没有封闭解。但由于损失函数是凸函数,因此我们可以使用梯度下降法来训练模型。事实上,在保证学习速率足够小且使用足够的训练迭代步数的前提下,梯度下降法(或任何其他优化算法)可以是能够找到全局最小值。

    训练 Logistic 回归模型有不同的步骤。首先(在步骤 0 中),模型的参数将被初始化。在达到指定训练次数或参数收敛前,重复以下其他步骤。

    第 0 步:用 0 (或小的随机值)来初始化权重向量和偏置值

    第 1 步:计算输入的特征与权重值的线性组合,这可以通过矢量化和矢量传播来对所有训练样本进行处理:小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)

    其中 X 是所有训练样本的维度矩阵,其形式为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码);·表示点积。

    第 2 步:用 sigmoid 函数作为激活函数,其返回值介于0到1之间:


    第 3 步:计算整个训练集的损失值。

    我们希望模型得到的目标值概率落在 0 到 1 之间。因此在训练期间,我们希望调整参数,使得模型较大的输出值对应正标签(真实标签为 1),较小的输出值对应负标签(真实标签为 0 )。这在损失函数中表现为如下形式:


    第 4 步:对权重向量和偏置量,计算其对损失函数的梯度。




    对于偏置量的导数计算,此时小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)为 1。

    第 5 步:更新权重和偏置值。



    In [24]:

    import numpy as npfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.datasets import make_blobsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltnp.random.seed(123)% matplotlib inline


    In [25]:

    # We will perform logistic regression using a simple toy dataset of two classesX, y_true = make_blobs(n_samples= 1000, centers=2)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y_true)plt.title("Dataset")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    In [26]:

    # Reshape targets to get column vector with shape (n_samples, 1)y_true = y_true[:, np.newaxis]# Split the data into a training and test setX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y_true)print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape}')print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')

    Shape X_train: (750, 2)

    Shape y_train: (750, 1)

    Shape X_test: (250, 2)

    Shape y_test: (250, 1)


    In [27]:

    class LogisticRegression: def __init__(self): pass def sigmoid(self, a): return 1 / (1 np.exp(-a)) def train(self, X, y_true, n_iters, learning_rate): """ Trains the logistic regression model on given data X and targets y """ # Step 0: Initialize the parameters n_samples, n_features = X.shape self.weights = np.zeros((n_features, 1)) self.bias = 0 costs = [] for i in range(n_iters): # Step 1 and 2: Compute a linear combination of the input features and weights, # apply the sigmoid activation function y_predict = self.sigmoid(np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias) # Step 3: Compute the cost over the whole training set. cost = (- 1 / n_samples) * np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_predict) (1 - y_true) * (np.log(1 - y_predict))) # Step 4: Compute the gradients dw = (1 / n_samples) * np.dot(X.T, (y_predict - y_true)) db = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum(y_predict - y_true) # Step 5: Update the parameters self.weights = self.weights - learning_rate * dw self.bias = self.bias - learning_rate * db costs.append(cost) if i % 100 == 0: print(f"Cost after iteration {i}: {cost}") return self.weights, self.bias, costs def predict(self, X): """ Predicts binary labels for a set of examples X. """ y_predict = self.sigmoid(np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias) y_predict_labels = [1 if elem > 0.5 else 0 for elem in y_predict] return np.array(y_predict_labels)[:, np.newaxis]


    In [29]:

    regressor = LogisticRegression()w_trained, b_trained, costs = regressor.train(X_train, y_train, n_iters=600, learning_rate=0.009)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.plot(np.arange(600), costs)plt.title("Development of cost over training")plt.xlabel("Number of iterations")plt.ylabel("Cost")plt.show()

    Cost after iteration 0: 0.6931471805599453

    Cost after iteration 100: 0.046514002935609956

    Cost after iteration 200: 0.02405337743999163

    Cost after iteration 300: 0.016354408151412207

    Cost after iteration 400: 0.012445770521974634

    Cost after iteration 500: 0.010073981792906512



    In [31]:

    y_p_train = regressor.predict(X_train)y_p_test = regressor.predict(X_test)print(f"train accuracy: {100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_p_train - y_train)) * 100}%")print(f"test accuracy: {100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_p_test - y_test))}%")

    train accuracy: 100.0%

    test accuracy: 100.0%

    ▌3. 感知器算法

    感知器是一种简单的监督式的机器学习算法,也是最早的神经网络体系结构之一。它由 Rosenblatt 在 20 世纪 50 年代末提出。感知器是一种二元的线性分类器,其使用 d- 维超平面来将一组训练样本( d- 维输入向量)映射成二进制输出值。它的原理如下:



    • 数据集
    • 是d-维向量
    • 是一个目标变量,它是一个标量




    • 它有一个实值加权向量
    • 它有一个实值偏置量 b
    • 它使用 Heaviside step 函数作为其激活函数



    第 0 步:用 0 (或小的随机值)来初始化权重向量和偏置值

    第 1 步:计算输入的特征与权重值的线性组合,这可以通过矢量化和矢量传播法则来对所有训练样本进行处理:小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)

    其中 X 是所有训练示例的维度矩阵,其形式为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码);·表示点积。

    第 2 步:用 Heaviside step 函数作为激活函数,其返回一个二进制值:


    第 3 步:使用感知器的学习规则来计算权重向量和偏置量的更新值。



    第 4 步:更新权重向量和偏置量。


    In [1]:

    import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.datasets import make_blobsfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitnp.random.seed(123)% matplotlib inline


    In [2]:

    X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=2)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)plt.title("Dataset")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    In [3]:

    y_true = y[:, np.newaxis]X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y_true)print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape})')print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')

    Shape X_train: (750, 2)

    Shape y_train: (750, 1))

    Shape X_test: (250, 2)

    Shape y_test: (250, 1)


    In [6]:

    class Perceptron(): def __init__(self): pass def train(self, X, y, learning_rate=0.05, n_iters=100): n_samples, n_features = X.shape # Step 0: Initialize the parameters self.weights = np.zeros((n_features,1)) self.bias = 0 for i in range(n_iters): # Step 1: Compute the activation a = np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias # Step 2: Compute the output y_predict = self.step_function(a) # Step 3: Compute weight updates delta_w = learning_rate * np.dot(X.T, (y - y_predict)) delta_b = learning_rate * np.sum(y - y_predict) # Step 4: Update the parameters self.weights = delta_w self.bias = delta_b return self.weights, self.bias def step_function(self, x): return np.array([1 if elem >= 0 else 0 for elem in x])[:, np.newaxis] def predict(self, X): a = np.dot(X, self.weights) self.bias return self.step_function(a)


    In [7]:

    p = Perceptron()w_trained, b_trained = p.train(X_train, y_train,learning_rate=0.05, n_iters=500)


    In [10]:

    y_p_train = p.predict(X_train)y_p_test = p.predict(X_test)print(f"training accuracy: {100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_p_train - y_train)) * 100}%")print(f"test accuracy: {100 - np.mean(np.abs(y_p_test - y_test)) * 100}%")

    training accuracy: 100.0%

    test accuracy: 100.0%


    In [13]:

    def plot_hyperplane(X, y, weights, bias): """ Plots the dataset and the estimated decision hyperplane """ slope = - weights[0]/weights[1] intercept = - bias/weights[1] x_hyperplane = np.linspace(-10,10,10) y_hyperplane = slope * x_hyperplane intercept fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y) plt.plot(x_hyperplane, y_hyperplane, '-') plt.title("Dataset and fitted decision hyperplane") plt.xlabel("First feature") plt.ylabel("Second feature") plt.show()

    In [14]:

    plot_hyperplane(X, y, w_trained, b_trained)


    ▌4. K 最近邻算法

    k-nn 算法是一种简单的监督式的机器学习算法,可以用于解决分类和回归问题。这是一个基于实例的算法,并不是估算模型,而是将所有训练样本存储在内存中,并使用相似性度量进行预测。

    给定一个输入示例,k-nn 算法将从内存中检索 k 个最相似的实例。相似性是根据距离来定义的,也就是说,与输入示例之间距离最小(欧几里得距离)的训练样本被认为是最相似的样本。



    a) 不加权:输出 k 个最近邻中最常见的分类

    b) 加权:将每个分类值的k个最近邻的权重相加,输出权重最高的分类


    a) 不加权:输出k个最近邻值的平均值

    b) 加权:对于所有分类值,将分类值加权求和并将结果除以所有权重的总和

    加权版本的 k-nn 算法是改进版本,其中每个近邻的贡献值根据其与查询点之间的距离进行加权。下面,我们在 sklearn 用 k-nn 算法的原始版本实现数字数据集的分类。

    In [1]:

    import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.datasets import load_digitsfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitnp.random.seed(123)% matplotlib inline


    In [2]:

    # We will use the digits dataset as an example. It consists of the 1797 images of hand-written digits. Each digit is# represented by a 64-dimensional vector of pixel values.digits = load_digits()X, y = digits.data, digits.targetX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)print(f'X_train shape: {X_train.shape}')print(f'y_train shape: {y_train.shape}')print(f'X_test shape: {X_test.shape}')print(f'y_test shape: {y_test.shape}')# Example digitsfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))for i in range(10): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 5, i 1) plt.imshow(X[i].reshape((8,8)), cmap='gray')

    X_train shape: (1347, 64)

    y_train shape: (1347,)

    X_test shape: (450, 64)

    y_test shape: (450,)


    K 最邻近类别

    In [3]:

    class kNN(): def __init__(self): pass def fit(self, X, y): self.data = X self.targets = y def euclidean_distance(self, X): """ Computes the euclidean distance between the training data and a new input example or matrix of input examples X """ # input: single data point if X.ndim == 1: l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.data - X)**2, axis=1)) # input: matrix of data points if X.ndim == 2: n_samples, _ = X.shape l2 = [np.sqrt(np.sum((self.data - X[i])**2, axis=1)) for i in range(n_samples)] return np.array(l2) def predict(self, X, k=1): """ Predicts the classification for an input example or matrix of input examples X """ # step 1: compute distance between input and training data dists = self.euclidean_distance(X) # step 2: find the k nearest neighbors and their classifications if X.ndim == 1: if k == 1: nn = np.argmin(dists) return self.targets[nn] else: knn = np.argsort(dists)[:k] y_knn = self.targets[knn] max_vote = max(y_knn, key=list(y_knn).count) return max_vote if X.ndim == 2: knn = np.argsort(dists)[:, :k] y_knn = self.targets[knn] if k == 1: return y_knn.T else: n_samples, _ = X.shape max_votes = [max(y_knn[i], key=list(y_knn[i]).count) for i in range(n_samples)] return max_votes


    In [11]:

    knn = kNN()knn.fit(X_train, y_train)print("Testing one datapoint, k=1")print(f"Predicted label: {knn.predict(X_test[0], k=1)}")print(f"True label: {y_test[0]}")print()print("Testing one datapoint, k=5")print(f"Predicted label: {knn.predict(X_test[20], k=5)}")print(f"True label: {y_test[20]}")print()print("Testing 10 datapoint, k=1")print(f"Predicted labels: {knn.predict(X_test[5:15], k=1)}")print(f"True labels: {y_test[5:15]}")print()print("Testing 10 datapoint, k=4")print(f"Predicted labels: {knn.predict(X_test[5:15], k=4)}")print(f"True labels: {y_test[5:15]}")print()

    Testing one datapoint, k=1

    Predicted label: 3

    True label: 3

    Testing one datapoint, k=5

    Predicted label: 9

    True label: 9

    Testing 10 datapoint, k=1

    Predicted labels: [[3 1 0 7 4 0 0 5 1 6]]

    True labels: [3 1 0 7 4 0 0 5 1 6]

    Testing 10 datapoint, k=4

    Predicted labels: [3, 1, 0, 7, 4, 0, 0, 5, 1, 6]

    True labels: [3 1 0 7 4 0 0 5 1 6]


    In [12]:

    # Compute accuracy on test sety_p_test1 = knn.predict(X_test, k=1)test_acc1= np.sum(y_p_test1[0] == y_test)/len(y_p_test1[0]) * 100print(f"Test accuracy with k = 1: {format(test_acc1)}")y_p_test8 = knn.predict(X_test, k=5)test_acc8= np.sum(y_p_test8 == y_test)/len(y_p_test8) * 100print(f"Test accuracy with k = 8: {format(test_acc8)}")

    Test accuracy with k = 1: 97.77777777777777

    Test accuracy with k = 8: 97.55555555555556

    ▌5. K均值聚类算法

    K-Means 是一种非常简单的聚类算法(聚类算法都属于无监督学习)。给定固定数量的聚类和输入数据集,该算法试图将数据划分为聚类,使得聚类内部具有较高的相似性,聚类与聚类之间具有较低的相似性。


    1. 初始化聚类中心,或者在输入数据范围内随机选择,或者使用一些现有的训练样本(推荐)

    2. 直到收敛


    • 将每个数据点分配到最近的聚类。点与聚类中心之间的距离是通过欧几里德距离测量得到的。
    • 通过将聚类中心的当前估计值设置为属于该聚类的所有实例的平均值,来更新它们的当前估计值。








    • 决定了数据点是否属于类
    • 表示类的聚类中心
    • 表示欧几里得距离


    K-Means 算法的缺点:


    • 聚类的个数在开始就要设定
    • 聚类的结果取决于初始设定的聚类中心
    • 对异常值很敏感
    • 不适合用于发现非凸聚类问题
    • 该算法不能保证能够找到全局最优解,因此它往往会陷入一个局部最优解


    In [21]:

    import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport randomfrom sklearn.datasets import make_blobsnp.random.seed(123)% matplotlib inline


    In [22]:

    X, y = make_blobs(centers=4, n_samples=1000)print(f'Shape of dataset: {X.shape}')fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)plt.title("Dataset with 4 clusters")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()

    Shape of dataset: (1000, 2)



    In [23]:

    class KMeans(): def __init__(self, n_clusters=4): self.k = n_clusters def fit(self, data): """ Fits the k-means model to the given dataset """ n_samples, _ = data.shape # initialize cluster centers self.centers = np.array(random.sample(list(data), self.k)) self.initial_centers = np.copy(self.centers) # We will keep track of whether the assignment of data points # to the clusters has changed. If it stops changing, we are # done fitting the model old_assigns = None n_iters = 0 while True: new_assigns = [self.classify(datapoint) for datapoint in data] if new_assigns == old_assigns: print(f"Training finished after {n_iters} iterations!") return old_assigns = new_assigns n_iters = 1 # recalculate centers for id_ in range(self.k): points_idx = np.where(np.array(new_assigns) == id_) datapoints = data[points_idx] self.centers[id_] = datapoints.mean(axis=0) def l2_distance(self, datapoint): dists = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.centers - datapoint)**2, axis=1)) return dists def classify(self, datapoint): """ Given a datapoint, compute the cluster closest to the datapoint. Return the cluster ID of that cluster. """ dists = self.l2_distance(datapoint) return np.argmin(dists) def plot_clusters(self, data): plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) plt.title("Initial centers in black, final centers in red") plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], marker='.', c=y) plt.scatter(self.centers[:, 0], self.centers[:,1], c='r') plt.scatter(self.initial_centers[:, 0], self.initial_centers[:,1], c='k') plt.show()


    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4)kmeans.fit(X)

    Training finished after 4 iterations!




    ▌6. 简单的神经网络

    在这一章节里,我们将实现一个简单的神经网络架构,将 2 维的输入向量映射成二进制输出值。我们的神经网络有 2 个输入神经元,含 6 个隐藏神经元隐藏层及 1 个输出神经元。

    我们将通过层之间的权重矩阵来表示神经网络结构。在下面的例子中,输入层和隐藏层之间的权重矩阵将被表示为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码),隐藏层和输出层之间的权重矩阵为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)。除了连接神经元的权重向量外,每个隐藏和输出的神经元都会有一个大小为 1 的偏置量。

    我们的训练集由 m = 750 个样本组成。因此,我们的矩阵维度如下:


    • 训练集维度: X = (750,2)
    • 目标维度: Y = (750,1)
    • 维度:(m,nhidden) = (2,6)
    • 维度:(bias vector):(1,nhidden) = (1,6)
    • 维度: (nhidden,noutput)= (6,1)
    • 维度:(bias vector):(1,noutput) = (1,1)




    我们使用与 Logistic 回归算法相同的损失函数:





    1. 初始化参数(即权重量和偏差量)

    2. 重复以下过程,直到收敛:


    • 通过网络传播当前输入的批次大小,并计算所有隐藏和输出单元的激活值和输出值。
    • 针对每个参数计算其对损失函数的偏导数
    • 更新参数





    • 表示对所有训练样本激活隐层单元的矩阵
    • 表示对所有训练样本输出隐层单位的矩阵


    隐层神经元将使用 tanh 函数作为其激活函数:


    输出层神经元将使用 sigmoid 函数作为激活函数:












    In [3]:

    import numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn.datasets import make_circlesfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitnp.random.seed(123)% matplotlib inline


    In [4]:

    X, y = make_circles(n_samples=1000, factor=0.5, noise=.1)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.title("Dataset")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    In [5]:

    # reshape targets to get column vector with shape (n_samples, 1)y_true = y[:, np.newaxis]# Split the data into a training and test setX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y_true)print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape}')print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')

    Shape X_train: (750, 2)

    Shape y_train: (750, 1)

    Shape X_test: (250, 2)

    Shape y_test: (250, 1)

    Neural Network Class



    class NeuralNet(): def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hidden): self.n_inputs = n_inputs self.n_outputs = n_outputs self.hidden = n_hidden # Initialize weight matrices and bias vectors self.W_h = np.random.randn(self.n_inputs, self.hidden) self.b_h = np.zeros((1, self.hidden)) self.W_o = np.random.randn(self.hidden, self.n_outputs) self.b_o = np.zeros((1, self.n_outputs)) def sigmoid(self, a): return 1 / (1 np.exp(-a)) def forward_pass(self, X): """ Propagates the given input X forward through the net. Returns: A_h: matrix with activations of all hidden neurons for all input examples O_h: matrix with outputs of all hidden neurons for all input examples A_o: matrix with activations of all output neurons for all input examples O_o: matrix with outputs of all output neurons for all input examples """ # Compute activations and outputs of hidden units A_h = np.dot(X, self.W_h) self.b_h O_h = np.tanh(A_h) # Compute activations and outputs of output units A_o = np.dot(O_h, self.W_o) self.b_o O_o = self.sigmoid(A_o) outputs = { "A_h": A_h, "A_o": A_o, "O_h": O_h, "O_o": O_o, } return outputs def cost(self, y_true, y_predict, n_samples): """ Computes and returns the cost over all examples """ # same cost function as in logistic regression cost = (- 1 / n_samples) * np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_predict) (1 - y_true) * (np.log(1 - y_predict))) cost = np.squeeze(cost) assert isinstance(cost, float) return cost def backward_pass(self, X, Y, n_samples, outputs): """ Propagates the errors backward through the net. Returns: dW_h: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t hidden weights db_h: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t hidden bias dW_o: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t output weights db_o: partial derivatives of loss function w.r.t output bias """ dA_o = (outputs["O_o"] - Y) dW_o = (1 / n_samples) * np.dot(outputs["O_h"].T, dA_o) db_o = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum(dA_o) dA_h = (np.dot(dA_o, self.W_o.T)) * (1 - np.power(outputs["O_h"], 2)) dW_h = (1 / n_samples) * np.dot(X.T, dA_h) db_h = (1 / n_samples) * np.sum(dA_h) gradients = { "dW_o": dW_o, "db_o": db_o, "dW_h": dW_h, "db_h": db_h, } return gradients def update_weights(self, gradients, eta): """ Updates the model parameters using a fixed learning rate """ self.W_o = self.W_o - eta * gradients["dW_o"] self.W_h = self.W_h - eta * gradients["dW_h"] self.b_o = self.b_o - eta * gradients["db_o"] self.b_h = self.b_h - eta * gradients["db_h"] def train(self, X, y, n_iters=500, eta=0.3): """ Trains the neural net on the given input data """ n_samples, _ = X.shape for i in range(n_iters): outputs = self.forward_pass(X) cost = self.cost(y, outputs["O_o"], n_samples=n_samples) gradients = self.backward_pass(X, y, n_samples, outputs) if i % 100 == 0: print(f'Cost at iteration {i}: {np.round(cost, 4)}') self.update_weights(gradients, eta) def predict(self, X): """ Computes and returns network predictions for given dataset """ outputs = self.forward_pass(X) y_pred = [1 if elem >= 0.5 else 0 for elem in outputs["O_o"]] return np.array(y_pred)[:, np.newaxis]


    nn = NeuralNet(n_inputs=2, n_hidden=6, n_outputs=1)print("Shape of weight matrices and bias vectors:")print(f'W_h shape: {nn.W_h.shape}')print(f'b_h shape: {nn.b_h.shape}')print(f'W_o shape: {nn.W_o.shape}')print(f'b_o shape: {nn.b_o.shape}')print()print("Training:")nn.train(X_train, y_train, n_iters=2000, eta=0.7)

    Shape of weight matrices and bias vectors:

    W_h shape: (2, 6)

    b_h shape: (1, 6)

    W_o shape: (6, 1)

    b_o shape: (1, 1)


    Cost at iteration 0: 1.0872

    Cost at iteration 100: 0.2723

    Cost at iteration 200: 0.1712

    Cost at iteration 300: 0.1386

    Cost at iteration 400: 0.1208

    Cost at iteration 500: 0.1084

    Cost at iteration 600: 0.0986

    Cost at iteration 700: 0.0907

    Cost at iteration 800: 0.0841

    Cost at iteration 900: 0.0785

    Cost at iteration 1000: 0.0739

    Cost at iteration 1100: 0.0699

    Cost at iteration 1200: 0.0665

    Cost at iteration 1300: 0.0635

    Cost at iteration 1400: 0.061

    Cost at iteration 1500: 0.0587

    Cost at iteration 1600: 0.0566

    Cost at iteration 1700: 0.0547

    Cost at iteration 1800: 0.0531

    Cost at iteration 1900: 0.0515


    n_test_samples, _ = X_test.shapey_predict = nn.predict(X_test)print(f"Classification accuracy on test set: {(np.sum(y_predict == y_test)/n_test_samples)*100} %")

    Classification accuracy on test set: 98.4 %


    X_temp, y_temp = make_circles(n_samples=60000, noise=.5)y_predict_temp = nn.predict(X_temp)y_predict_temp = np.ravel(y_predict_temp)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,12))ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y)plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.title("Training and test set")ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)plt.scatter(X_temp[:,0], X_temp[:,1], c=y_predict_temp)plt.xlim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.ylim([-1.5, 1.5])plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.title("Decision boundary")

    Out[11]:Text(0.5,1,'Decision boundary')


    ▌7. Softmax 回归算法

    Softmax 回归算法,又称为多项式或多类别的 Logistic 回归算法。



    • 数据集
    • 是d-维向量
    • 是对应于的目标变量,例如对于K=3分类问题,


    Softmax 回归模型有以下几个特点:


    • 对于每个类别,都存在一个独立的、实值加权向量
    • 这个权重向量通常作为权重矩阵中的行。
    • 对于每个类别,都存在一个独立的、实值偏置量b
    • 它使用 softmax 函数作为其激活函数
    • 它使用交叉熵( cross-entropy )作为损失函数


    训练 Softmax 回归模型有不同步骤。首先(在步骤0中),模型的参数将被初始化。在达到指定训练次数或参数收敛前,重复以下其他步骤。

    第 0 步:用 0 (或小的随机值)来初始化权重向量和偏置值

    第 1 步:对于每个类别k,计算其输入的特征与权重值的线性组合,也就是说为每个类别的训练样本计算一个得分值。对于类别k,输入向量为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码),则得分值的计算如下:





    其中 X 是所有训练样本小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)的维度矩阵,W 表示每个类别的权重矩阵维度,其形式为小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)

    第 2 步:用 softmax 函数作为激活函数,将得分值转化为概率值形式。小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)属于类别 k 的输入向量的概率值为:



    第 3 步:计算整个训练集的损失值。



    在上面公式中,目标类别标签表示成独热编码形式( one-hot )。因此小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)为1时表示小姐姐带你一起学:如何用Python实现7种机器学习算法(附代码)的目标类别是 k,反之则为 0。

    第 4 步:对权重向量和偏置量,计算其对损失函数的梯度。





    第 5 步:对每个类别k,更新其权重和偏置值。



    In [1]:

    from sklearn.datasets import load_irisimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.datasets import make_blobsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltnp.random.seed(13)


    In [2]:

    X, y_true = make_blobs(centers=4, n_samples = 5000)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=y_true)plt.title("Dataset")plt.xlabel("First feature")plt.ylabel("Second feature")plt.show()


    In [3]:

    # reshape targets to get column vector with shape (n_samples, 1)y_true = y_true[:, np.newaxis]# Split the data into a training and test setX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y_true)print(f'Shape X_train: {X_train.shape}')print(f'Shape y_train: {y_train.shape}')print(f'Shape X_test: {X_test.shape}')print(f'Shape y_test: {y_test.shape}')

    Shape X_train: (3750, 2)

    Shape y_train: (3750, 1)

    Shape X_test: (1250, 2)

    Shape y_test: (1250, 1)


    class SoftmaxRegressor: def __init__(self): pass def train(self, X, y_true, n_classes, n_iters=10, learning_rate=0.1): """ Trains a multinomial logistic regression model on given set of training data """ self.n_samples, n_features = X.shape self.n_classes = n_classes self.weights = np.random.rand(self.n_classes, n_features) self.bias = np.zeros((1, self.n_classes)) all_losses = [] for i in range(n_iters): scores = self.compute_scores(X) probs = self.softmax(scores) y_predict = np.argmax(probs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] y_one_hot = self.one_hot(y_true) loss = self.cross_entropy(y_one_hot, probs) all_losses.append(loss) dw = (1 / self.n_samples) * np.dot(X.T, (probs - y_one_hot)) db = (1 / self.n_samples) * np.sum(probs - y_one_hot, axis=0) self.weights = self.weights - learning_rate * dw.T self.bias = self.bias - learning_rate * db if i % 100 == 0: print(f'Iteration number: {i}, loss: {np.round(loss, 4)}') return self.weights, self.bias, all_losses def predict(self, X): """ Predict class labels for samples in X. Args: X: numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns: numpy array of shape (n_samples, 1) with predicted classes """ scores = self.compute_scores(X) probs = self.softmax(scores) return np.argmax(probs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] def softmax(self, scores): """ Tranforms matrix of predicted scores to matrix of probabilities Args: scores: numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) with unnormalized scores Returns: softmax: numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) with probabilities """ exp = np.exp(scores) sum_exp = np.sum(np.exp(scores), axis=1, keepdims=True) softmax = exp / sum_exp return softmax def compute_scores(self, X): """ Computes class-scores for samples in X Args: X: numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns: scores: numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) """ return np.dot(X, self.weights.T) self.bias def cross_entropy(self, y_true, scores): loss = - (1 / self.n_samples) * np.sum(y_true * np.log(scores)) return loss def one_hot(self, y): """ Tranforms vector y of labels to one-hot encoded matrix """ one_hot = np.zeros((self.n_samples, self.n_classes)) one_hot[np.arange(self.n_samples), y.T] = 1 return one_hot


    regressor = SoftmaxRegressor()w_trained, b_trained, loss = regressor.train(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.1, n_iters=800, n_classes=4)fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))plt.plot(np.arange(800), loss)plt.title("Development of loss during training")plt.xlabel("Number of iterations")plt.ylabel("Loss")plt.show()Iteration number: 0, loss: 1.393

    Iteration number: 100, loss: 0.2051

    Iteration number: 200, loss: 0.1605

    Iteration number: 300, loss: 0.1371

    Iteration number: 400, loss: 0.121


    完 谢谢观看

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