• Git skills in reseting files

    How to uncommit files that were committed long time a ago?
    Note: Since all changes in the current working directory are very important, they should not be affected!

    1. Reset the repository into a committed state, but does not affect the current working directory and index(staging) tree.
    git reset --soft [commit - hash]

    2. Unstage all changed files
    git reset HEAD --

    3. Add the file you want to commit
    git add [filename]

    4. Add the changes into repos
    git commit -m "something"

    Useful command:
    git log | grep Jingwei -B 5

    How to reset a file into the state of a certain commit?
    git checkout [commit - hash] [filename]
    Note: the checkout here is quite confusing. it it requires - _ -

    Open a new code review

    git stash && git pull --rebase && git stash pop

    Useful links:

    The theory of git rest:

    The display lines for grep command

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/airwindow/p/4644421.html
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