• Team Geek 阅读笔记之 第二章 Building an Awesome Team Culture

    1.But a team’s culture isn’t just the way in which team members write
    code or treat one another: it’s a set of shared experiences, values,
    and goals that is unique to every engineering team we’ve ever been
    on or observed. The founding members of a team or company
    define the biggest part of a team’s culture, but it will continue to
    change and develop over the life of the team.
    2.If your team doesn’t value your culture, not only is it difficult to build
    a strong team identity and collective pride in your work, but also
    it’s very easy for a newcomer to change your culture into something
    that sucks.
    3.The first mistake most engineers make is to assume the team leader
    curates the culture of a team.
    4.The only way to make sure new team members will be
    a culture fit is to interview for it.
    5.In the software world, a great deal of creative thinking is required of 
    engineers working on a product, and if you want a great product, you 
    need great engineers. If you want great engineers to do great work
     (and to stick around), you need to create a culture for them that allows 
    them to safely share ideas and have a voice in the decision-making process.
    6.If your team has a culture of
    chest thumping and yelling and screaming at one another, the only
    people you’ll attract (and retain) are aggressive types who feel right
    at home in this environment composed of strong individual egos
    (in fact, most of the women we know find this kind of environment
    especially off-putting). If you create a culture of HRT where team
    members treat one another kindly and take the effort to give
    constructive criticism, you’ll not only attract a much larger set
    of people, but you’ll also spend a great deal more of your energy
    writing software. 
    7.Constructive criticism is essential to the growth and development of
    any engineering team. It requires a certain amount of self-confidence
    to take any kind of criticism, and we think constructive criticism
    is the easiest kind to receive. On the downside, it’s a lot harder
    to give someone constructive criticism than to simply lambast her
    or ridicule something she did. 
    8.Calm, easygoing cultures built on respect are more vulnerable
    to disruption by aggressive people than aggressive cultures are
    vulnerable to disruption from more easygoing people. 
    9.A good general rule around communication is to include as few
    people as necessary in synchronous communication (like meetings),
    and to go for a broader audience in asynchronous communication
    (like email).
    10.Five simple rules for running a meeting:
    1).   Only invite people who absolutely need to be there.
    2).   Have an agenda and distribute it well before the 
    meeting starts.
    3).   End the meeting early if you’ve accomplished the 
    meeting’s goals.
    4).   Keep the meeting on track.
    5).   Try to schedule the meeting near other interrupt 
    points in your day (e.g., lunch, end of day).
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ainima/p/6331995.html
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