• 优化循环中的sql语句

    问题描述:在很多新手开发过程中,然后也有些比较偷懒的喜欢把sql语句写在循环中,这样开发起来比较快;代码易懂简介清晰,对于访问量少的 这么写当然没有问题了,可以一旦访问量 比较高的时候那就 呵呵了...


     1     /**
     2      * @desc 获取评论列表 
     3      * @version 3.0
     4      * @author wzh
     5      * @date 2017-02-20
     6      */
     7     public function getCommentList(){
     8         $cat_id = (int) $this -> input -> get('cat_id');
     9         $cat_id_2 = (int) $this -> input -> get('cat_id_2');
    10         $id = (int) $this -> input -> get('id');
    11         $page = (int) $this -> input -> get('page');        
    12         $page = $page == 0 ? 1 : $page;
    13         $pagenum = $pagenum == 0 ? 10 : $pagenum;
    14         $total = DB::result_first("select count(*) from app_video_comment where video_id = $id and comment_id = 0 and is_delete = 0");
    15         if(!$total){
    16             $this -> error('暂无数据');
    17         }
    18         $data['total'] = $total;
    19         $data['maxpage'] = ceil($total / $pagenum);
    20         $data['page'] = $page;
    21         $start = ($page - 1) * $pagenum;
    22         $sql = " select id,uid,comment_count,zan_count,content,video_id,addtime from app_video_comment where video_id = $id and comment_id = 0 and is_delete = 0 ";
    23         $sql .= " order by comment_count desc,zan_count desc limit $start,$pagenum ";
    24         $list = (array) DB::fetch_array($sql);
    26         foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
    27             $user = DB::row_first("select uid,avatar,nickname from app_user where uid = '{$value['uid']}' ");
    28             $value['nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
    29             $value['avatar'] = $user['avatar'] == '' ? $this -> domain . '/static/images/defaultavatar.jpg' : $this -> domain . $value['avatar'];
    30             //查看是否已经赞过了
    31             $value['comment_status'] = (int) DB::row_first("select count(*) from app_video_comment_zan where uid = '$uid' and comment_id = '{$value['id']}' ");
    32         }
    33         $data['comment_list'] = $list;
    34         $this -> json_return($data);
    35     }
    36     /**
    37      * @desc 获取评论列表 
    38      * @version 3.0
    39      * @author wzh
    40      * @date 2017-02-20
    41      */
    42     public function getCommentList2(){
    43         $cat_id = (int) $this -> input -> get('cat_id');
    44         $cat_id_2 = (int) $this -> input -> get('cat_id_2');
    45         $id = (int) $this -> input -> get('id');
    46         $page = (int) $this -> input -> get('page');        
    47         $page = $page == 0 ? 1 : $page;
    48         $pagenum = $pagenum == 0 ? 10 : $pagenum;
    49         $total = DB::result_first("select count(*) from app_video_comment where video_id = $id and comment_id = 0 and is_delete = 0");
    50         if(!$total){
    51             $this -> error('暂无数据');
    52         }
    53         $data['total'] = $total;
    54         $data['maxpage'] = ceil($total / $pagenum);
    55         $data['page'] = $page;
    56         $start = ($page - 1) * $pagenum;
    57         $sql = " select id,uid,comment_count,zan_count,content,video_id,addtime from app_video_comment where video_id = $id and comment_id = 0 and is_delete = 0 ";
    58         $sql .= " order by comment_count desc,zan_count desc limit $start,$pagenum ";
    59         $list = (array) DB::fetch_array($sql);
    60         $uidArr = $commentArr = array();
    61         foreach ($list as $value) {
    62             $uidArr['uid'] = (int) $value['uid'];
    63             $commentArr[] = (int) $value['id'];
    64         }
    65         $uidstr = empty($uidArr) ? 0 : implode(',', $uidArr);
    66         $commentstr = empty($commentArr) ? 0 : implode(',',$commentArr);
    68         $uidList = DB::fetch_array("select uid,avatar,nickname from app_user where uid in ($uidstr)");
    69         $uidArr = array();
    70         foreach ($uidList as $value) {
    71             $uidArr[$value['uid']] = $value;
    72         }
    74         $commentList = DB::fetch_array("select comment_id,count(*) as cnt from app_video_comment_zan where uid = '$uid' and comment_id in ($commentstr) group by comment_id ");
    75         $commentArr = array();
    76         foreach ($commentList as $value) {
    77             $commentArr[$value['comment_id']] = $value['cnt'];
    78         }
    79         foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
    81             $value['nickname'] = $uidArr[$value['uid']]['nickname'];
    82             $value['avatar'] = $uidArr[$value['uid']]['avatar'] == '' ? $this -> domain . '/static/images/defaultavatar.jpg' : $this -> domain . $uidArr[$value['uid']]['avatar'];
    83             //查看是否已经赞过了
    84             $value['comment_status'] = (int) $commentArr[$value['comment_id']];
    85         }
    86         $data['comment_list'] = $list;
    87         $this -> json_return($data);
    88     }

    上述代码中 尽管第二个方法比第一个方法 优化了许多,把循环查询编程了一次查询,但是还没有达到最优的效果;还可以进一步优化,目前这里就不讲了,留下思考空间

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ailingfei/p/6419590.html
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