• Java实现LeetCode_0009_PalindromeNumber

    package javaLeetCode_primary;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class PalindromeNumber_9 {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    		System.out.println("Please input the integer:");			
    		int x=input.nextInt();
    	}// end main()
    	 * Data is stored on a stack.
    	 * Test data:
    	 * 121
    	 * 1221
    	 * -121
    	 * 10
    	 * 1221
    	 * */
    	public static boolean isPalindrome_1(int x) {
    		String str = Integer.toString(x);
    		char[] cha = str.toCharArray();
    		Stack <Character>stack = new Stack<Character>();
    		boolean isPalindrome = true;
    		for(int i=0;i<str.length()/2;i++) {
    		}//end for
    		int temp=0;
    		if(str.length()%2==0) {
    			temp= str.length()/2;			
    		}else {
    			temp = str.length()/2+1;
    		}//end if
    		for(int i=temp;i<str.length();i++) {
    			if(stack.pop()==cha[i]) {
    				isPalindrome = true;
    			}else {
    				isPalindrome = false;
    		}//end for
    		return isPalindrome;
    	}// end isPalindrome()
    	 * Use the Conventional thinking.
    	 * */
    public static boolean isPalindrome_2(int x) {
    		String str = Integer.toString(x);
    		char[] cha = str.toCharArray();
    		boolean isPalindrome = true;
    		int temp = str.length();
    		for(int i=0;i<temp/2;i++) {
    			if(cha[i]==cha[temp-i-1]) {
    				isPalindrome = true;
    			}else {
    				isPalindrome = false;
    			}//end if
    		}//end for
    		return isPalindrome;
    	}// end isPalindrome()
     * Answer online 
     * Use the MathMetical method.
     * */
    public static boolean isPalindrome_3(int x) {
    	boolean isPalindrome = false;
    	int temp = 0;
    	if(x < 0 || (x % 10 == 0 && x != 0)) {
            return isPalindrome;
        }//end if
    	while(temp<x) {
    		temp = (temp*10)+ (x%10);
    		x /= 10;
    	}//end while()
    	if(temp/10==x||temp == x)
    		isPalindrome = true;
    	return isPalindrome;
    }// end isPalindrome()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/a1439775520/p/12947029.html
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