• 整理Py小demo

     1 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
     2 # 第一个参数就是邮件正文,第二个参数是MIME的subtype,
     3 # 传入'plain'表示纯文本,最终的MIME就是'text/plain',最后一定要用utf-8编码保证多语言兼容性。
     4 msg=MIMEText('Hello Send By Python123','plain','utf-8')
     6 import smtplib
     7 server =smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.qq.com',465)
     8 server.set_debuglevel(1)
     9 # essplrlkpwcvbfci
    10 # server.ehlo()
    11 # server.starttls()
    12 server.login('912549963@qq.com','xxxx是邮箱客户端的一列序列号')
    13 server.sendmail('912549963@qq.com','18437963713@163.com',msg.as_string())
    14 server.quit()
    18 # from email.mime.text import MIMEText
    19 # msg = MIMEText('hello, send by Python5656', 'plain', 'utf-8')
    20 # import smtplib
    21 # server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.qq.com', 465) # SMTP协议默认端口是25
    22 # server.set_debuglevel(1)
    23 # server.ehlo()
    24 # server.starttls()
    25 # server.login('912549963@qq.com','nrabssgxathrbfhh')
    26 # server.sendmail('912549963@qq.com','18437963713@163.com', msg.as_string())
    27 # server.quit()
     1 # import urllib.request
     2 # import re
     3 # import os
     4 # import urllib
     5 # #根据给定的网址来获取网页详细信息,得到的html就是网页的源代码
     6 # def getHtml(url):
     7 #     page = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
     8 #     html = page.read()
     9 #     return html.decode('UTF-8')
    10 #
    11 # def getImg(html):
    12 #     reg = r'src="(.+?.jpg)" pic_ext'
    13 #     imgre = re.compile(reg)
    14 #     imglist = imgre.findall(html)#表示在整个网页中过滤出所有图片的地址,放在imglist中
    15 #     x = 0
    16 #     path = 'D:\test'
    17 #    # 将图片保存到D:\test文件夹中,如果没有test文件夹则创建
    18 #     if not os.path.isdir(path):
    19 #         os.makedirs(path)
    20 #     paths = path+'\'      #保存在test路径下
    21 #
    22 #     for imgurl in imglist:
    23 #         urllib.request.urlretrieve(imgurl,'{}{}.jpg'.format(paths,x))  #打开imglist中保存的图片网址,并下载图片保存在本地,format格式化字符串
    24 #         x = x + 1
    25 #     return imglist
    26 # html = getHtml("http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2460150866")#获取该网址网页详细信息,得到的html就是网页的源代码
    27 # print (getImg(html)) #从网页源代码中分析并下载保存图片
    28 #endregion
    爬取图片 并存在本地文件夹中
     1 from flask import Flask # 导入包
     3 app = Flask(__name__) # 创建一个Web应用
     5 @app.route('/') # 定义路由(Views),可以理解为定义页面的URL
     6 def index():
     7     return "这是用Python + Flask 搞出来的。" # 渲染页面
     9 if __name__ == "__main__":
    10     app.run(host='',port=8080) # 运行,指定监听地址为
    11 #  运行这个会返回--》这是用Python + Flask 搞出来的。
    if __name__ == '__main__':#这个其实就是在当前模块的时候,_name_的值是__main__,在其他模块引用此模块的话,name的值就是“当前”模块的值。


    1 import urllib.request
    2 url='http://www.sogou.com/'
    3 local_path='E:download.html'
    4 urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_path)
    1 # a=lambda x:x+2#这里的拉姆达表达示被看成一个函数了
    2 # print(a(1))
    3 # print(a(2))
    4 #
    5 # add = lambda x, y : x+y
    6 # print(add(1,2) ) # 结果为3
    8 # y=lambda  a,b,c:(a+b)/c
    9 # print(str(y(1,5,9))[0:5])
     1 # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
     2 # import requests
     3 # from datetime import datetime
     4 # import json
     5 # import re
     7 # news_url = 'http://news.sina.com.cn/c/nd/2017-05-08/doc-ifyeycfp9368908.shtml'
     8 # web_data = requests.get(news_url)
     9 # web_data.encoding = 'utf-8'
    10 # soup = BeautifulSoup(web_data.text,'lxml')
    11 # # print(soup.select('a'))
    12 #
    13 # links = soup.findAll('a')
    14 # href=soup.select('.side-tool to-top')
    15 # print(links)
    16 # print(href)
    17 # print(soup.a.string)
    18 # print(soup.a.attrs)
    19 # title = soup.select('#artibodyTitle')[0].text
    20 # a1 = soup.select('a')
    21 # a = soup.select('a')[0]
    22 # aa = soup.select('a')[0]['href']
    23 # print(title)
    24 # print('----------------------------------------------------')
    25 #
    26 # for hrefs in a1:
    27 #     print(hrefs.text)
    28 #     print(hrefs)
    29 #     a= a1.select('a')[2]['href']
    30 #     print(a)
    31     # print(hrefs.select('.href'))
    32 # print(a1)
    33 # print(a)
    34 # print(aa)
    爬取网页 BeautifulSoup
     1 from  bs4 import BeautifulSoup
     2 import requests
     3 from datetime import datetime
     4 import json
     5 import re
     7 url='http://news.sina.com.cn/c/nd/2017-05-08/doc-ifyeycfp9368908.shtml'
     8 web_Content=requests.get(url)
     9 web_Content.encoding='utf-8'
    10 soup=BeautifulSoup(web_Content.text,'lxml')
    11 title=soup.select('#artibodyTitle')[0].text
    13 print(title)
    15 time = soup.select('.time-source')[0].contents[0].strip()
    16 dt = datetime.strptime(time,'%Y年%m月%d日%H:%M')
    17 print(dt)
     1 class Foo:
     3     def __init__(self, name, age):
     4         self.name = name
     5         self.age = age
     7     def detail(self):
     8         print(self.name)
     9         print(self.age)
    11 obj1 = Foo('chengd', 18)
    12 obj1.detail()  # Python默认会将obj1传给self参数,即:obj1.detail(obj1),所以,此时方法内部的 self = obj1,即:self.name 是 chengd ;self.age 是 18
    14 # obj2 = Foo('python', 99)
    15 # obj2.detail()  # Python默认会将obj2传给self参数,即:obj1.detail(obj2),所以,此时方法内部的 self = obj2,即:self.name 是 python ; self.age 是 99x
     1 # 在这个函数中Yield 是用来返回值得,就好比return
     2 # def addlist(alist):
     3 #     for i in alist:
     4 #         yield i+1
     5 #
     6 # alist=[1,2,3]
     7 # for x in addlist(alist):
     8 #     print(x)
     9 print('----------12121212--------------------------------------------')
    10 def h():
    11     print ('To be brave')
    12     m= yield 5656
    13     print('Fighting!')
    14 cc=h()
    15 mm=cc.__next__()
    16 # print(cc.__next__())
    17 print(mm)
    19 print('------------------78979887--------------------------')
    20 def h():
    21     print ('Wen Chuan')
    22     mm = yield 5555
    23     print ('Fighting!')
    25 c = h()
    26 m = c.__next__()
    27 print('mm value is ',m)
    29 print('-------------------------------------------------------------------')
    30 def h():
    31     print ('Wen Chuan')
    32     m = yield 5  # Fighting!
    33     print (m)
    34     d = yield 12
    35     print ('We are together!')
    36 c = h()
    37 c.__next__()  #相当于c.send(None)
    38 c.send('Fighting!')  #(yield 5)表达式被赋予了'Fighting!'
    40 print('-----------rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr----------------------------------------')
    41 def h():
    42     print ('Wen Chuan',)
    43     mm = yield 5  # Fighting!
    44     print (m)
    45     ddd = yield 12
    46     print ('We are together!')
    47 c = h()
    48 m = c.__next__()  #m 获取了yield 5 的参数值 5 ---- 可能是遇到的第一个yield的值
    49 d = c.send('Fighting!')  #d 获取了yield 12 的参数值12 ---- send里的参数会把第一个yield替换掉。然后c.send()获取第二个yield的值
    50 print ('We will never forget the date', m, '.', d)
    51 # send(msg) 和 next()是有返回值的,它们的返回值很特殊,返回的是下一个yield表达式的参数
    yield Next Send
  • 相关阅读:
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    60. 礼物的最大价值 (未理解)
    59. 把数字翻译成字符串
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    57. 数字序列中某一位的数字 (不懂)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZkbFighting/p/9638732.html
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