• 分治法实现大整数乘法【C++语言】


    首先从仅有两位数字的两个数12和34考虑,12 = 1 * 10 + 2,34 = 3 * 10 + 4

    把它们相乘:408 = 12 * 34 = (1 * 3) * 100 + (1 * 4 + 2 * 3) * 10 + 2 * 4

    上式虽然产生了正确的结果,但是也使用了4次乘法。但是中间项的计算结果可以使用已经计算过的1 * 3和2 * 4来简化依次乘法

    1 * 4 + 2 * 3 = (1 + 4) * ( 2 + 3) - 1 * 3 - 2 * 4


    c = a * b = c2*100 + c1*10 + c0,其中c2 = a1 * b1, c0 = a0 * b0, c1 = a1 * b0 + a0 * b1 = (a1 + a0) * (b1 + b0)  - (c2 +c0)

    a的前半部分记作a1, 后半部分记作a0,b的前半部分记作b1, 后半部分记作b0


    c = a * b 

    = (a1 * 10 ^ n/2 + a0) * (b1 * 10 ^ n/2 + b0) 

    = (a1*b1)*10^n + (a1 * b0 + a0 * b1) * 10 ^ n/2 + (a0 * b0)

    = c2 * 10 ^ n + c1 * 10 ^ n/2 + c0


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    int qpow(int n, int a = 10) {
    	int ret = 1;
    	while (n) {
    		if (n & 1) ret = ret * a;
    		a = a * a;
    		n >>= 1;
    	return ret;
    int len(int n) {
    	int a = 0;
    	while (n) {
    		n /= 10;
    	return a;
    int bigmul(int a, int b, int n) {
    	if (n <= 2)
    		return a * b;
    	int a1 = a / qpow(n / 2);
    	int a0 = a % qpow(n / 2);
    	int b1 = b / qpow(n / 2);
    	int b0 = b % qpow(n / 2);
    	int c2 = bigmul(a1, b1, n / 2);
    	int c0 = bigmul(a0, b0, n / 2);
    	int c1 = bigmul(a1 + a0, b1 + b0, n / 2) - (c2 + c0);
    	return c2 * qpow(n) + c1 * qpow(n / 2) + c0;
    int main() {
    	int a, b, n;
    	while (cin >> a >> b) {
    		n = qpow(ceil(log2(max(len(a), len(b)))), 2);
    		cout << bigmul(a, b, n) << endl;


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    template <typename T>
    int toInt(T s)
    	// 将字符串或字符转化为数字
    	int res;
    	stringstream ss;
    	ss << s;
    	ss >> res;
    	return res;
    string toStr(int n)
    	// 将数字转为字符串
    	string res;
    	stringstream ss;
    	ss << n;
    	ss >> res;
    	return res;
    void addZero(string &s, int n, bool pre = true)
    	// 在字符串前或者字符串后添加0(默认为前)
    	string temp(n, '0');
    	s = pre ? temp + s : s + temp;
    void removeZero(string &s)
    	// 去除前导零
    	int i = 0;
    	while (i < s.length() && s[i] == '0')
    	if (i < s.length())
    		s = s.substr(i);
    		s = "0";
    string add(string a, string b)
    	// 大数加法(只考虑a+b非负)
    	string res;
    	reverse(a.begin(), a.end());
    	reverse(b.begin(), b.end());
    	int l = max((int)a.size(), (int)b.size());
    	for (int i = 0, j = 0; j || i < l; ++i)
    		int t = j;
    		if (i < a.size())
    			t += toInt(a[i]);
    		if (i < b.size())
    			t += toInt(b[i]);
    		int q = t % 10;
    		res = char(q + '0') + res;
    		j = t / 10;
    	return res;
    string sub(string a, string b)
    	// 大数减法(只考虑a-b非负)
    	string res;
    	reverse(a.begin(), a.end());
    	reverse(b.begin(), b.end());
    	int lx = (int)a.size(), ly = (int)b.size(), j = 0;
    	//int* temp = new int[lx];
    	int *temp = (int *)calloc(lx, sizeof(int));
    	for (int i = 0; i < lx; ++i)
    		int ai = toInt(a[i]);
    		int bi = i < ly ? toInt(b[i]) : 0;
    		temp[j++] = ai - bi;
    	for (int i = 0; i < lx; ++i)
    		if (temp[i] < 0)
    			temp[i] += 10;
    			--temp[i + 1];
    	for (int i = lx - 1; i >= 0; --i)
    		res += toStr(temp[i]);
    	return res;
    string mul(string a, string b)
    	// 大数乘法(只考虑a,b非负)
    	string res;
    	int n = 2;
    	if (a.size() > 2 || b.size() > 2)
    		n = 4;
    		while (n < a.size() || n < b.size())
    			n <<= 1;
    		addZero(a, n - (int)a.size());
    		addZero(b, n - (int)b.size());
    	if (a.size() == 1)
    		addZero(a, 1);
    	if (b.size() == 1)
    		addZero(b, 1);
    	if (n == 2)
    	{ // 递归终止
    		int temp = toInt(a) * toInt(b);
    		res = toStr(temp);
    		string a1, a0, b1, b0, c2, c1, c0;
    		a1 = a.substr(0, n / 2);
    		a0 = a.substr(n / 2);
    		b1 = b.substr(0, n / 2);
    		b0 = b.substr(n / 2);
    		c2 = mul(a1, b1);
    		c0 = mul(a0, b0);
    		c1 = sub(mul(add(a0, a1), add(b0, b1)), add(c2, c0));
    		addZero(c2, n, false);
    		addZero(c1, n / 2, false);
    		res = add(add(c2, c1), c0);
    	return res;
    int main()
    	string a, b;
    	while (cin >> a >> b)
    		cout << mul(a, b) << endl;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZKin/p/9471046.html
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