• PL/0编译器(java version) – Scanner.java

       1:  package compiler;
       3:  import java.io.BufferedReader;
       4:  import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
       5:  import java.io.FileReader;
       6:  import java.util.Arrays;
       8:  public class Scanner {
      10:      public int lineCnt=0;
      11:      private char curCh = ' ';
      12:      private String line;
      13:      public int lineLength = 0;
      14:      public int chCount = 0;
      15:      private int[] ssym;
      16:      private BufferedReader in;
      18:      public Scanner(String filePath) {
      19:          try {
      20:              in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));
      21:          } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
      22:              ex.printStackTrace();
      23:              System.out.println("***File not exist!***");
      24:          }
      25:          //设置单字符
      26:          ssym = new int[256];
      27:          Arrays.fill(ssym, Symbol.nul);
      28:          ssym['+'] = Symbol.plus;
      29:          ssym['-'] = Symbol.minus;
      30:          ssym['*'] = Symbol.mul;
      31:          ssym['/'] = Symbol.div;
      32:          ssym['('] = Symbol.lparen;
      33:          ssym[')'] = Symbol.rparen;
      34:          ssym['='] = Symbol.eql;
      35:          ssym[','] = Symbol.comma;
      36:          ssym['.'] = Symbol.peroid;
      37:          ssym[';'] = Symbol.semicolon;
      39:      }
      41:      //读取一个字符,为减少磁盘I/O次数,每次读取一行
      42:      void getch() {
      43:          if (chCount == lineLength) {
      44:              try {//如果读到行末尾,就重新读入一行
      45:                  String tmp="";
      46:                  while (tmp.equals("")) {
      47:                      tmp=in.readLine().trim()+' ';               //除去空行
      48:                  }
      49:                  line=tmp;
      50:                  lineCnt++;
      51:              } catch (Exception e) {
      52:                  // throw new Error("***program imcomplete!***");
      53:                  e.printStackTrace();
      54:                  System.out.println("***reading character meet with error!***");
      55:              }
      56:              lineLength = line.length();
      57:              chCount = 0;
      58:              System.out.println(line);
      59:          }
      60:          curCh = line.charAt(chCount++);
      61:      }
      63:      //词法分析,获取一个词法分析符号,是词法分析器的重点
      64:      public Symbol getsym() {
      65:          Symbol sym;
      66:          while (curCh == ' ') {
      67:              getch();
      68:          }
      69:          if ((curCh >= 'a' && curCh <= 'z')||(curCh >= 'A' && curCh <= 'Z')) {
      70:              sym = matchKeywordOrIdentifier();                                     //关键字或者一般标识符
      71:          } else if (curCh >= '0' && curCh <= '9') {
      72:              sym = matchNumber();                                                       //数字
      73:          } else {
      74:              sym = matchOperator();                                                     //操作符
      75:          }
      76:          return sym;
      77:      }
      79:      private Symbol matchKeywordOrIdentifier() {
      80:          StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      81:          do{
      82:              sb.append(curCh);
      83:              getch();
      84:          }while((curCh >= 'a' && curCh <= 'z')||(curCh>='A'&&curCh<='Z') || (curCh >= '0' && curCh <= '9'));
      86:          String token = sb.toString();
      87:          int index = Arrays.binarySearch(Symbol.word, token);                           //搜索是不是保留字
      88:          Symbol sym = null;
      89:          if (index < 0) {
      90:              sym = new Symbol(Symbol.ident);                                            //一般标识符
      91:              sym.id = token;
      92:          } else {
      93:              sym = new Symbol(Symbol.wsym[index]);                                    //保留字对应的符号值0-31
      94:          }
      95:          return sym;
      96:      }
      98:      private Symbol matchNumber() {
      99:          //统计数字位数
     100:          Symbol sym = new Symbol(Symbol.number);
     101:          do {                      
     102:              sym.num = 10 * sym.num + curCh - '0';                                    // 获取数字的值
     103:              getch();
     104:          } while (curCh >= '0' && curCh <= '9');                                    //!!!
     106:          return sym;
     107:      }
     109:      private Symbol matchOperator() {
     110:          Symbol sym = null;
     111:          switch (curCh) {
     112:              case ':':                                                                       // 赋值符号
     113:                  getch();
     114:                  if (curCh == '=') {
     115:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.becomes);
     116:                      getch();
     117:                  } else {
     118:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.nul);                               //不能识别的符号
     119:                  }
     120:                  break;
     121:              case '<':                                                                    //小于或者小于等于
     122:                  getch();
     123:                  if (curCh == '=') {
     124:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.leq);                             //是<=
     125:                      getch();
     126:                  } else if (curCh == '>') {
     127:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.neq);                           //是<>
     128:                      getch();
     129:                  } else {
     130:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.lss);                             //是<
     131:                  }
     132:                  break;
     133:              case '>':                                                      //大于或者大于等于
     134:                  getch();
     135:                  if (curCh == '=') {
     136:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.geq);                           //大于等于
     137:                      getch();
     138:                  } else {
     139:                      sym = new Symbol(Symbol.gtr);                            //大于
     140:                  }
     141:                  break;
     142:              default:
     143:                  sym = new Symbol(ssym[curCh]);
     144:                  if (sym.symtype != Symbol.peroid) {
     145:                      getch();
     146:                  }
     147:          }
     148:          return sym;
     149:      }
     150:  }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZJUT-jiangnan/p/3560962.html
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