• [翻译] SlideInView


    This is a quick and lightweight example of how to present a notification like view from the bottom of a view. Using SlideInView, the code you'd need would look something like this:


    UIView *notificationView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, 100)];
    notificationView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:5/255.0 green:61/255.0 blue:98/255.0 alpha:1];
    SlidingViewManager *svm = [[SlidingViewManager alloc] initWithInnerView:notificationView containerView:self.view];
    [svm slideViewIn];

    The different approach taken here is to animate any view, without making assumption about whether it is a Warning or Failure message like many other libraries do.


    Included are simple demos, most of which emulate the style you'd see in ALAlertBanner.


    Currently all included in the same video.


    1. View with Button 有Button的view
    2. ALAlertBannerStyleSuccess Success样式的view
    3. ALAlertBannerStyleFailure Failure样式的view
    4. ALAlertBannerStyleWarning Warning样式的view
    5. ALAlertBannerStyleNotify Notify样式的view
    6. Stacking Views 栈模式的view
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YouXianMing/p/4195041.html
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