• JS动态添加行列

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Add-Delete Row.aspx.cs" Inherits="Add_Delete_Row" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <style type="text/css">
            #Add{ margin:0px auto;}
            #tab{ border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center; margin:0 auto;}
            #tab td{ border:1px solid #000000;}
            #tr1{ font-family:@华文仿宋; color:Red;}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function findObj(theObj, theDoc) {
                var p, i, foundObj;
                if (!theDoc) theDoc = document;
                if ((p = theObj.indexOf("?")) > 0 && parent.frames.length)
                { theDoc = parent.frames[theObj.substring(p + 1)].document; theObj = theObj.substring(0, p); } if (!(foundObj = theDoc[theObj]) && theDoc.all) foundObj = theDoc.all[theObj]; for (i = 0; !foundObj && i < theDoc.forms.length; i++) foundObj = theDoc.forms[i][theObj]; for (i = 0; !foundObj && theDoc.layers && i < theDoc.layers.length; i++) foundObj = findObj(theObj, theDoc.layers[i].document); if (!foundObj && document.getElementById) foundObj = document.getElementById(theObj); return foundObj;
            function addRow() {
                var txtIndex = findObj("txtIndex", document);
                var rowID = parseInt(txtIndex.value);
                var signFrame = findObj("tab", document);
                var newTR = signFrame.insertRow(signFrame.rows.length);
                newTR.id = "SignItem" + rowID; //添加行数的ID
                var NewTd1 = newTR.insertCell(0);
                NewTd1.style.width = 200;
                var NewTd2 = newTR.insertCell(1); 
                NewTd2.style.width = 190;
                var NewTd3 = newTR.insertCell(2);
                NewTd3.style.width = 210;
                var NewTd4 = newTR.insertCell(3);
                NewTd4.style.width = 40;
                NewTd1.innerHTML = "<input type = 'text' style = ' 170px; text-align:center; border:0px;' id = 'txt " + rowID + "' />";
                NewTd2.innerHTML = "<input type = 'text' style = ' 160px; text-align:center; border:0px;' id = 'txt " + rowID + "' />";
                NewTd3.innerHTML = "<input type = 'text' style = ' 170px; text-align:center; border:0px;' id = 'txt " + rowID + "' />";
                NewTd4.innerHTML = "<a style = ' text-decoration:none;' href = '#' onclick = "DeleteSignRow('SignItem" + rowID + "')">删除</a>";            
                txtIndex.value = (rowID + 1).toString();
            function DeleteSignRow(rowid) {
                var signFrame = findObj("tab", document);
                var signItem = findObj(rowid, document);
                var rowIndex = signItem.rowIndex;
    //            for (i = rowIndex; i < signFrame.rows.length; i++) {
    //                signFrame.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML = i.toString();
    //            }
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <div style = " 640px; margin:0 auto;" id = "dv">
        <input type="button" id="Add" value="添加一行" onclick = "addRow()" />
            <input name='txtIndex' type='hidden' id='txtIndex' value="4" />
        <br />
        <table width = "640" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id = "tab">
                <td colspan = "3">
            <tr id = "tr1">
                <td style = " 200px;">姓名</td>
                <td style = " 190px">邮箱</td>
                <td style = " 210px">投标内容</td>
                <td style = " 40px"></td>
                <td colspan = "3">
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YiZhiZaiNvLi/p/4117427.html
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